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Messages - Cjkinsey6

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General Discussion / Re: Emps world cc
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:15:50 pm »
Assistance cc was removed due to lack of new players and staff/experienced player presence. After Charr left this chat became abandoned and I'm pretty sure I was the only one visiting it.

I wouldn't mind if it returned, however we need presence in that chat. I'm not willing to take that responsibility to myself again and just Charr is not enough.

I also agree with Cjkinsey6 on Emps-World (aka Thomy) cc. It only takes a couple of people to ruin it, which is why moderation has had no effect on the toxicity levels. This won't change if it stays as a central cc. On the other hand, I don't want to disband it. It's important for a small playerbase to stay connected and that's what this chat does.
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Off-Topic / Re: Karel appreciation thread
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:29:08 pm »
i appreciate u guys too  :-[ :-[
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Off-Topic / Re: Karel appreciation thread
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:01:36 pm »
Didn't wanna dig the thread, it's fucking great though.
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Off-Topic / Karel appreciation thread
« on: February 14, 2017, 05:54:06 pm »
ITT: we post things Karel says to show we appreciate him

The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Barb armour shop
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:33:00 pm »
Skeletal helm also looks like cow udders so I wouldnt wear it even if it was the best magic headwear in the game.
Kek, fair enough.

You can't deny it
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Suggestions & Ideas / Karamja agility arena experience bonus.
« on: February 11, 2017, 05:49:17 am »
I, a member of the ethnic Kekistani minority group, have noticed that chasing after tickets in Karamja agility arena is a bigger waste of experience than chasing after human women. Especially considering that the rewards are just as lousy.
So I must've been praised by the Kek, as I was hit with an idea of adding an agility experience bonus to players who have triggered the previous ticket dispenser.
I was thinking of around 30% bonus experience on all obstacles so long as the ticket remains #triggered.
Which if being triggered is considered the norm, would result in non-triggered people earning around 77 experience for every 100 experience a triggered person earns for doing the exact same work, the 77% experience gap should be enough to encourage them to chase after tickets to ensure that they get the extra experience as opposed to mindlessly jumping back and forth on a single obstacle or doing the same agility course over and over again.
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Current Affairs / Re: What do you think about US president Donald Trump
« on: February 10, 2017, 09:13:02 pm »
The God Emperor has only been in office for a few weeks, there are still 8 years left of his presidency, but he's already doing what he promised he would do and he's doing these things better than expected. I was a reluctant Trump supporter during his campaign because even though I didn't agree with him on everything, he was the most liberal candidate (classical liberal, not retard liberal)
I have yet to see any valid criticism of Trump coming from anti-Trumpers, the best they can come up with can be summed up as 'everyone who disagrees with us is a Nazi, let's act like fascists against them'
There is some valid criticism coming from Trump supporters, such as that the things he has done may seem a bit rushed, which I agreed with at first, but even then the damage coming from what Trump has done has been minimal while the benefits could be yuge in the long run, which is probably why he's the president and I'm a mere follower of Kek.

Overall I'm very pleased with both the God Emperor's work so far as well as the Keks that he has provided and if it weren't for the rioters terrorizing people in the streets then I would say that the future is looking bright.

#PraiseKek #FreeKekistan
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Off-Topic / Re: What annoys or pisses you off?
« on: February 06, 2017, 04:33:03 pm »
 :'( :'( :'(      :'( :'( :'( :'(       :'( :'( :'(          :'( :'( :'(       :'( :'( :'(       
 :'(      :'(       :'(         :'(        :'(      :'(          :'(      :'(       :'(         
 :'(  :'( :'(      :'( :'( :'( :'(       :'(  :'(  :'(        :'( :'(               :'(  :'(
 :'(      :'(       :'(   :'(              :'(       :'(         :'(      :'(                  :'(
 :'(      :'(       :'(         :'(        :'(       :'(          :'( :'( :'(        :'( :'( :'(
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hi
« on: February 05, 2017, 11:32:44 pm »
Obby Forever rings a bell, welcome back dude.
Thanks. I wish it didn't ring a bell. I'm ashamed to actually read the shit I wrote back then.
Four years of my life went into building that obby mauler.. Jesus.
Anyways, thanks again.
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Off-Topic / Re: What annoys or pisses you off?
« on: February 02, 2017, 03:13:11 pm »
When u accidentally cut your sack when shaving them.
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Clans / Re: Bigdicks - Ironman clan
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:42:41 pm »
Let's all take a minute and laugh at the other clansbump

