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Topics - Hi Im Ethan

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Off-Topic / Fires that appear to burn indefinitely
« on: December 05, 2016, 03:37:56 pm »
Player-made fires do not seem to despawn on my client, this extends to well after their duration. I've had fires on screen for well over 20 minutes that do not despawn.

The second image is after I relog, which makes them disappear.

Relogging completely fixes the issue, but I thought I'd make a topic to raise awareness of it.

Screenshots / What have I done
« on: October 13, 2016, 06:19:47 am »
Ethan makes poor spending decisions.

They can't be noted, so this is the best I can do.

Feedback / Minor Feedback to the Rimmington/Catherby Dungeon Mobs
« on: October 10, 2016, 06:29:19 pm »
A small hash of feedback I've been accumulating for awhile now for this dungeon. Thought I might share it just to see what everyone else's thoughts were.

Giant Champions:
It's no surprise that these mobs have more or less become extinct with the shift of Defenders and the Torso (I believe they dropped it previously, correct me if I'm wrong) to the Warrior's Guild. The Giant Champions now only drop Big Bones and Limpwurt Roots, but aside from that have no general purpose aside from another source of low-mid level training (Which I also barely see being utilized). Considering how many of these reside in the Dungeon as well results in dead content wasting, surprisingly, a lot of space in this Dungeon that could be utilized for new content, particularly new areas for mobs.

If we wish to keep Giant Champions in game, then I believe that we need to remake the Giant Champions' Drop Table, adding in more drops to not necessarily return them to a viable-to-kill state, but still making them noteworthy. Compared to the other Giants (Excluding the Cyclopes), the drops that the other Giants offer makes them way more appealing, unless you're specifically trying to acquire just Limpwurt Roots.

Also, I think we should cut down the amount of space that they take up in the Dungeon so that we could possibly fit more mobs in, allowing for more content and/or traffic to the Dungeon itself.

This first room is where we should keep the Giant Champions. This room is fairly large and houses enough spawns to not make it too cluttered, but we could possibly add in 1 or 2 more to give it a more solid amount. However, if they're too much trouble, we could simply swap them out as well for another new mob.

This second room is another large area that I believe would be a better place for a new mob. We should remove all the Giant Champions in this room and replace them with another larger mob. I personally was thinking we could stick in Green Dragons somewhere, as the Dungeon itself is more so dedicated to dragons and Green Dragons are another solid mid-level mob that possesses a solid DT, but it's debatable.

This last room is the smallest of the 3, and could be a good spot for another smaller mob. I have no suggestion as to what we could include here, but again it's debatable.

Iron/Steel Dragons (Very Minor):
This isn't anything too serious, more just a peeve of mine. The Iron and Steel Dragon spawns in the Dungeon are clumped together which makes it a pain when you want to kill one type of dragon or the other. Particularly in the room that holds 4 of them, which feels very cluttered, when compared to the other room which has only 2 but is very open, their placement feels unintentional.

Just shuffling them around to the 3 Iron Dragons in one room and the 3 Steel Dragons in the other room would fix the issue, but again, it's nothing game-breaking that "needs" to be fixed.

Off-Topic / Brawler Aura
« on: October 02, 2016, 05:15:55 am »

I don't know if the bonuses not stacking was intentional, but as you can see, the % Attack Bonus of the Brawler Aura is added to the Void's Attack Bonus, but not the % Strength Bonus.
I also don't know if this is the case with the other Auras and the Void Sets, but I have a feeling that it might be as well.

Showcase / Thing
« on: September 29, 2016, 12:48:50 am »

Feedback / The current status of the EP Shop
« on: September 13, 2016, 04:23:11 pm »
Alongside Daily Tasks and the occasional Staff-Hosted Event, EP tends to be acquired at a fairly steady rate and is being introduced into the game in what I would say is a pretty fair way.
However, as more EP is being introduced into the game, the items available to purchase with the EP remain the same. Not that there is anything wrong with these cosmetic changes, as they appeal to some people for their cosmetic appearance, but the fact is that these items tend to get stale after awhile. The EP Shop feels like it's easily forgotten, I mean it's partially the reason why I stopped completing my Daily Tasks in the first place. There aren't any new items currently in the shop that appeal to me as a player.
While this is partially a feedback suggesting to look into new EP items, I think it would be more interesting to introduce new EP items in a different way.

