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Topics - Skelon

Pages: 1 2 3
Resolved Bug Reports / OpenGL
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:39:41 pm »

i saw another topic with this problem but i couldnt comment so created my own to talk with you, i have done all you said in the other topic and still receiving this problem, anymore ideas?

Off-Topic / uk general election
« on: May 08, 2015, 03:24:57 am »
Watching this election and one of the partys is CSA which is canabis is safer than alcohol party lol, cant stop laughing!!

But in all seriousness cmon the snp get labour out of scotland!!

Resolved Bug Reports / ranging
« on: May 06, 2015, 02:35:09 pm »
Im trying to safe spot mithril dragons and when I attack them my character runs towards them and then attacks which means they hit me big everytime

Off-Topic / woooop wooooop
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:18:03 am »
And celtic have won the spfl who is barca?

General Discussion / wiki error
« on: April 01, 2015, 11:19:46 pm »
I have been informed seas dont gives snapes and just wasted hours, so change this so other people dont do the same please

Resolved Bug Reports / add friend and clan chat button
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:06:29 pm »
when you click them nothing is happening at all, quite a few bugs today since the update

Resolved Bug Reports / Bug at catherby
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:04:50 am »
when im running back from fishing my character keeps getting stuck just outside the bank and it is saying "You've lost your target" the only way to fix it is to relog but then it happens again when you go back any ideas?

Resolved Bug Reports / double xp scrolls
« on: March 29, 2015, 04:46:01 pm »
I tried looking couldnt see anything but sorry if this has already been posted but ive noticed that with the last 3 minutes of the double xp it doesnt double it, it just reverts back to what it normally would be

Goals & Achievements / Ironman 2
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:20:27 pm »
Hi Folks,

I'm creating an ironman account called Ironman Dan and I will be keeping my progress updated on this topic, The idea came from Ironman Ben you can view his topic here

the basis of an ironman account is that im not allowed to trade with other players or loot them, but im allowing myself to be able to buy member tickets from them and the looting is fine as i dont pk, So i am hoping to be quite active with it in the next week or so, so lets hope i can get quite a bit done.

I will keep updated with pictures on this page.

This is what i got done in my first few hours not a lot, but hey it was only a few hours :D

Day 2, tomorrow should be a better day as i dont have anything to stop me until well wrestlemania :D thanks for the support guys :batman:

well end of day 5 now stats are coming along well heres hoping for more :doge:

Oi Oi Oi got my first pet :D :kappa:

been a while since my last update, doing not bad if i do say so myself, also got my first 99 since then too :D :batman:

in this update i have achieved my 2nd 99 :D and also i grinded out pest control for void, nowto grind out a d hasta :P :doge:

havent updated in ages lol :kappa: but i got tasked with 17 brutal green dragons 1st drop?!?!?! draconic visage :D roll on 90 smithing!!! and also my updated stats with my 3rd 99 now :D :batman:

got rushed and lost my void and just havent played much due to work so havent really updated, here is my current stats

Showcase / First Time
« on: March 04, 2015, 03:24:29 pm »
this is my first picture using PS anyone give me tips to improve, i was just mucking about with a few brushes and what not to see what i could do, any help would be gladly appreciated.

Introductions & Farewells / Im back
« on: February 27, 2015, 12:01:27 am »
well guys ive got a new computer so back now  ;D

Introductions & Farewells / For The Now
« on: January 26, 2015, 11:11:29 am »
my computer broke down the other day so until I can fix it ori get a new one, I cant get on and play good luck with your accounts guys, hope to see yous all again soon  :'(

I should still be around in forums and stuff through my phone

Off-Topic / anyone old enough want to relive there youth?
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:46:11 am »

you are very welcome!! theme hospital for free by EA :batman:

General Discussion / starting out with my old account
« on: January 03, 2015, 02:15:10 pm »
I will be on with my old account the first time tonight, any advice on where to start with nothing im lvl 124 and im guessing everyones bank accounts got wiped?

Computers and Technology / linux
« on: January 03, 2015, 02:12:53 pm »
Thinking about running linux ubuntu on a virtual machine, can I run emps on that still once ive configured all the internet settings?

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