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General Discussion / Re: Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 11, 2017, 09:49:32 am »
As for referral system maybe there could be refer-a-friend bonus xp? This could work both ways. (Also would probably be an option for voting rewards)
Once the referred player reaches 500 total level both parties gets a certain amount of bonus XP. For example that would be 500k XP so for 500k xp the experience is doubled.
For further rewards if someone manages to actually refer a lot of players you could just spawn any one item the player desires.

Oldschool: That'd be equal to developing a completely new game. However... I could try to load oldschool maps in the current Emps-World client I don't think graphics will change anything though.
If this ever comes world 2 could be used for this perhaps? Developing a whole new game that heavily focuses to PKing; a lot faster XP rates, make Edgeville the mainhub, move all shops to Edgeville, add medium level items to shops, make Barrows equipment more easily obtainable, removing PvP items completely and perhaps add them to a donator store, pk shop with strong armor (3rd age and GWD) and special attack weapons. Adding all medium level skilling supplies to a shop but high level food, pots etc... would still have to be obtained through skilling.

That is a very radical idea and would basically be developing a completely whole new game though^

That could be a plan with world 2... It'd co-exist with the main game, items and stats being separate though.
The following users liked this post: Pk Range99, Kaarel 123, Ranger 0wns, Jandar, S Clegane

General Discussion / Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 11, 2017, 08:41:57 am »
Hey everyone!

It's probably no secret, but Emps-World has massively dropped in popularity. I still see about 300 daily unique logins, but we've lost a lot of players. I'd like to discuss the situation in this topic and also ask for your input. What could make Emps popular again?

As we've already discussed certain things numerous times, I'll list them here:
  • Voting: Yes, every server does it and yes we've already tried it. Voting will only work if we give out good rewards. So what could these rewards be? They shouldn't destroy the economy, nor give too many unfair advantages. In the past voting never brought us anywhere and I doubt it will ever work for Emps.
  • Advertisements: I know that ads help growing our population. Though... there's no budget for ads everywhere and I also can't get spots on toplists.
  • Oldschool: That'd be equal to developing a completely new game. However... I could try to load oldschool maps in the current Emps-World client I don't think graphics will change anything though.
  • Referral system: I'm working on it. Ideas for the rewards?

What changes / updates do you think will make Emps-World more popular again?
Please be gentle and respectful to others, else we'll just delete your replies!

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Lv Persavoz, S Clegane

General Discussion / Re: Player Count
« on: August 03, 2017, 10:20:49 am »
I'm closing this topic now since it's turning into a brawl. Voting hasn't worked, because we didn't give good rewards for it. Giving good rewards destroys the economy and won't benefit the game in any way. So this isn't a suggestion that ever worked out for emps nor ever will. I've said this numerous times already, so I don't know why people keep coming up with the same stuff.

My opinion: At the moment the game is just being unpopular. Most people have maxed out their accounts and are doing something else or just don't enjoy playing emps anymore. Believe me, this saddens me, but there isn't really too much I can do to change that. Pump in more updates? Yeah, we've seen what happened over the past 6 months. This definitely doesn't correlate with an increasing population. As a fact RSPS in general also isn't very popular. There's servers with 500 players, so why isn't emps that big? Are these players real? Back in the scape days, there were also servers with 5,000 players. Aside from that, I am looking for opportunities to put ads on... which is... let's just say difficult.

I will always be working on emps as my hobby, no matter how many people enjoy it. As long as I can pay the server (still easily doable) I will keep developing the game. If you don't enjoy that or if you think that negative comments do benefit us, then please leave the site. You're destroying the motivation of me and others to even comment here. Thanks.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Armour rework
« on: July 31, 2017, 03:56:01 pm »
Thanks for this topic. I've been thinking of an armour rework for quite a while. I would suggest that we lower weakness bonuses by 50%. I've added a screenshot of how the change would look like. Thoughts?

This won't have any impact on damage soaking, but offers a real weakness in PvP situations. This would also impact fights where monsters use multiple combat styles.
The following users liked this post: Jp, Charr, Di Dot, Iron Corne, S Clegane

Feedback / Re: Crystal shield
« on: June 26, 2017, 08:11:33 pm »
By sacrificing all offensive bonuses. Is +105 too strong? Your enemy should hit less on you with the crystal shield.
The following users liked this post: Pr0skillz, S Clegane

Update Notes / Updates August 8th 2017 - Game Balancing & Fixes
« on: June 13, 2017, 01:33:31 pm »
Hey everyone,

I've been away for quite a bit. The reasons for my break is that I'm just being busy with other things. Also the decline in emps' popularity has been quite demotivating and frustrating for me. So I've decided to take a break and focus on my master thesis as well as on my job. Don't worry though, emps is still a hobby that I enjoy working on! I'll be working more on features that bring new players and keep old players rather than programming new content. The updates I currently have in mind are the following:
  • Referrals - Pretty much done for months already, but I still haven't had an idea on how to fix cheating here. We probably need to verify referrals manually in order to keep it fair.
  • Nex - I originally planned to release this new boss directly after Construction but it got delayed many times. It's still on the update stack though.
  • Achievements - Recently started working on it, but I cannot say when it will be done. This heavily depends on how many achievements there will be.
  • Graphical Improvements - I've read into water effects and thought that ambient occlusion might also improve the game. Though I haven't had too much success yet in implementing those.