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Clans / Re: Bigdicks - Ironman clan
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:13:17 pm »
Let's all take a minute and laugh at the other clansbump
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: January 30, 2017, 08:21:20 pm »

When the brainless spamming finally catches Thomy
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Update Notes / Updates February 28th 2017 - Construction Preparations
« on: January 28, 2017, 08:33:15 am »
Hey guys,

Haven't heard from me in a while, been really busy with Construction! I've got a few little changes ready with this update, also a preview of the current Construction progress. Let me know what you think of it.

Master Capes
Master capes now have particles. The particle color is equal to the trim color. With this update I've also slightly modified the particles of elemental weaponry. I've increased the amount of particles that are rendered, since their performance tests were really good.

Brightness and Animations
I've changed the way brightness is handled. It's now done through the graphics card and has smoother transitions. With this change, I've also made dungeons darker with stronger (darker) shadows. Giving you a darker scenery in caves. Moreover, I've also improved animation quality. You will no longer find flickering objects. Oh, and... take a look at your player! You can now see your eyes properly. :)

Construction Preview
It's not quite there yet, but we're close to the release. In this update, I'm putting all construction tests to the live game. Since this is a gigantic update, I have to push testing onto a new level. Meaning, that I'll go through the entire skill multiple times. It may be possible that we will have closed betas, but I can't say too much about it yet at this point. Anyway, here's a screenshot:

I'm now able to fully build 15 rooms with the current construction progress. I now have to work on obtaining the required resources (planks, limestone bricks, cloths, etc.) and give rooms usabilities (portal room, amulet of glory, combat ring, etc.). I hope I'll be done with it soon. :)

Following things have been changed:
  • Usability of GWD entrance doors improved. You can no longer get stuck when another person tries to enter at the same time. It works like the Smoke Demon Champion entrance now. One person needs the kill count, others can easily follow through.
  • Aggression code of monsters adjusted. It's now checked more often and the radius for aggression checks has been increased.
  • Saradomin sword buffed. It has received a 2% lifesteal bonus.
  • Onyx bolts buffed. On top of their healing effect, they now have 2% flat lifesteal bonus.
  • Textures on custom models (elemental weapons, wings, kbd armour, etc.) have been improved.
  • Brightness settings changed. You can now select higher brightness and it's done through the graphics card. Meaning that changing the brightness will no longer cause the map to reload and that it's done smoother.
  • Whip special attack buffed. The duration of the bind has been increased to 10 seconds and the special attack now costs 50% special attack energy.
  • New locations have been added to the worldmap viewer.
  • Elite void knight robes have been added to the skill level interface. Moreover, their colors can now also be distinguished by their names. Elite void robe names appended (b) for black, (g) for grey and (w) for white.
  • Shadows improved. Alpha values are now properly filtered and particles now also cast shadows on higher shadow settings. Performance has also been improved for lower settings on weaker graphics cards.
  • Water of certain fountains and geysirs is now animated.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Cjkinsey6

Showcase / Re: IRL pictures thread
« on: January 25, 2017, 11:07:10 pm »
Before charr told me, i hadn't even clue that it was even a thing lmao. Sorry for disrespecting the culture x) it was so random haha. Won't be using that 'pose' next time lol
My sides. It's nothing more than a meme.

For anyone that doesn't understand, here is an educational video.
And once you have mastered the skill you can officially be accepted to the slavik gang:

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