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Messages - Neptune Inky

Pages: 1
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: old emps?
« on: November 19, 2017, 11:41:30 pm »
mate? what community are you talking about? the classic negative ass community? we have 100 players and that's because half the people multi log. around 30 iron man accs, 7 other accs with 13bil+ that sit at GE and afk. then we got the solid pvmers that kill bosses all day just to see the prices crash because of the stake kings* lol then we got the pkers like 3 of them. I'm not knocking thomys work but clearly something isn't working since its been what 3 years with the same 80 players? old emps scape had 700+ for a reason bud.
The following users liked this post: S Clegane

Suggestions & Ideas / old emps?
« on: November 19, 2017, 08:11:00 am »
I just want old emps back, this server has turned into pvm and stake only. literally no pking except the ones pking the people that are pvming. ECO is horrible like 8 players that hold the eco in their hands.
But, just my opinion..
This game just looks weird now, just log on to afk at this point.
The following users liked this post: Il Skill L, Str8att7, S Clegane, Ravioli

Pages: 1