Perhaps we could have the EP Shop distribute EP items in more of a rotational style. What I mean by this is that rather a new EP item be placed into the EP Shop to remain available to purchase for EP forever, we introduce an EP item into the EP Shop that stays available for a limited time of the year or is "rotated" with other EP items of the same value. Maybe EP items that follow something like this:
  • Low-Cost EP items (15-20 EP): available in the EP Shop for 6 months at a time.
  • Mid-Cost EP items (30-50 EP): available in the EP Shop for 2-3 months at a time.
  • High-Cost EP items(60+ EP): available in the EP Shop for 1 month at a time.
  • Rare EP items (100+ EP): very rare finds that are only placed in the EP shop for a small period of time (less than a month, 1 week at minimum).

If these EP items are to be rotated in the EP Shop, it could follow something like this, for example:
  • 2 Low-Cost EP items per year, each available for 6 months.
  • 3-4 Mid-Cost EP items per year, each available for 3 months.
  • 1-2 High-Cost EP items per year, possibly filling in some of the Mid-Cost EP item's gap months, for example.
  • 1 Rare EP item, released at any time.
Again, these are merely just examples. These durations are just for the sake of the suggestion, too, but I feel that with a system like this, it might make EP items more sought after due to their limited availability and the EP Shop in general more popular. This would allow only a certain amount of an EP item to be introduced to the game at a time, rather than a constant flow of new EP items being introduced. Having these EP items rotate or be available for a limited time might keep the EP Shop fresh and the items in the EP shop desirable at most times, rather than a new EP item that gradually loses its flare as more and more start cycling into the game.


Feedback / "Single-Combat" Areas & Aggressive Mobs
« on: August 15, 2016, 09:28:34 pm »
Seems to be behaving moreso like a bug than anything, but I'll treat it as feedback for the moment.

This seems to have been a minor issue for some time now, nothing really game-breaking or serious PvM-wise. But with the new Ancient Caves and these new mobs, I've noticed quite quickly how these "Single-Combat" areas don't necessarily behave like a single-combat area most of the time.
Anyone who has ever been to Nechryaels in the Smoke Dungeon will probably be familiar with how they will occasionally pile onto you for some unknown reason, despite you being in a single-combat zone and already in combat with another Nechryael. This occasionally results in your current Necryael becoming untouchable for a brief moment which tends to get frustrating for the umpteenth time it happens. From my experience, this also occasionally happens with the Metal Dragons & Brutal Green Dragons when 2 attack you at once, but this issue quickly fixes itself.

These new mobs are no exception, only being a much higher combat level (and much more relentless with their potential damage output). While this doesn't happen with Melee from what I've noticed, it seems to happen fairly often with Magic. I have yet to try out Ranged, from what I recall I do remember splashing occasionally making the current mob you're fighting in the past unaggressive, and I have only so far tested this out on Ancient Gladiators, so the only issue might be that I am using Magic. But regardless, when I accidentally do not deal damage for a short while, then have 2 or 3 Ancient Gladiators charging at me (Or smacking me away with the other attack, making it incredibly hard to attack the one I currently am fighting), it makes one of the few viable ways to get a decent killcount per trip very unappealing. Adding to this the incredible amount of damage they have the possibility of hitting me for (I've already been hit up to around 40-50 from this, nothing too insane yet), it puts me at a pretty high risk of being demolished by mobs I am not even currently fighting.

How certain aggressive mobs and single-combat areas work together just tends to feel a bit wonky from time to time. I feel that the new mobs are fairly balanced for their difficulty, but become much more of a nuisance when they attack you out of nowhere while you're in the middle of a fight with another mob. Would it be a possibility to look into simply making them unaggressive so this doesn't remain an issue?

Resolved Bug Reports / Catherby Map Bug
« on: June 26, 2016, 11:08:28 pm »

Tabbed to Camelot, walked over to the fishing spots at Catherby, saw this.
::reloadmap did not fix the problem, attempted a couple times.

Screenshots / Well that was unexpected
« on: April 30, 2016, 01:46:42 am »
Seeing as I had yet to complete a steel key ring, despite having 3 of the 5 keys already with many placeholders (I had 9 pentagon keys somehow), I decided to try out Smoke Demon Champion for the first time.
I'd say that was a good idea.

