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Messages - Metsavennd

Pages: 1
Resolved Bug Reports / classic client bug and open gl to
« on: September 29, 2015, 07:38:12 am »
this is happening when i log in (new client, updated)
The following users liked this post: Gliff1

Suggestions & Ideas / For all of us
« on: September 11, 2015, 07:08:03 pm »
Can admins,mods,Thomy to someting about the prices in emps-world..they ar so deam low and out of balance !!! ppl ar stakeng items and ar to lazy to sell them normal prices like(pots, spirit shields, bolts, etc). I know i left some things out i think but my eng is limited. All suggestions are welcome!!
The following users liked this post: Rxgnar

Pages: 1