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Messages - Metsavennd

Pages: 1 2 3
Screenshots / Got maxed SELFIES
« on: October 08, 2015, 05:51:24 pm »
Thanks guys for support ! Angila jolie, Tim and Bart
And special thankses to Metsavennd Who helped me at last lvls :) thanks bro !
Gl all u for getting maxed :)!!
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: For all of us
« on: September 11, 2015, 07:13:22 pm »
I think you are completely right, only thing is i am not sure how we can change it. Making stuff harder could do it? Or working Grand Exchange perhaps in future.
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Screenshots / Re: GOLD :D
« on: September 10, 2015, 07:28:39 am »
fus ro dah
Dragonborn killed the dragon
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Screenshots / Re: GOLD :D
« on: September 09, 2015, 11:55:21 am »
Nice screenshot ._.
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Screenshots / Re: GOLD :D
« on: September 09, 2015, 07:32:29 am »
Not the best pic :)

The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: banshee
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:31:46 am »
It's a bug indeed and will be fixed with tomorrow's update, thanks.
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: potato cactus
« on: August 30, 2015, 11:44:43 am »
@Dylan They should be cheaper. No one makes magic pots because Potato Cactus is rare af. You get hundreds of Jangerberries in same time, than you get 10 Potato's. Jangers are higher level ingredient, for more expensive potion. So i dont get the logic of Potato's being rare af. Their drop rate should be increased to same rate as Jangerberries are. And make them noted.
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: potato cactus
« on: August 30, 2015, 10:35:12 am »
I'd like to see the drop rates raised, instead of adding them to more monsters
This is most likely about Banshees  ^.
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Update Notes / Updates 02/09/2015 & 03/09/2015
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:29:04 am »
Updates of 03/09:
  • Brimhaven agility arena darts and spinning blades updated. They'll look much smoother now.
  • Right-click 'Join' added to your friends-list. When joining a friend, you'll immediately log to their world. It's basically quick world hopping.
  • Pirate leggings fixed, they're now tradeable.
  • Dragon claws fixed, their special attack damage was bugged.
  • Npc drop tables fixed, the drops weren't truly random anymore. The drop lists are now also shuffled for even more randomness.
  • Banshees fungi and potato cactus drops fixed.
  • Anger sword and spear deal damage again.

Hey guys,

Following things were updated:
  • Bandos helm now has a chat head model.
  • Fox tail is now properly animated.
  • Item sprites in shop interface are no longer removed earlier than needed.
  • Donator blades' special attack no longer deals a fixed amount of 20. They can be worn at level 1 now and will deal 55% of the original weapon damage as second special attack hit.
  • The equipment screen is now showing your normal and special attack maxhit.
  • Hover boxes in all interfaces have also been updated, see the previous screenshot for an example. On top of that, special items, such as barrows, spirit shields, etc. have received a hover info box saying something about the item's special effect.
  • Dragon axe special attack updated. It now costs 25% and deals 5% more damage. It can now be used on trees and instantly cuts 2 logs at the same time.
  • Some images out our wiki have been fixed.
  • Drop tables of low level npcs updated (men, women, etc...)
  • Scorpions have new drop tables with slave robes as very rare drop.
  • Pirates have new drop tables with pirate equipment as very rare drop.
  • Many pirate spawns have been added to Brimhaven.
  • Karil crossbow attack and block animation updated. The crossbow's bolt projectile speed was also increased.
  • Magic log, fishing net and granite shield item sprites fixed. They're no longer white.
  • Attack option priority setting added. When enabled, the attack option will always appear first.
  • Flickering of falador roofs and rugs fixed (only vbo mode).
  • Unicorns received new drop tables.
  • The under attack delay between 2 players in the wilderness was increased by 4 seconds. It now takes 4 seconds longer before somebody can pj you.
  • Banshees droptable updated. Mort myre fungi and potato cactus are now dropped more frequently as un-noted version. Their noted version still remains in the drop table.
  • Some black spots on the minimap were fixed.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Goals & Achievements / Got Maxed!!!
« on: June 02, 2015, 04:49:59 pm »
Finally after all these years, I have been maxed. :)

