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Messages - Rock Gyo

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General Discussion / Re: Emps is dying
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:41:37 am »
Those has a job as a developer.  Not an advertiser. When we tried the top lists. Sure, we were highly ranked,  but our player count didn't increase significantly as a result. We only gained a few extra players. We get updates and fixes every week or two weeks. We have suggestions that are taken seriously,  and some are even in our game now. Bugs are fixed promptly,  and there are no clipping errors in any attack styles that have been reported.  What other servers can say all of that? Most giant servers have hundreds of small bugs that are never fixed,  because they hav to e to constantly release new content to keep the 1000+ players happy, and the small bugs are forgotten and never fixed. I would rather have a game that works than a game with bugs everywhere and more people.

Exactly, emps is all about stability and quality, rather than quantity.
The following users liked this post: Icedrags, Tgod Bro

General Discussion / Re: Emps is dying
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:36:44 am »
We don't need trashy advertisement. What you're suggesting (and doing already apparently) is actually giving people a bad idea of the game. Think of it like this, you're sitting on Facebook, enjoying some funny pictures from some Page, then there's this guy "Like our Page we have *blah blah blah*". 99% of people who read that comment think that: 1. it's idiotic / 2. won't like or join the page / 3. and may even reply to him "Fuck off idiot".

The same applies to this attempt you suggest, you'd just bring hatred upon this game.

What we need is smart advertising, we tried Top Lists, we are constantly working on social media (Facebook & YouTube mostly) and soon with Google Ads. Remember that Emps in its golden age was filled with all of us who were young (and foolish), and that we are moving on from games already (most of us). The new generation may play other games, but a game in which you can do so many things (runescape style) will always attract people, and the stability of the content in Emps sets us way above most of other RSPSs. It just TAKES TIME to gain players.

You have to understand that our player count is NOT decreasing, it's actually going to the actual number that it's supposed for this moment (reducing all of us who've grown-up). The new generation will set foot on emps in the coming months, but you can't expect an instant growth right now.
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: About GE
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:24:02 am »
Why didn't you use the third world when it was available. It's no good to moan now, for as long as you didn't give a shit when Thomy gave the community a way to help him. Now wait / O.T: won't happen
The following users liked this post: C4 Nerd, Ledomy10

General Discussion / Re: What do you think?
« on: May 20, 2015, 07:57:16 am »
The playercount will rise again, I believe. However, you should expect a new community, years passed, the old community is finally growing up and leaving space for the new one.. it's just how it is. It will rise again, it just takes time.

General Discussion / Re: about the "promotions" topic
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:09:36 am »
Lock the topic, people don't understand my way of thinking. Forget it all.

That's it, it's you versus the world bud.. walking dead all over again
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

General Discussion / Re: about the "promotions" topic
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:38:26 am »
What you have to understand is that this is only a GAME. There is no democracy, or any political stuff going on here. You, as a normal player, are to play the game, and only that. You have no say in what goes beyond your gameplay. If by chance asked by Martin if you accept further responsibilities, then that's on you to accept and behave by higher expectations.

Staff members cover all the nasty part of the game, so you, as a normal player, can keep on doing what you are supposed to do, which is play the god damn game, and nothing else. I do not think that the game is full of rulebreakers running around free so you have no reason to complain.

What you are essentially doing right now, is moaning over something that does not concern you, hoping to get those staff members, that you complain about, in trouble, which is not going to happen. It is only happening when Martin deems necessary that one should be demoted.

Lastly, demoting a staff member is never easy. He, at some point, had some great activity in the game, and perhaps may go now through a tougher period in life, or simply lack of time. That does not mean that he right away should be removed, like a garbage; they are human beings, who are doing their best in the free time each has, and unless they break major rules, they are not supposed to be removed just like that.

tl;dr Mind your own business.
The following users liked this post: Icedrags, M3an123, Kaner, Big Chris, Simonyoda3, Charr, Martin

Update Notes / Re: Updates 11/05/2015 (EDITED)
« on: May 11, 2015, 08:53:19 am »
Perhaps you can make the referral system track the new accounts and add the referral point to the referred acount only when the new-created account reaches a certain total level. Much like LoL referral asks you to reach a certain level in order for it to count.
The following users liked this post: Charr

Videos / Re: Emps-World. Big Chris, "The Grind for Gear," Part 3
« on: April 13, 2015, 08:42:57 am »
Camtasia must better :D gj
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Do you want to be in the next video that is going to come up in the coming week(s)? Join me today at Corp. Bossing and let's slaugther that b@*#!

I will start doing it in about 3-4 hours from now, if you will be online and want to take part in it post below your IGN since I don't know if I know/remember all of you.. so I can PM you all.

See you :)
The following users liked this post: Il Pk I, Kaner, Yaz

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Staff member Of the month
« on: March 13, 2015, 10:09:56 am »
This lead to some issues and conflicts in previous staff teams.  I don't believe it will be nearly as negative with my current team, but such things do inevitably promote some degree of jealousy.  Over and above that, my staff members all contribute in their own ways, and to somehow pick a "best staff member" out of them all would be (a) unpleasant, (b) risky, and (c) unnecessary.

That being said, if they - collectively - would like it added, I will talk to Thomy and see if he's willing to have it implemented again.  I'm always happy to show my appreciation for my staff members and for good work  :).

Graham helped me with that idea by coding some sort of Helpdesk activity log and, although I'd always be #1.. that helped a lot with forums activity, that together with someone to report the ing activity would help a lot nowadays too. It did create some friendly competition back in the days.
The following users liked this post: Il Pk I, 66destroyer3

Marek the plan to resign and come back with a higher rank didn't succeed.

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:51:01 pm »
The following users liked this post: Icedrags, King125, Il Pk I, Ahrim Ghost, 66destroyer3, Ledomy10

The following users liked this post: C4 Nerd, Kaner

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:36:41 pm »
Just a few months more and you'll get rights 6 george

The following users liked this post: Icedrags

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:11:24 pm »
The following users liked this post: Icedrags, Il Pk I, Kaner, Ahrim Ghost, Ralphe10, 66destroyer3, Someone12116, Icywindsoul, Edwin

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