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Topics - Cman 8 23 93

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Resolved Bug Reports / Glitching when moving
« on: January 31, 2015, 03:53:07 am »
For some reason I keep glitching and I cant move. A few weeks ago Mary had to save me from the Wildy because of it
In Castle Wars, sometimes you cant move at all, nothing works.
In Pest Control today, I wasn't able to move whatsoever. The only way for me to move was when a monster hit me, but then my
guy would stop moving again.

Any possible bug fixes???? This bug is getting REALLY annoying and frustrating.

Resolved Bug Reports / Is this a Duel Arena Bug?
« on: January 28, 2015, 11:13:02 pm »
At Duel Arena yesterday I staked 30m. The rules were no magic, specials, pots, food, and no armour.
For some reason, I wasn't able to hold a 2 handed sword. Is that because Shields weren't allowed?

Resolved Bug Reports / Mithril Dragons attack through walls???
« on: January 18, 2015, 10:05:27 pm »
I was trying my luck at killing some Mithril Dragons, I was bored.
I didn't know it would take so long to kill one, so my prayer ran out.
The Dragon hits me 2 times, and im about to die. AS im running away, the
Dragon shoots through the wall.

Kaken12 picked up mah stuff.
I am depressed right now lol. Anything you can do to prevent this happening to other players?

Suggestions & Ideas / Slayer Suggestions
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:04:09 pm »
All the Slayer Masters have the "Reward" option, but it doesn't work on them. The only one the "Reward" option works
on is Chaeldar, so why not remove the "Reward" options from the other task masters?

Also, whenever I talk to a Slayer Master with a task and select the "Reward" Option, they say I have a task that needs completed.
It doesn't do this with Chaeldar though.

When I get a task from Vannaka and I want to cancel it, why do I have to go Chaeldar to cancel it?
Why can't Vannaka just cancel it for me? I think it would be nice to have Vannaka the power to cancel your slayer task.

That's all for now, until I find something else. (I like what you did with the Silk Trader in Al-Kharid. Cracked me up a lot)  ;D

Suggestions & Ideas / Armadyl Wings Change
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:05:15 pm »
I bought a pair of Armadyl Wings, thinking it would match my Armadyl set, but it doesn't at all.
Me and a few other players agree that their is way too much brown on the wings.
The Armadyl Wings just look bad with a full Armadyl Set.
Will you change the colours a little bit, or will you just leave them the same?

I REALLY wanted my Armadyl Wings to match my Armadyl Armour set. ;D

Suggestions & Ideas / Cool Wedding update idea!
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:22:37 pm »
Whenever I go to wedding for big events, I always want to sit on the benches there (in-game, they are called Pews).
As a fun little update, there should be an update for making players able to sit on the benches at wedding.

Perhaps make different sitting options, such as Pray (you would be "praying" to the Gods of Gielinor)
                                                                           Relaxed (you would be sitting down, one arm resting on the back of the bench)

This update would be on the coolest updates in Emps-World, in my opinion.
Anyone agree?

Suggestions & Ideas / New Clan Ideas!
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:18:40 pm »
I think it would be nice to have the Clan system just how it is in RuneScape: Create Capes, Banners, Citadels, have Clan Wars,
the whole nine yards. It would be a nice and pleasant addition to Emps. What better way to duke it out with a rival clan
then Clan Wars?

I want to hear everyone's feedback, so don't hold back!

Resolved Bug Reports / Serious and REALLY annoying PM bug
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:47:05 pm »
You know about this bug, and you've heard all of Emps complain about it. Whenever a person messages you, or you
want to message somebody, it refuses to work. "Try moving, it should work again" is what the mods and admins say, but that doesn't fix it. Sure, it might fix yours, but not everybody's. Will there be a fix soon? I am sick of everyone not
being able to send their friends a message. I find this all rather ridiculous.

Resolved Bug Reports / Stuck in castlewars
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:42:56 pm »
Yes really! The number 1 bug in Castle Wars is not being able to move! When you are on the ground floor and go up
the ladder, you immediately get stuck and cant move. The only way to move is to get killed.
On the same floor as getting stuck, the square in front of the stairs doesn't let you go on it, not allowing anyone to get
through. There are also many other places where players cant go because of this. It's like the square thinks it
has something on it so you can't go there. There used to be barricades at those places, but that's not the problem.
What's the problem and is there a quick fix to it?

Screenshots / Riot of The Purple Hats
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:00:56 am »
I noticed 2 guys dancing at Falador so I decided to join them. It turned out to be great and was lots of fun!!
Next thing you know, we got a bunch of people dancing. It was awesome!!! There may or may not be a planned clan in the future!

(wait a few minutes for uploaded Pictures)

Resolved Bug Reports / Warrior Guild Bug
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:51:41 pm »
I was using a mithril set at the Warrior Guild today, and when I killed it, it got stuck in the
magical Animator, I can't get the tokens or the armour set back.

I myself don't care about the graphics changing, but others might, I don't know. I thought it would be cool to
have a button in the setting menu to change your graphics to Updated Graphics or Old Graphics. I know you said
not to post something about down-grading, but its not down-grading, really. Its an In-game option that is not forced
upon the players. They can keep their graphics how it is, OR they can go to a previous or New graphics option.
If you are still confused, just tell me. Any questions or Thoughts?

Resolved Bug Reports / Party Room Glitch
« on: January 03, 2015, 10:31:40 pm »
I was at one of my friend's drop party yesterday at the Falador Party Room the other day, and many people weren't able
to pick the drops up. One of the people there suggested us to re-log, so we did. We still weren't able to pick any thing up.
Is there a simple fix to this, and if so, when will it be fixed?

Resolved Bug Reports / GWD All Heights Glitch
« on: January 02, 2015, 04:13:13 am »
Whenever I go to God Wars Dungeon, before I enter the Saradomin or Zamorak area, I need to turn on
"All Heights" so that I can see the agility course or ice platform that leads to the God area. If I don't do this, I can't get to the area. If "All Heights" are off, it's just a blank light brown space in the area where the agility course or the ice platform is.
Is it a bug, or was it intended?

Resolved Bug Reports / null has logged in/out
« on: January 01, 2015, 03:02:38 am »
Today while playing, I saw the message "null has logged out". I was confused at first, but then I forgot about it.
An hour later, it said "null has logged in". I looked at my friend list and one of my friends name were on it twice.
Why does this bug happen? It doesn't bother me at all. This is the first time it has happened.

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