Some achievements:

Thank you Metsavennd and everyone else who has helped me in this journey!
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Suggestions & Ideas / Bank chests and healers
« on: May 14, 2015, 08:21:43 pm »
Members-only bank chests

So this chest in barbarian village gave me an idea. Members only bank chests. It'd be a nice member feature and it would make stuff a heck-ton more convenient. We could have these at various skill locations or dungeons to make some stuff a little easier for people with an active membership.
Here's a few locations i'd put a chest at:
  • Falador mine (near the stairs)
  • Camelot (near the yew trees & spinning wheel)
  • Duel arena (near the magic trees)
  • Any farming spot
  • Lumbridge (near the teleport spot somewhere)
These are just examples, if you guys know any other places these would be neat at feel free to post em.

As for why i'd like these chests. People don't often skill for money anymore, woodcutting for money is pretty much dead, mining is done but there aren't too many people doing it, farming herbs isn't done too much either. This should save those with an active membership a small bit of time walking to the bank and make stuff a tiny bit more efficient.


First of all, I'd like healers to heal more than just health and prayer points. It would be nice if they could cure poison and remove teleblock as well. Furthermore, we need a few more healers. Some suggested locations are:
  • Neitiznot island
  • Barbarian village
  • Rimmington
Why remove poison and tb? Antipoison isn't really made all that often, and the only place i've seen it used at is KQ. People usually wait out their poison and then continue what they were doing, this should save them that wasted time. A similar story with teleblock, once you've made it out of the wilderness while teleblocked anyone smart enough would realize: 'hey, i've been tbed, i'm gonna wait until this is over before I'm gonna head back to wild.' Having the healers heal these things would save people time they spend standing around.
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Suggestions & Ideas / al-kharid desert
« on: April 12, 2015, 03:31:15 pm »
i'm taking about this part of the map:

it's just completely deserted and takes place in the map just as a decoration, i know that this place is just for safe pking (which could also be done in duel arena), and a good place for crashing stars, but other than that, this place doesn't have much to offer.
my suggestion is: add a few bosses there, another random event related to that desert, a few quests and even a few slayer monsters, so players would actually visit the desert time to time.

EDIT: i forgot to mention that this desert actualy has one live city and one strong boss - smoke dungeon, pollnivneach, and smoke demon champion.
but the rest of the desert like i mentioned before, if deserted.

edit #2: ive edited the pic (map) and marked the places that you could do something with.
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Update Notes / Security Batch #1
« on: April 04, 2015, 08:46:18 am »
Hey guys,

Due to the recent website hack, I've decided that we need more security features. As you've probably also already seen, the entire homepage runs under https now. Moreover, I'm changing the hash algorithm that is used in our database to ensure that even hacked passwords will be completely worthless. And that hackers in the future have no way of decrypting 'easy' passwords anymore. I've decided to use 'bcrypt', which is not vulnerable to rainbow attacks (= simple password hacking) and not vulnerable to bruteforcing (guessing until you have the password). The reason for that lies in the complexity of the algorithm, it would take years to bruteforce a password! With this update, the in-game and forum passwords will now also be 100% equal, they are no longer stored as 2 different values.

There will also be a Security Batch #2 in the near future, where I'll make the game client to server connection safer. My plan here is to use RSA for the username and password exchange.

Please note that it's still recommended to change your password here, if you haven't already done so.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

Screenshots / Re: My N00b bank so far :D no stake/no pk
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:00:09 pm »
Nice bank, mate!
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Screenshots / Re: My N00b bank so far :D no stake/no pk
« on: March 19, 2015, 03:48:52 pm »
A decent bank you got there,good luck improving it :)
The following users liked this post: Metsavennd

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