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Topics - Xdogzz

Pages: 1 2
Suggestions & Ideas / Warriors guild Magical animators
« on: October 02, 2014, 04:43:03 pm »
I suggest that the magical animators in warriors guild would be four ways. One way is really annoying since the players will go inside each other and annoy everyone. With 4 ways there would  be no such problem.
( can be 2 ways too)
Thx for reading.

Resolved Bug Reports / Hitpoints bug
« on: September 30, 2014, 01:54:33 pm »
Hello. I am here with another bug or a glitch. It happened when I was killing white knights, they were only hitting 0 on me(maybe it got something to do with the bug). The bug/glitch didnt resolve itself by re-logging. Logging in after a night of sleeping seems to have fixed it. I now have 76/80 hp.

The bug itself is simple. It show me that I have 81 hitpoints instead of the max possible 80.

General Discussion / Warriors guild item use?
« on: September 29, 2014, 02:04:33 pm »
Hello! I made this poll with a question. Why do people wear Fighter torsos or Fighter helms if Dragon items are much better? Do they have some special purposes? And what is the kings stuff used for, just decoration?

Resolved Bug Reports / Herb graphical error/bug FIX ASAP
« on: September 28, 2014, 10:02:35 am »
I found out that Herbs are bugged... They appear invisible or in half and I can place items on top of them,and when i remove the item they are still there.
Added a picture with examples in the attachments.
The glitch dissappeared after i teleported to any town though.

Games / Clash of Clans!
« on: September 26, 2014, 07:25:18 pm »
Hello fellow Emps-World player! Since you clicked this post I assume you play Clash of Clans (CoC).
I made this thread to invite cool people, The Emps-World community into my clan.

Its name is Sacred Light. We are expecting Town Hall 6-8 players.

Rules are simple: No cussing, wars arranged, promotions are earned, respect everyone, donations:200/season and 1/1 ratio.
And the most improtant one! Stay active!

Btw, My In-Game name is Anubis, The Co-Leader.

Keep on clashing!

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