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Messages - Drugs

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Off-Topic / Re: April Fool's patch notes
« on: April 01, 2018, 04:52:46 pm »
  • Thomy didn't delete the database
The following users liked this post: Il Skill L

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Item dropped timer
« on: March 19, 2018, 02:42:37 pm »
If you die you're suppose to lose your items, you're not suppose to disconnect.
If osrs death timer is 60 minutes, personally to me it shows that the servers are absolute garbage and people are getting ddosed constantly. I doubt osrs would implement 60min death timer for people with crap pc's or bad providers.

There's a statement to be made that large amount of players we have now have shit pcs, and due to low player count you could cater to their needs. Well death in godwars is already safe as fuck.
I think better QOL would be to make some sort of teleportation method to the nex/yk's boss room, if you still won't make it then well shit.

The following users liked this post: Jp, Il Skill L

Off-Topic / Re: What song are you listening to now?
« on: March 16, 2018, 06:22:17 pm »
The following users liked this post: Il Skill L

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: New clout skill suggestion
« on: March 16, 2018, 02:24:37 pm »
Good idea but I think we have bigger things to worry about
The following users liked this post: Thomy, Il Skill L, Hugo Terwiss, Str8att7, Saligta, Skymaster100, Namnori, Ravioli

Events / Re: Tag-Team PVP: Sign Ups
« on: March 14, 2018, 03:01:29 pm »
Team name: Crusher wants this team name to be logang paulers, I'm questioning who I teamed up with. Short for CwTTnTbLPIQwItuW.
Team members: Drugs, Crusher123
The following users liked this post: Jp, Il Skill L, Crusher123, Jhonson, Iron Corne

Off-Topic / Re: What annoys or pisses you off?
« on: March 06, 2018, 01:23:16 pm »
My shit mouse
The following users liked this post: Bluestorm, Jandor, Iron Corne

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Daily tasks
« on: March 04, 2018, 05:03:29 pm »
More double scrolls :residentsleeper:
The following users liked this post: Iron 69

Off-Topic / Re: Just bought myself a Brand New Car! Take a look!
« on: March 04, 2018, 12:07:14 am »
looks fucking amazing
The following users liked this post: F R E E

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Opened clue caskets count tracking
« on: February 28, 2018, 02:00:23 pm »
Making clue caskets untradeable wouldn't make the game worse, clues would be seen more like a minigame rather than fast money(selling) or a black-hole(buying) for them. The future is more than 450 days to come and so far they are like the duel arena most of the time you lose big money buying or gain a little if super lucky. Most people tend to sell caskets rather than open them. Paying 5-7m for an elite casket with such chances seem a bit ridiculous and plebs are getting rich for the few minutes of work which also looks kinda out of balance.

Since the day Clue scrolls were release there's only 1 druidic wreath that was received on 1st clue reward and 1 cloak spawned for Christmas event, I believe 10 people opening 10 caskets each have better chances than 1 person opening 100 caskets. because most caskets are being opened by one or two people, everyone is fighting over dye shards and we don't really see the rarest rewards so much.
I don't see how it would make the game better though.

If 1 person opens 100 caskets a day now, it shows that those 9 other players in your example aren't intrested in doing it. They are there for the money you make by selling caskets, not time you waste by doing money by opening the caskets.

I don't think the people supplying caskets right now are going to continue doing clues to open them, probably just moving onto the next best moneymaking method which would be nex.

The update in my mind would only benefit rich people who are hoarding clue rewards at the moment because they are cheap, buying druidic parts cheaply and then making caskets untradeable and the prices would go up alot.

Also the "plebs" as you mentioned, would lose their ability to make wealth but top % of rich people who hoard clue rewards would make bank off it. Doesn't seem fair to me. Seems to me that rich people are sick of getting druidic rewards in the game, so they want to stop it and then have the few super rares for themselves.

The following users liked this post: Jp

Screenshots / Re: Helped a friend with a slayer task
« on: February 23, 2018, 01:34:13 pm »
this is why u say no like me
The following users liked this post: Ravioli

Screenshots / Re: lul
« on: February 09, 2018, 12:52:50 pm »
go noob u ok
The following users liked this post: S Clegane

General Discussion / Re: Quest-stories!
« on: January 29, 2018, 04:39:59 pm »
Why do i feel like there should be a quest that mocks Ekke. Drugs, you up for it?
The ground shakes underneath you as you walk, go to the obeservatory to find out what has happened!

Quest completed!
The following users liked this post: King125, Kaner, Il Skill L, Someone12116, Hi Im Ethan, Jandar, Bluesunrunne, Ravioli, Game Wiki

General Discussion / Re: Quest-stories!
« on: January 28, 2018, 06:43:30 pm »
Shenven needs your help with something, check it out!

Shenven: Hello adventurer, I need your help!
Player: With what?
Shenven: The monsters are taking over emps-world, I need your help slaying all of them.
Player: I'm going for 200m slayer exp. Slayer is my favorite skill in the game, and noone has gotten 200m exp in it before.

*2 years later*

Shenven: So you're going to help me or not?

The following users liked this post: Kaner, Tomtim1, Hi Im Ethan, Str8att7, Blue Bird, Ameer, Bluesunrunne, Ravioli, Game Wiki

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: January 28, 2018, 12:56:14 pm »

He never did wrote farewell or said goodbye every1 I'm not coming back ???
It's safe to assume he will comeback someday eventually.
dude it's just a meme,  plus we all know that if someone made a farewell that means he is coming back...
Charr isn't returning.
I wouldn't celebrate yet
The following users liked this post: Jp, Bubblebeam2, Fund Kakare, Bluestorm, Namnori, Saif Nawaf, S Clegane, Ravioli, Game Wiki

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Rash black color
« on: January 26, 2018, 03:54:26 pm »
You need to find an ingame item that has the color that you want, and then suggest new colors that way.
Also I think you need more than 1 color, or it's waste of time to change just 1 color.
The following users liked this post: For Freedom, Saif Nawaf

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