It has been brought up recently that equipping high level armour completely destroys the combat triangle. You get defensive bonuses for every attack style and that results in being overall resistant to everything. This becomes especially annoying in PvP situations where your opponent's high level armour just cannot be countered in any way.
This is unhealthy gameplay imo and I am presenting following solution: defensive bonus reduction. Armours can be is split into 3 classes: Melee, Range and Magic. The combat triangle's concept is the following: Melee beats Range, Range beats Magic and Magic beats Melee. Thus Melee armour is weak against Magic, neutral against itself and strong against Range. In order to give weakness and neutrality a more meaningful impact, I've reduced weak and neutral defensive bonuses:
  • Weakness: 35% of its original bonus
  • Neutral: 70% of its original bonus
Strong bonuses have been untouched (Range bonus of Melee armour). This means that there has been no impact on damage soaking and also accuracy and strength bonuses remain untouched. This change's purpose is to give your character clearer weaknesses but still keep armours useful.

Changes and Fixes:
  • Clan chat messages are now correctly shown again. Some commands were just ignored. (/create, /delete, etc.)
  • Experience broadcasts were bugged. They're fixed and will now show correctly.
  • The fade-in effect of new objects when the map is loading has been improved. Some flickering effects have been fixed.
  • Superheat spell has been fixed. It will no longer eat runes and grant experience when you don't meed the requirements to smelt ores.
  • Framescale now goes up to 2.0. This will work fine with 4k monitors. With this patch, the viewport with framescales has also been fixed.
  • A bug in duel arena was fixed that healed players randomly while they were dying resulting in the other party winning the duel. I know this bug has been frustrating for many months, but the cause remained unknown until now!
  • A bug in PvP fights has been fixed that showed a wrong health bar. The bug occurred when you ate and healed at exactly the same time. The heal is registered as a negative health addition. This addition (- -1 = +1) resulted in the hit being added instead of being subtracted and then showed a wrong health bar.
  • The proc chance of Karils and Veracs has been increased from 25% to 40%.
  • Damage soaking bonus of Torags increased from 8 to 10.
  • Crystal shield's defensive bonuses have been nerfed. It now gives +75 in every combat style.
  • Dharok's effect has been buffed. The maximum hit has been buffed from 84 to 96 (1 HP, pot, prayer, max strength bonus). The formula has also slighty been edited to let the effect kick in earlier. Your Equipment screen now also shows the max hit with Dharoks on 1 HP.
  • Accuracy bonuses of melee barrow weapons nerfed from 131/151 to 121. Note: Dharok's axe accuracy bonus nerf of 30 sounds like a lot but its max hit has been buffed by 10 to cope with that!

I'll be on holidays (no work + no uni) in the coming 3-4 weeks and plan on releasing at least one of the bigger updates mentioned above. :)

All the best,

Videos / Re: Metalinis - Iron man adventures Ep. 4
« on: June 11, 2017, 11:51:42 am »
Nice :D
The following users liked this post: Tadas47

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:36:45 pm »
I think this can be closed now. It never really brought any constructive criticism and just turned into bashing each other.
The following users liked this post: Pain Dot

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Quitting
« on: June 09, 2017, 08:03:54 am »

General Discussion / Re: Combat System at PKING
« on: June 08, 2017, 11:22:39 am »
Just by the look at the equipment, you will definitely lose the fight against third-age. The equipment definitely outperforms void armour.

Anyway, the hit chance against your opponent in void would be 33%. Your opponent has a hit chance of 51%. Upgrading to void elite would give you a hit chance of 36% plus additional defence bonuses lowering your opponent's hit chance to 42%. I don't necessarily find this unfair, because your opponent is using way more expensive gear. However, void seems a little weak in this scenario.
The following users liked this post: Pain Dot

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Emps Wars Rewards
« on: June 03, 2017, 09:08:30 am »
I've already got a rework of the reward shop done. It will be released with the next patch. There'll be new weapons and new armours. :)
The following users liked this post: Land Rover 1, Ranger 0wns, Hi Im Ethan, Danielshapz, S Clegane

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Broadcast
« on: June 03, 2017, 09:08:03 am »
I really like this idea theoretically, but I am very sure this will end up being a lot of spam. I really don't think we should overdo this. :P
The following users liked this post: Skill0wzer, Tomtim1, S Clegane

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PKING
« on: May 31, 2017, 01:49:51 pm »
Feel free to suggest an actual improvement. I am open for a lot of things but yet I do miss ideas. :)
The following users liked this post: Saif Nawaf

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: This is what matters...
« on: May 30, 2017, 09:57:40 am »
I'll see what I can do. The object picking code is limited, because it's a hard hit on the client's overall performance.

I've uploaded a patch where it checks for intersections every 2nd frame instead of 20 times per second. This means that it'll check it 30 times now if your fps is 60. Scaling upwards to whatever maximum fps you have. :)

Let me know if this feels better? It did during my tests on both my laptop (30 fps) and desktop computer (100+ fps).
The following users liked this post: Skill0wzer

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Quick prayers
« on: May 29, 2017, 01:56:02 pm »
I do agree this is very convenient and it will definitely be added in the future. However, other things are currently planned. :)
The following users liked this post: Skill0wzer, Tomtim1, Danielshapz, S Clegane

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