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Topics - Rayray

Pages: 1 2
Feedback / Membership
« on: January 19, 2015, 09:16:17 pm »
This is more of a question... that likely has been answered before; but due to my lack of knowledge:
Why are member tickets, non-consistent towards the amount of time a player is currently logged in? (Obviously with an active membership.)
It'd be nice to have a more accurate "timer" but if that's too much work well it's not as a big a deal when having multiple tickets, but if people only "Buy"(in-game coins) about ~1-10 member tickets that they will actually use (and not sell for in-game coins) then could we not have a reminder?
E.g. "You have 23 days 10 hrs 33mins left of active membership".
This only would then appear when a player logs in and would therefore not persist as long as the person is logged in.

Debates / Luck v Work
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:44:43 pm »
It seems pretty divided on how people play this game, but hey their both legal. :3

Feedback / Slayer difficulty dial
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:19:37 am »
    Why can't we go from having super hard slayer tasks to getting hard ones .. Instead of having to kill the super easy? As we all know, when you ask for a super hard slayer task; you can't go down a notch and ask for a hard task, you have to get super pus-mode task.
     I can't seem to recall the reason for it, but for people who are not financially willing to risk their only good amour does it not make sense that instead of having to kill " 55 skeletons " go to the hard slayer task master and get a task that is moderately hard "kill 40 red dragons". Could we not change it to get better tasks? With less of dragging penalty?

Suggestions & Ideas / 'X Amount' at the General Store
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:00:47 am »
Although I've opposed the idea of automated herblore, fletching and other skills.. Does it not make sense that after this far into the game we could add the option of selling " 'X Amount' of useless item"
(e.g. 10k opal bolt tips... whoever would be insane enough to have that)
And yes it's me being lazy trying to save my index finger from cramping... after two hours of selling undesired items on the store and also trying to buy more than 2k of empty vials.. *cough*thanks min3*cough*(tots worth the 10m.. :3)
Anyway it would be an awesome feature to have as part of the gen store prior to adding the G.E. which will arrive later... aside it from it being a simple added option. A few lines of simple code for an option that will benefit the eco getting rid of trash... because that's what the general store has become.

Edit: The items obviously either stacked like bolts or like noted sharks..

Off-Topic / Emps has the best living server.
« on: January 12, 2015, 05:48:52 am »

@11:30 pm cen US is the best time evar!!! #nomods :3

Suggestions & Ideas / As Part of a milestone
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:47:46 am »
Could we please allow players with 99 attack and 99 strength to wield any "metal" (e.g. bronze - rune/maybe dragon; idk make the dragon 1h at all melee 99) 2h's as a 1h or duel wield swords and dagger? (it'd be funny) and actually give some purpose to the metal armor/ it'd be awesome to add on to see "faster" duels (as if they were not fast enough already)

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