Suggestions & Ideas / Zamorakian Hasta
« on: March 13, 2016, 05:21:47 pm »
I probably spent way too much time on this, but since this seems to have been a notable suggestion for awhile now with not enough elaboration, I thought I'd give it a go. If this gets negative feedback, then I think its safe to say that we can wave goodbye to the chances of ever seeing an Zamorakian Hasta.

The concept I think is pretty neat. I've never played OSRS so I have no experience with how powerful the Hasta is. From reading the stats and that there are no penalties for converting it, however, I think it's safe to assume that the Hasta is quite powerful.

The one problem that seems to reoccur with the suggestions towards a Zamorakian Hasta is purely allowing us to convert the weapon to a one-handed form with no penalties to opening up the Shield Slot. This is how it works in OSRS, sure, but to elaborate on this:

Elemental Whip:
Attack Bonus: 100.
Strength Bonus: 91.
The Elemental Whips are currently what most people consider to be the strongest one-handed weapon, give or take. Not referring to special attacks, just pure damage output.

Zamorakian Hasta (With no Penalties):
Attack Bonus: 150.
Strength Bonus: 149.
Seems a bit overpowered for a one-handed weapon, wouldn't you say? Toss on the Arcane Spirit Shield's strong Attack and Strength Bonuses and you have yourself an incredibly powerful weapon with access to Defense Bonuses.

There's no negatives to it. Just slapping on a shield with those stats makes it quite OP. Considering the bonuses that you do get from these shields, this would make a Zamorakian Hasta outclass basically every two-handed weapon on stats alone. No good. These suggestions lack stats, which for something like this plays a big role IMO.

Ideally, if a Zamorakian Hasta were to exist, it needs to be balanced accordingly. It should be something that out-classes the Dragon Hasta while being comparable to the other Tier-80 Weapons (For this argument, Elemental Whips), but still be out-classed by the Zamorakian Spear.

To get my "Ideal Stats," I'm going to take the average of the Dragon Hasta and the Zamorakian Spear and compare them to that of an Elemental Whip. I'm going to mainly focus on Attack Bonus and Strength Bonus, but I'm also going to mention Attack Speed:

Attack Bonus: (150 + 87)/2 = 118.5, rounding down to 118.
Strength Bonus: (149 + 79)/2 = 114.
Attack Speed: Something in between the two would be the most viable choice. This sort of goes against the norm of hastas, but for the sake of making it balanced would make more sense IMO.

Only by the average, these stats are still a bit high, so I'll toss in some lowered stats:
118 x 0.95 = 112.1, rounding down to 112.
118 x 0.9 = 106.2, rounding down to 106.
Giving the Hasta a range of 106-112 makes it noteworthy, comparable to the accuracy bonus of the Elemental Whip at 100. With Arcane, this gives the Hasta roughly 121-127 Attack Bonus, compared to 115.
114 x 0.95 = 108.3, rounding down to 108.
114 x 0.9 = 102.6, rounding down to 102.
114 x 0.85 = 96.9, rounding down to 96.
The original range of 102-108, however, feels a bit too powerful. 96-102 Strength Bonus seems more comparable to the Elemental Whip's 91. With Arcane, this gives the Hasta roughly 106-112 Strength Bonus, compared to 101.

This would give us a weapon that is statistically superior to the Elemental Whip in Attack and Strength, but by averaging the Attack Speeds, notably slower. Maximum Damage Output vs. DPS. But it still floods Melee with more weapons that we might not need, which is something that could draw concern. I'll also bring up Korasi, which tends to be forgotten about in the tier-80 category, which might get outshined by this in almost every way.

As far as obtaining a Zamorakian Hasta, it should be through some sort of Conversion Kit like usual. Degradable can be debated, but making it untradable in this state, dropped as the Conversion Kit upon death, would be ideal. Potentially sinks Zamorakian Spears, win-win.

My original thoughts on obtaining the Conversion Kit were through K'ril Tsutsaroth, but I don't think we need to flood his Droptable with more drops. Perhaps keeping it with who you get the Zamorakian Spears in the first place would make sense.

Mithril Dragons have two Very Rare drops: The Zamorakian Spear at 1/200, and the Visage at 1/1000. Perhaps sticking the Conversion Kit in there at 1/500 would work? Just some food for thought.

That's all I got on it though. I tried to elaborate as much as I could, but I'd love to hear what you think.

Goals & Achievements / 10 Digits
« on: February 05, 2016, 06:44:33 pm »

Not the most impressive thing in the world but eh.

