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Messages - Old Guy

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Hope its not against the rules
« on: October 13, 2016, 10:39:57 am »
Alright, so first of all, i'd like to introduce myself. i used to play emps scape back when it was online and loved the forums. A few years ago (or has it only been a year?) i found out that it was closed and felt sad. I decided to search for emps scape again just for fun and found this forums and hv some questions:
1. hope this isnt against the rules or anything, but is the Thomy here the real one or someone else? I dont mind really if this doesnt get answered, just curious.
2. I saw that some other people from the old emps scape are here too, like rock gyo, just Humen etc. are the majority of the old people here too or just a few of them? also gratz Just Humen on being a moderator, even if its late as hell. i dont think u were a mod in the old forums so thought that i should congratulate u :P
3. How different is this from the old emps scape and the current runescape? i saw a few topics on GE and pretty sure that didnt exist in the old one.

thats all for now i guess. i hope im breaking any rules by asking these questions (especially 1st one) or by posting in the wrong sub forums. thanks for ur time :)
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