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Topics - Onlystrpk

Pages: 1 2
Suggestions & Ideas / drop rate + players online
« on: March 12, 2015, 03:43:39 pm »
hello guys im an old emps-scape player witch i played it since 2010-2012 and it was awesome there was 800+ players online and i never got bored of playing.
also it was low prices, i bought bandos set without boots + nezzy+fury+stone+dfs+d boots+rune whip all for 20-25m, atm 3rd melee legs is 20-25m lol.
so my suggestion is to higher the amount of the drop rate cuz now i barely see someone with bandos set its rare and who will collect 120-130m to buy  just 3 patrs?
i have many emps friends they are quiting becuase they make bank in 1-4 weeks and lose it with 30 mins in stake or in wild..
and you made the game harder, now the prices is too high someone like me with combat level 122 wearing d legs fighter torso?
in old emps i was level 103 with banods set xD it was awesome and you can ask the old players everyone love emps-scape more than emps world..
you can take a look for emps-scape drop table :
so i hope this table come back not all of it atleast the bandos parts,arma

General Discussion / I need help
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:59:42 pm »
Hey guys,
I want to train my skills (firemaking,runecrafting)
And dont know that much of information about it like how much logs you need from X level till Y or rune ess..
So im asking from you to make guide for this two skills and the important thing just add hm normal logs oak maple... Should i use each level .. And hm ess needed from level 1-99.
So dont tell me go read in the wiki because i read before and i need amount if logs and ess..
If anyone can help me he will be so thankful..
Take your time to make the guide if you wanna help.


General Discussion / still there some good guys,?
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:40:52 pm »
Hey guys from wednesday till yestrday just lost 210m (80m cash of em) so from here im asking from you to lend me the basics items like .. Cash whip stone nezzy dfs fury d boots b gloves i need all of this and then i can rebuild my self again and when i get huge amount of items and cash i will give everybody who gave me something..
If there is really someone good can help me (cuz i dont want to quit this game i love it so much) he can just pm ingame or here ..
Thanks , have a perfect day everybody...

Suggestions & Ideas / Bank tab pic..
« on: February 12, 2015, 02:47:11 pm »
I suggest to do a bank tab pic..
What is that?
You really have 9 bank tabs you use each tab for diffrents items (tab for skills.. Armour..)
So to know witch tab you are going to go  you can put a pic on each tab the pic is an item that in the tab or the first item you added to the tab.

 i got an image but im on my phone now and dont know how to add ..
So if you tell me how to add it when im using the compuer then i will add it in reply..

Suggestions & Ideas / 1 hit exp
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:11:03 pm »
Now when you are attacking with monster if you damage 1 you will get 80 xp,the point here is to low the amount of xp to 40 because in past it was 40 xp and you add it to 80 so that gonna make the game easy.
and now it seems like the double xp in the past when per hit was 40 xp and we were getting 80 xp.
 double xp now  will make per hit 160 xp that is huge amount and make the game easy.
So in my opinion to low the amount again to 40 xp per hit to make the game harder.
What do you think? Please leave comments.

Suggestions & Ideas / Castle wars boss
« on: February 08, 2015, 04:00:42 pm »
In old emps there was a boss we were killing a boss and there was a limit time (maybe 10 minutes) not 20 because 20 mins is boring.
So if you put a zamorak and saradomain bosses that would be great .
And the limit time 10 mins .
 if the time is over who has damage more gonna win
In case both teams got the same damage  they will get both x points..
What do you thing guys?

Suggestions & Ideas / Kill count , pvp points, xp target
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:57:54 am »
I remember in old emps was pvp points but i cant find it now i wish that you put it..
And one more thing when you go to barrows you can just add killcount to know how much remaining for you,not only with barrows ..

You can set target on str att mining all these to some level and their shown your how much xp remaining and your percent %...

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