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Topics - Attacker35

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Resolved Bug Reports / Korasi's Maxhit
« on: November 25, 2015, 04:59:07 pm »
korasi's maxhit is being displayed less than it actually is. both same in the equipment stats and pressing it via quest tab. i can still hit as high as the regular maxhit should be.

Suggestions & Ideas / Suggestions
« on: November 15, 2015, 06:25:07 pm »
Notes tab - Personally like the idea, you can just type stuff. I got the idea because of the music track tab being quite useless as it does not function.

KBD pet - would be a nice improvement next to all the other dragon pets

Dark bow - the accuracy of the spec should recieve a buff. the maxhit of it is great and all, but tryng it out for straight half an hour and hitting no more than a 31 is quite sad.
i understand that it got nerfed because of its unbalanced accuracy but imo it should be tested and buffed to a point where it hits something but it's not broken compared to everything else. in a nutshell, make it balanced because right now it is so unlikely that you even get a 25-25 in max gear on a main acc.

Minigame log - Much like the ::killlog, but you can see for example how many barrows runs you have made, castle wars and pest control etc.


Suggestions & Ideas / Void mace
« on: September 15, 2015, 05:38:41 am »
I would like to see void mace getting some actual use in game,  one of the to ideas is to make it autocast god spells such as guthix claws etc, the other one is to make it heal you trough spells, though this has to be balanced, maybe 10% or 20% of the damage dealt, don't know though
Thanks for your time, what do you think?

Resolved Bug Reports / I need help, Can't play.
« on: July 24, 2015, 08:53:30 pm »
When i log in, this happens. i still log in, my friends can see me log in and i can hear sounds though i can't click or interact with anything myself.

Suggestions & Ideas / boots for rangers
« on: July 16, 2015, 12:00:43 pm »
there's currently just 3 types of boots for rangers:
snakeskin boots
ranger boots
glavien boots

for melee and mage, there's a lot more variety like for melee there's all the metal boots, dragon, bandos, steads and for mage there's infinity, wizard, mystic, ghostly n such.

not that it's something that NEEDS to be done, maybe just adding 1 or 2 more types? they don't have to be better or probobly shouldn't be better than glaviens but just that there would be more variety. in my view this is not a ''must be'' but in my opinion, variety is key, specially when everything is balanced.

Resolved Bug Reports / Bugs that i've found and or seen
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:56:04 am »
Once doing zamorak in godwars, two zamorak bosses appeared, one seemed to be weaker
though i saw this about 3 weeks ago, i don't know whether this is fixed or not.

second one is that sometimes, when you teleport with a glory amulet, you will have a eating animation and the glory will dissapear. don't know whether this is with all the glories (1, 2, 3, 4) but this has happened to me with only the glories that have a single charge left.

Third one was about 3 weeks ago as well, in castle-wars a person somehow went in the air on top of a team's castle and so he logged (or died, not sure to be honest) and the flag was left in the air.

Screenshots / Personal best Bandos trip
« on: July 16, 2015, 11:45:48 am »
my luck usually doesn't shine While fighting against graardor but today it really did :D
sorry lol
big props to range 4 meee for taking hes time to duo with me  and leaving splits for me  <3

Suggestions & Ideas / Some ideas - possible improvements
« on: June 15, 2015, 02:18:31 pm »
Stringing amulets is not automatic right now. would be useful if it acted as making potions and such.

Don't know how this would affect PKing and the game in a nutshell but phoenix necklaces. opinions, ideas, anybody?

Add gilded boots to the pest control ticket exchange. same stats as rune boots and 40 defence required.

''All but one'' option in bank. i know that this has been suggested before but i'd really love to see that in game. would make banks not get messy as fast.

Suggestions & Ideas / Maxhit
« on: May 08, 2015, 06:14:49 am »
would be really useful, if when using a salve amulet and or a slayer helm, it would also show the maxhit that you can deal to assigned task monsters, undead just like anger axe shows how it damages bigger foes. I woul love this in game, got me confused once when i hit 47s with hasta when my max was 43.

Showcase / I Was bored while doing slayer
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:03:17 pm »
So i edited the dds a lil bit, let me know what you guys think

Resolved Bug Reports / Couple of bugs
« on: May 02, 2015, 05:12:21 pm »
when your prayer runs out when using the mystic might prayer, the message that your prayer ran out will continue to come up in the chatbox every few seconds but you'll still have the 15% magic bonus. i couldnt get rid of this until i went to PC and entering the game reset my stats. has happened to me twice alredy.

in the equipment and stats window there is a bug where if you move your item in your inventory, and then unequip an item, the item will act as the item you moved was still there. so basically for example in your very first slot of inventory you have a manta ray, you move it to the last spot in your inventory, the item you unequip will go on the 2nd slot in your invy.
this is not a big bug but i just thought to point it out.

obsidian sword's attack speed is at the speed of a longsword, it should be as fast as a scimitar, dagger, whip. i'd like it fixed because it will actually be the best weapon on 60 attack for pures when using zerker necklace.

dont know whether this is a bug or not but while in combat, you can basically attack any other mosnter nearby and switch to fighting with him. this being not being in multiway combat zones. i have no idea if it is supposed to be like that or not, i'm sure most people are aware of that by now.

when you are using a crossbow with some sort of arrows equipped, you will get a message sayng that ''you have run out of arrows'', would make more sense if it said ''you can't fire arrows with a crossbow'' or such. idk.

thanks for your time, would love to see these things get changed!


Screenshots / Some cool screens
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:50:05 pm »
Some really cool screens

Suggestions & Ideas / ideas
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:57:37 am »
With the GE coming in, i have some new ideas about it. I don't wether these changes are alredy coming so yeah.

when something gets sold in GE or you bought something, you get a notification in chat or something like that.

Obby maul to gmaul spec does not work

Obsidian swords attack speed is slower than it shuld be. It should be the speed of a scimitar, dagger.

Dragon battleaxes spec should be buffed, making it a really useful item as it is not used for anything atm.
i think it would be good if it would give you a couple more strength levels and the amount of attack levels
that it gave strengnth levels. Idk i like the weapon.

Suggestions & Ideas / More ideas
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:19:19 pm »
Got some more ideas here.

Seeds such as Jangerberry, limpwurt and whiteberry seeds are useless at the moment. it would be awesome, if you could farm these aswell.

Would be cool if salamanders would work as a ranged weapon using tar as ammunition.

Suggestions & Ideas / Ideas
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:28:39 pm »
Second post about my ideas and improvements.

⊙ Quick prayers

⊙ I have no idea how this will effect the community and the game itself but voting polls in game for new updates like in 07 would be nice in my opinion.

⊙ dragon spear special? ;)

⊙ this is just for fun but different icons on ranged and magic piety prayers.

⊙ make weapon poisons brewable?

⊙ slayer rings, made from the enchanted gem, says task and teleports you to different slayer areas (for more you can check rswiki).

⊙ some new rewards to clan wars to make it more active maybe.

⊙ get salamanders working as a ranged weapon please.

⊙ if chat popups like ring of recoil shattering, brawling gloves breakinging and being teleblocked would be colorful it would help alot as you get used to the chat being really active and you wont notice them.

Thanks for yo time

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