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Messages - K0belzz

Pages: 1
Update Notes / Updates 14/01/2015
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:41:12 am »
Hey guys,


I've got a nice update ready for today: Custom wings. They are unique and only exist in Emps-World!
If you haven't seen them already, take a look here:

If you want to get a fresh pair of wings, head over to the donator shop. Wings are 1 donator ticket each and count as amulets. They have the same stats as an amulet of glory. Moreover wings can also be used in the godwars dungeon for protection from the respective alliance.

In other news I've fixed some bugs. Only noticable things are listed below.
  • Players in wildy can now always be attacked. There's no longer an out of combat timer for people loading the map.
  • An automated cache downloader has been added to the client. Especially new players will profit from that. It basically means that the whole cache is now slowly downloaded in background. That reduces loading times in any futur areas for you. Don't worry, this isn't going to make you lag, it takes 3-4 hours to finish the download. That's no stress for the bandwidth and gameplay!

Special thanks yet again to everybody posting in the bug reports section.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: K0belzz

Update Notes / Updates 07/01/2015
« on: January 07, 2015, 10:14:35 am »
Hey guys,

I've got a lot of bug fixes ready for today. I'm only mentioning the largest changes:
  • Barbarian agility course overhaul. Timing is better now and bugs have been fixed where you could get stuck.
  • Item pickup issue fixed. You're even able to pickup items that are 1 step away from you. That should fix all pickup issues in general.
  • Guardian Angel issue fixed. Everybody who's died yesterday has received a GA. That debugging option was disabled.
  • Ardougne castle stairs added. You can now climb to the top.
  • Ardougne windmill configured. You can now go up and down there.
  • You can no longer drop items on farming patches, so loot wont float into the air anymore.
  • EDIT: I've also added a 'Thank You' modification to the forum. It allows you to say thank you to forum posts.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: K0belzz

Pages: 1