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Messages - Dovahkiin

Pages: 1
Debates / Re: Religion
« on: July 25, 2015, 06:42:53 pm »
God exist,
       God exist because you cannot create something without nothing. Science proved it, even the "big bang" is caused by something which mean the "big bang" is not the beginning but only act as current unconfirmed final answer by modern science regarding "origin" topic.Maybe in few decades science will find new evidences and discoveries but the outcome would probably as same as searching for the edge of world,it will go on and on...endless.
       There are so many mysteries in this world that even science cannot find the answers.Origin of mankind,living things DNA,basic knowledge obtained by newborn (ever wonder how sea turtle hatchlings know how to dig out of the sand and swim to the sea?),and "deja vu" itself cannot be explain by science.
       Do you really think that all events happened in coincidence? look at our system, it is prefectly work without flaw and remain in the physics current laws. Don't you think that something out there is controlling all this? Something that is not attached to space , time , and dimension?   

The following users liked this post: Leo Jr

General Discussion / Re: Why emps-world suck
« on: March 02, 2015, 11:21:28 am »
The following users liked this post: Someone12116

Pages: 1