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Showcase / Re: Project: Emps world group portrait of 2015
« on: October 16, 2015, 04:06:34 pm »
Put me next to Ozzy, and make sure I'm wielding a knife.


Always remember, never forget <3

I told you already on Skype but just so you can update the list incase you forget, I would like to be placed near Icedrags.
The following users liked this post: Icedrags, Joshiee, Deandam7

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: world event?
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:49:48 pm »
I like the overall idea of world events however as Mary said already it should be something like the fallen star (in boss form) which spawns and everybody can kill. I posted this on a topic already (I'll quote it below). I would also like the idea of having the evil tree (as mining has the fallen star already).

A unique idea would be having a certain boss spawn every Wednesday at a set time (I suggest we use the Hati wolf from RS - click here and Sköll - click here) - These two bosses would be on a rotation so Hati would spawn one week, and then Sköll would spawn the week after and so on...

The boss as you said would have a large amount of health therefore you would need quite a few players on the server to help you kill it, but it would not do major damage to you. The boss could drop the items it drops on RS (minus the Eir items) and they would provide additional XP however they would degrade quite quickly. (1/3 of brawling gloves?).

When the boss spawns it could send a message to all players something along the lines of "You hear a frightful howl in the distance". (frightful would change depending on where the player was located when the boss spawns e.g. "You hear a dull howl in the distance")

EDIT 1: Added Sköll to the Wednesday rotation.
EDIT 2: I forgot to mention that these bosses should be randomly spawned like the fallen star, however should not be located near any populated area (mainly for those who do not wish to participate and those who are low level).
The following users liked this post: Eliminator

Goals & Achievements / Re: Congratulations to our newest administrator
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:38:13 pm »
Oh god, now I need to get use to your blue name...

Congratulations! :kappa:
The following users liked this post: Kaner, Suryoyo K0

Events / Re: Castle Wars event
« on: October 09, 2015, 07:16:11 pm »
Slightly off topic but you should use this website for the countdown:
The following users liked this post: Callmedragon

Goals & Achievements / Re: Southpaw
« on: October 03, 2015, 08:19:46 pm »
Still not slayer... :kappa:

The following users liked this post: Icedrags

General Discussion / Re: New Game Loader
« on: October 03, 2015, 06:42:21 pm »
I like the overall idea of the launcher however I would have went for the Blizzard style launcher. You can see the Blizzard launcher below and also how I think it would look on Emps-World.



I did not aim to make it look perfect as it was created quite quickly but you can see the basic idea I'm suggesting. The launcher should have navigation to the following sections: Main website home page, forum, wiki (wasn't sure what else so I added donate however I'm sure a lot more could be added).

The slideshow would work the same way the current one works (on the beta client) and would scroll through a certain amount of images (3 of the recent updates?) and users could read more by clicking on the description below it (taking them to the main topic on the forum) and also clicking on the main image to enlarge it (like the current system works).

The featured box could be anything from having a sneak peak at the new update or even asking the community what they think about one of the updates already released. This could also feature some of the competitions on the forum (such as signature of the week) and also the event dates for important events (such as Christmas Hide and Seek).

The play button would be the exact same of how the current button works such as opening the actual client for the user, nothing really changes there.

I've also left the same amount of space along the left side of (where the Blizzard games were listed) in-case I've missed anything important. If the space was removed I would also suggest another box for listing all of the staff members currently online as this would be quite helpful and I already know a number of users have suggested commands, etc for this feature already. You can see an example of this below:

The status of the staff member would be set to away if the staff member did not move for around 15 minutes. High administrators would not be listed for obvious reasons (getting spammed to hell).

Final product

The following users liked this post: Thomy, Icedrags, C4 Nerd, Fate, Hugo Terwiss, Suryoyo K0, Blue Bird, Ameer

Screenshots / Re: The 10k Mithril Bar Conquest (In Progress)
« on: October 01, 2015, 04:33:06 pm »
I don't think I would have the patience to collect all of those bars these days...

Very impressive work so far, good luck with your goal.

(You can use Emps-Kit to find out how many bars exactly are required)
The following users liked this post: Icedrags, Hi Im Ethan

Goals & Achievements / Re: Gigi Hadid <3
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:57:43 pm »
You did it, congratulations!

slayer next :kappa:
The following users liked this post: Icedrags

General Discussion / Re: Um....
« on: September 25, 2015, 07:53:22 pm »
martin wasn't paying him the gp he demanded so he resigned
The following users liked this post: Callmedragon

Goals & Achievements / Re: might aswell call me Legolas now
« on: September 23, 2015, 04:34:01 pm »

Congratulations, you finally did it!
The following users liked this post: Icedrags

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Just something small
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:32:51 am »
I like the idea of making guides more known in-game however I think we should promote the forum as a whole a lot more too. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think we have a link to the forum anywhere apart from the ::forum command (which is quite hidden in my opinion).

I would suggest adding a section for community under the quest tab and adding a direct link to the forum there along with some other active locations such as hiscores, etc. I guess an orb could work aswell next to the wiki icon near the mini-map.

edit: we did have an automated yell system for these things however that got removed quite a while ago for unknown reasons, I would like to see that return aswell.
The following users liked this post: C4 Nerd, Callmedragon, Str8att7

Showcase / Re: Stat signature requests!
« on: September 11, 2015, 01:33:04 pm »
In-game name: Camlatty
Combat level: 126
Character image link(*):
Preferred background(*):

Code: [Select]
The following users liked this post: Camlatty

Update Notes / Re: Updates 09/09/2015
« on: September 09, 2015, 05:43:04 pm »
First thought when seeing the templar cape:

The new capes look great, my personal favourite is the moster hunter cape :)

I really like the random emotes aswell!
The following users liked this post: Icedrags, Cococola, Keiskelar

General Discussion / Re: New Forum Theme
« on: September 08, 2015, 03:21:24 pm »
Not really theme related but since you changed the home page at the same time. There is an issue with the gallery on main page when viewing the website on mobile. Youtube videos do not resize correctly ( however images seem to work fine (
The following users liked this post: Thomy

General Discussion / Re: New Forum Theme
« on: September 06, 2015, 11:19:26 pm »
The theme overall looks great however I would suggest a few changes.

Sidebar (profile, etc)

Profile > Look and Layout > Use sidebar menus instead of dropdown menus when possible.

You can barely see the text, I would suggest adding the white background which is visible on the profile sidebar when viewing topics.

Back to top button

I know these are meant to be barely visible yet I think it would look slightly better with the white background.

Profile sidebar

Red: The overall width could be improved as it looks too squished. I'm currently on a laptop so I'm aware this may look a lot better on desktop computers. (1366 x 768)

Green: The space for userbars is still visible for members yet they do not have a userbar currently. Could you remove the space for just members or add the old member userbar?

Blue: The current layout looks good for this however it could be made slightly smaller with having a icon and number for the number of thanks. (Red) would make it wider therefore having a large number shouldn't be a problem.


Shoutbox font size should be changed from 14px to 16px and a space should be added just after the ":".

Edit: A space is there in the html however is barely visible on the theme, could this be fixed?
The following users liked this post: Thomy

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