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Topics - Bubblebeam2

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Suggestions & Ideas / Resting
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:25:09 am »
Wouldn't it be great? *Sigh*

Resolved Bug Reports / D scimmy spec
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:29:21 am »
Anim is off a little. Try it and see what I mean.

Suggestions & Ideas / Revenants.
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:18:44 am »
So I have been reading peoples comments around the forums, and I think a new accessable area would be nice, and since I love revenants, so I figured why not pitch the idea.

So I'm pretty sure we all know what they are, those powerful ghosts that used to own you way back in runescape. I love those guys, and I would to see them implemented here.

So location? Obviously forinthry dungeon.

Drops? I was thinking silver bolts, dragon armor, around 25k gold, rune arrows, ashes, rune/addy armor, crystal key halves, snape grass, halloween masks, and jangerberries. The more powerful the revenant, the better the drops, right?

Attack style-The classic freezing dart, big melle swipe, and everyones favorite magic attack with it's bone-chilling sound effect. This, as well as eating when below 1/3 health, and the use of different attack styles based upon the players' protection prayer and armor.

In conclusion, I think this could be a fun idea to play around with, and I know some others would love to see these guys in-game (you know who you are)

General Discussion / Free stoof plooz lol
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:47:56 pm »
Not really. Nice to see all these familiar names, and the perfection of the map and stuff...etc lol. So this should be an interesting restart for everybody. I want my claws XD

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