Resolved Bug Reports / Activating Multi-Model Buffering
« on: January 25, 2016, 03:53:31 pm »

Occasionally, when I go to turn on Multi-Model Buffering, I get stuck with my game loading like this.
This often has mixed results, the most common being that everything becomes unclickable (and thus causing me to have to manually close the Client). Restarting the Client and attempting it again usually results in the same thing, but after awhile the MMB finally loads properly.
Recently, I attempted again and found the same thing occuring, but I could still click on the window, prompting me to deactivate MMB which returned everything to normal. Attempting it again yielded the same results until, like before, the MMB finally loaded properly.

Suggestions & Ideas / Rings/Amulets, Timers, & Charges
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:49:38 pm »
Just some small or random little suggestions I've had that I can't see myself going into stressful amounts of detail over, so I just clumped them up into one suggestion. Opinions are always encouraged.

Ring of Forging: Currently useless due to the 100% success rate of smelting Iron Ores into Iron Bars. Could perhaps gain a new use. Maybe the Ring could conserve the amount of Coal you use smelting higher-tier Bars by deducting the amount of Coals needed by one, with a limited (Most likely very small) amount of uses per Ring? Either guaranteed or as a low % chance.

Amulet of Accuracy: Barely used, and for some reason only gives a Strength Bonus.
Could give it similar Attack Bonuses to that of the Amulet of Power, making it somewhat not as useless.

Amulet of Fury (t): While serving primarily as a cosmetic, could consider giving it some form of bonus for applying the Kit. I recall it being mentioned before, but perhaps the Fury (t) could receive higher defensive bonuses than the Glory (t) while still having lower Attack and Strength Bonuses?

New Trimmed Amulets?
Amulet of Defense (t): Considering the lack of love that the regular Amulet of Defense receives, this would most likely not be a popular item, but might be something to consider nonetheless. Would give the highest Defense Bonuses out of all of the amulets, including a slightly higher Prayer Bonus, at the cost of no Attack or Strength Bonuses. Purely designed for Defense.

Amulet of Accuracy (or Power) (t): Same idea as a strictly defensive amulet. Would give the highest Attack Bonuses out of all of the amulets, at the cost of no Defense or Strength Bonuses. Purely designed for Accuracy.

Combat/Cooldown Timers
Would be nice to see the differences between Buffs and Debuffs with the orbs. Perhaps we could make the Buff Orbs have a Green Color, the Debuff Orbs Red, and keep Effects (Like Vengeance, Snares, SOL Spec., etc.) White. Debuffs aren't quite as common to see, but regardless are a bit hard to pick out by looking at just the Orbs themselves.

There are no cooldown timers on any of the GWD Altars, which for someone like me who doesn't do the easy hopping method to recharge the altar (Don't kill me), would like to be able to easily see how much time is remaining until the Altar becomes usable again. I know attempting to use it while uncharged displays the remaining time, but it would be nice to see as a timer.

Check Charges on Degradable Items
Check Charges is available on items like the Ancient Armors, Sacred Clay Equipment, and Brawlers, but other Degradable items do not have access to it. Not a serious issue, but it would be nice to have the Check Charges available on some of the other Degradables like Barrows Sets, Rod of Ivandis, Crystal Bow/Shield, etc.

Other degrading armours have different statused hence why charges is unnecessary.

Resolved Bug Reports / Magic Casting & Walls/Inaccessable Areas
« on: December 16, 2015, 05:01:06 pm »

Since there has been a lack of explanations for it, I'll say what I've experienced.
While casting Magic attacks (haven't tried Ranged, so dunno if this is the case as well), enemies that are within casting range normally cause me to run towards them randomly, rather that stay in the spot I casted the attack at. They don't move at all.
This movement seems to be really buggy, as it makes me walk through certain objects. I got stuck in one of the rubble piles in Armadyl while trying to cast Blood Barrage on one of the enemies. The same effect happened at Kree, when we were against that wall. We just walked right through it trying to cast a Magic Attack.

Resolved Bug Reports / Jad Minigame Despawn
« on: December 12, 2015, 06:53:33 pm »

The Ket-Zek on Wave 44 completely disappeared while I was in the process of killing it. It still had about half of its health, and no death animation played.
I ran around the arena completely to see if it had spawned anywhere else, but the entire Arena is empty, aside from myself.
The Wave has not progressed to 45, seems that the minigame is now stuck. I've been standing in the game for about 10-15 minutes, just to see if something would happen.

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