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Topics - Bubblebeam2

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Screenshots / ow
« on: February 04, 2015, 02:29:31 am »

As Of February 3rd, 2015:
387 bronze dragons
164 Iron dragons
136 steel dragons

Smithed most of the steel bars, some of the iron.

Pretty much.

Resolved Bug Reports / Special attacks...
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:02:04 am »
If you right click a weapon that has an available special attack, then hit F5, and quickly select the “equip” option, then try to activate a special attack, the game will state: “This weapon has no special attack!”
However, clicking on the special attack bar shortly after this message is sent results in the successful execution of a special attack.

I created this topic in response to Zezimapk's topic, since I can't reply. I think you will find that this is the same problem he/she experienced with the dragon dagger.

Goals & Achievements / Corp Drops---Bubblebeam2
« on: January 24, 2015, 03:00:31 am »
Kill #1: 19 Spirit Seeds
Kill #2: 44055 gp
Kill #3: 109 Cosmic Runes
Kill #4: 57 Water Runes
Kill #5: 63 Death Runes
Kill #6: 53 Magic Logs
Kill #7: Manta Ray
Kill #8: 80 Soul Runes
Kill #9: 1 Spirit Seed
Kill #10: 45 Death Runes
Kill #11: 294 Rune essence
Kill #12: 43 Water Runes
Kill #13: Manta Ray
Kill #14: 52 Soul Runes
Kill #15: 3 Spirit Seeds
Kill #16: 33 Water Runes
Kill #17: 65140 Gp
Kill #18: 4 Spirit Seeds
Kill #20: 107 Water Runes
Kill #21: 76 Death Runes

Feedback / corp is great!
« on: January 24, 2015, 02:54:59 am »
He's cool, he's soloable, and...Everything we wanted. Great Job.

The price exploded in a couple days. What the hell happened?

Suggestions & Ideas / Karambwans
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:48:25 pm »
My suggestion is to add karambwans into the game, as a method of survival in the wilderness or bossing, and a new way for pures to survive high specials from claws, granite mauls, or just simply a new food to be used. For those of you who do not know what these are, they are kind of octopus-like in looks: and heal 18 hitpoints with no delay, meaning you can eat a manta, then a Karambwan for a very fast heal while at low health.

They would need to be quite rare, and difficult to cook, so I suggest a fairly high cooking level to cook them (E.G.-65?).

They would not be affected by the cooking gauntlets, making them more difficult to cook, and there would be no particular place to fish for them.

This may make no sense to some, but you people who know what they are know they are available at "Alfonse the waiter" in Brimhaven Village. for a price of about 900 gp for all three that he has in his store. In this game, since 900 gp is nothing, the price should be about 90k for all three, and about 30k each. The respawn time for them would have to be low, (perhaps 120 seconds) to prevent a huge flood of them into the game, severely hindering the price on the market. They should only be available in "raw" form though.

This would also require adding the waiter to his restaurant here:

Tell me what you think, I was thinking about these all day today, and had to make a suggestion after reading the "Gmaul is op" Topic.

Screenshots / How to recruit for pest control
« on: January 18, 2015, 10:07:29 pm »

Goals & Achievements / Full void acheived!
« on: January 18, 2015, 08:09:45 am »
Thanks to Joshiee, Suryoyo K0, RayRay, Vaughn147523, Cman 8 23 93, and Thesmexyazn for helping me finally get this awesome set.

A special thanks to Suryoyo, who stayed up forever to help me! <3

Another special thanks to Shoaib for staying in Falador and providing moral support from there in the form of not sending any pm's back. (Presumed dead)

Screenshots / Random New Set
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:15:27 am »

Pretty big pictures now that I think about it, but hey, why not.

Resolved Bug Reports / godsword Shards 2 and 1
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:03:44 am »
they aren't worth anything in the general store, and high alc for nothing.
They should give 190k, like godsword shard 3 does.

Suggestions & Ideas / Barbed bolts possible use
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:25:45 pm »
A weaker Morrigans Javelins special attack effect every once in a while.
Pretty much the bleeding effect, but since they only hit around 30 ish, it would be significantly weaker. Also, this would make pvm a lot easier, and provide a use for the now-useless Barbed Bolts.

Suggestions & Ideas / Dragonfire shield special
« on: January 13, 2015, 01:18:02 am »
Give the special a small amount of range, maybe 3-5 squares.
Would give mages the ability to use it in combat, and would just make it fun to use all around. And let us use the special when we are farther away from enemies....would be a bit more fun, and would grant some small strategies in pvp.

Guides / How to upload a picture to the forums (using imgur)
« on: January 07, 2015, 11:54:30 pm »
Step 1: find the picture you want to upload, and save it onto your computer in a folder you can find easily.

Step 2: Go to

Step 3: Click here:

Step 4: Click here:

Step 5: Find the picture you want to upload in the folder you created, and double click on it.

Step 6: Click on start upload, and wait for it to finish

Step 7: Make sure you use this link:

Step 8: Then paste the link onto the forums page or signature text box, and preview it, if it worked correctly, you should have a picture added onto the forums.

General Discussion / Don't fall for the "Snelm" Scam
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:56:27 pm »
Anyone selling snelms is simply trying to scam you, don't ever buy one, they are easily obtainable from the mortmyre swamp east of barrows in Canifis (the area that says "You are here")


Picture of the area:

General Discussion / Why do revenants have no attack delay while eating?
« on: January 04, 2015, 09:55:47 pm »

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