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Messages - Amer13

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Bug Reports
« on: April 15, 2017, 01:55:23 pm »
My friends from friendslist and I have noticed the thing about bug reports the way they are taken care of these days. Not that I think it's easy to fix them all but for example, let's take Barrows Gloves bug, which was pointed out two times(One of the problems that happened to me as well but when I saw that there was already made identical topic to it I figured I'd remain silent). And after all was done there was reply: "Thanks, it will be fixed." by Thomy himself. I wonder if bug section is actually really needed that though if bugs are still around and what people suggest is only something new, something that completely destroys what's already in game. So, what you people make of this? Should we make like a seperate Bug section the one like Wiki Contribution where people could fix those bugs by testing them in world 3. Any ideas on how we could properly fix them more efficiently?
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Pages: 1