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Topics - Cman 8 23 93

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Suggestions & Ideas / Armadyl Range Weapon
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:26:52 pm »
I noticed that Zamorak and Saradomin have both melee and ranged weapons. I was curious as to why Armadyl doesn't have
a ranged weapon. I think it would be a nice addition to the game. I've talked to other people and they agree that it would
be awesome to have an Armadyl ranged weapon.

Will there be any plans about adding a sort of Armadyl range weapon into Emps? If so, Why or Why not?

Resolved Bug Reports / Wierd Falador Barbarian Glitch
« on: December 28, 2014, 06:18:53 pm »
Last night, I was in Falador when I logged out. This morning, I logged back in, only to find myself and many other people
in Barbarian Village buying and selling with each other. I was curious as to why people were trading in Barbarian Village
and not Falador, so I tele'd to Falador, only to find my self at Barbarian Village. I saw random doors and white knights at
Barbarian Village, even the falador npcs were at Barbarian Village. I continued to walk around, only to find myself
suddenly stuck in a wall at White Knights Castle. For some reason, the location's glitched on me, and thought I was in
Barbarian Village, when I was actually in Falador. Do you get it? It's really hard to explain, sorry. Feel free to ask me

(in the confusion, I forgot to take screenshots. if it happens again, I will take a screenshot)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re-Code the Bow Hand
« on: December 25, 2014, 02:32:55 am »
This always annoys me, but the Avatar is right-handed, yes? The Avatar holds everything in the right hand,
because it's the dominate hand. Why would the bow go in the right hand? The Bow should go to the left
hand so that the right hand is drawing back the string.

I doubt anyone has noticed this. I just tend to pick up things like that.

Suggestions & Ideas / New Hair Colours
« on: December 25, 2014, 12:41:59 am »
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, but I'd like to see more hair colours in the game!
Maybe Pink and different shades of the colours, like Light and Dark option.

Resolved Bug Reports / Major Lag with Item Glitch
« on: December 21, 2014, 07:56:44 pm »
For some reason, at 1:00 PM American Central Time, I have been lagging nonstop. So much that whenever I log out, I cant because of all the lag. The lag was preventing me from logging out, and items even glitched on me, as in the picture.
In the picture, some guy was giving me 400k coins, but the item showed up as noted Dragon Boots. Why am I lagging so much? All of my settings are reduced. It was working fine earlier today.

Goals & Achievements / My first 99!!!!
« on: December 20, 2014, 03:43:50 am »
I got my first 99 today!!! In Range!! I was so happy, I gave some guy 1m :D
He was so happy, just seeing him happy made me happy. lol
I love you all!!!!!

Suggestions & Ideas / Remove Old Topics
« on: December 19, 2014, 09:08:44 pm »
I was just wondering if you were ever going to remove old topics that can get people warned for "Digging".
I replied to the forum "giveaway" and got a warning. It was an accident, I didn't know it was old.
Why not save time and just remove older topics so you don't have to warn people?

Suggestions & Ideas / Dragon Longsword Animation
« on: December 19, 2014, 12:51:57 am »
I was just curious if the Emps-World Team was going to change the Dragon Longsword wielding animation back
to the old one. Why did you change it anyway? Thought it made my guy look cooler. ;D

Resolved Bug Reports / Major wilderness Bug!!!
« on: December 14, 2014, 11:25:54 pm »
I got killed because of a major bug in the wilderness. The Non Multi combat is broken.
I was attacked by a Monster and a player in a Non multi combat zone.
This happened to me TWO TIMES by Knights and C4 Nerd.

Yes, I have complained about this many times. How about you guys get your act together and fix it
and stop flaming at the players. Just because you did something wrong doesn't mean you have
to get upset about it.

Suggestions & Ideas / Dungeoneering Skill *not talking about Items*
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:51:04 pm »
I wanted to know if the Emps-World team was considering introducing the Dungeoneering Skill.
Every day, I try and do it but it doesn't work. Is it not fully implemented yet?

*You said not to talk about Dungeoneering Items, not the Skill itself.

Suggestions & Ideas / Wilderness Combat System
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:47:58 pm »
I was in the Wilderness, you know, minding my own business getting the new PVP armour.
WHILE in combat with a monster, I was attacked and slain by someone ( I feel like mentioning him would be rude,
even though what he did was even more rude).

To me, its not fair that you can be attacked by a player while fighting a Monster.
If 3-way player combat isn't allowed, then 2-way player and monster combat shouldn't.

I was thinking of making an update preventing someone from attacking you WHILE in combat with a monster.
I don't want more people losing their items like I did to jerks like (again, not mentioning him because that would be rude of me)

Resolved Bug Reports / Ava's Accumulator: Getting Rid of my arrows
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:37:26 pm »
I recently bought Ava's Accumulator. Everyone said it was worth the money. Boy, were they wrong.
Within minutes of purchase, I went from 125 arrows to 61 arrows. It's supposed to make you lose less
arrows, but as you can see, I lost more than usual.

Will there be a fix to this soon?

Resolved Bug Reports / Castle Wars: The Bugs aren't worth the rewards.
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:34:53 pm »
As you may know, Castle Wars has waaaay to many Bugs. Many of which involve:
 Banners Disappearing
Cant Open Doors
Underground, Glitching through walls and can't control character. Forces you to run nonstop.
Can't walk in an area where a barrier has been destroyed
Can't walk in general.

It's ridiculous. The frustration from the bugs is NOT worth the rewards Castle Wars has to offer.

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