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Messages - Iron Sibul

Pages: 1
Suggestions & Ideas / Clue Scrolls
« on: December 13, 2017, 12:18:23 pm »
I find lower level clue scrolls dropping way too much. Considering they are kinda useless.
Specially for ironmen.

I think you should add skilling supplies to the clue scrolls droptable. It would make clue scrolls actually useful to complete for ironmen.

Gems, ores, bars, herbs, herblore secondaries, seeds would be nice as a like a secondary droptable from clue scrolls. Like easy clues would drop up to lvl 30 skilling supplies, medium up to 50-60 lvl and hard clues like up to lvl 75 supplies and elites up to 90.

I could edit this after i get some feedback for the actual amounts n stuff etc, but i just wanna see if anyone would even like to see something like this added.
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Pages: 1