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Messages - Maffiaahv

Pages: 1
Guides / Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
« on: January 27, 2016, 02:20:43 pm »
Code: [Select]
d = quest_options
opt | 159 "Begin quest" | gnomechild

d = gnomechild
if $q_gnomechild == 0 gnomechild_begin
if $q_gnomechild == 1 gnomechild_check

d = gnomechild_begin
npc "Got any of that good shit, yeah?"
plr "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???"
npc "Bring me 12 guam leafs."
qst "Help the gnome child in his dank quest?" "Ok" | gnomechild_cont "Ok" | gnomechild_cont

d = gnomechild_cont
npc "Ty m8." $q_gnomechild = 1

d = gnomechild_check
npc "You brought the good shit?"
if hasItem({249, 12}) gnomechild_finish else gnomechild_scam

d = gnomechild_finish
delItem(249, 12)
npc "Yeah thats the shit. Good shit m8. Ty." $q_gnomechild = 2

d = gnomechild_scam
npc "You tryin to foken scam me m7?"
plr "Cheeky little shit m8 I'll bash ur head in I swear on me nan."
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