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Messages - Dreamwork

Pages: 1
Update Notes / Updates 25/01/2015
« on: January 25, 2015, 10:58:53 am »
Hey guys,

We've got some changes ready for today:
  • Statius warhammer and bandos godsword special attacks nerfed. They were far too powerful for pvming. Statius warhammer now decreases 10% of the enemy's defence level. Bandos godsword will now decrease your enemy's defence level by half. I'm sure some of you will not enjoy this update but it's a necessary change. Nobody is fighting a boss without a statius or bgs special attack anymore. Furthermore, an npc's level can be reduced to a maximum of 85% of its original level. That means level 100 defence won't go lower than 85. Players have their stat lowering limit at 50% of their maximum level.
  • Some people were complaining that corporeal beast drops were bugged. I've taken a look at the drops and simulated a million kills. The result is that I've received every drop. So there is no bug that you can't get a special spirit shield, it's just a huge coincidence!
  • Besides these 2 changes I've fixed a lot of bugs that have been reported in the bug reports section. Special thanks to all people posting there, it's great help!
  • Some people were having problems with the client loading new regions and that objects on the ground disappeared. That's due to a recent change in the client's update procedure. I was able to increase initial loading speed in the client for new players which I was testing yesterday with the live client. So some client patches yesterday were causing bugs that have all been fixed today. After a successful client patch you shouldn't have any problem with loading new regions anymore. If something still goes wrong, make a bug report! :)
  • A bug was fixed where degradable items would never completely degrade and destroy.

All the best,
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