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Messages - Esam121

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Off-Topic / Re: Happy Father's Day
« on: June 22, 2015, 11:42:38 pm »
I'm mommy and daddy so ty ^.-
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Update Notes / Updates 26/06/2015
« on: June 22, 2015, 06:34:03 pm »
Hey guys,

Following things have been updated:
  • Some interfaces at the vbomode have been fixed.
  • Texture UV coordinates at the vbomode look better now, especially trees. (only when model textures are on)
  • Several bugs fixed in-game. Special thanks to our bug reporters!
  • Animals in the Ardougne zoo are now moving. You can also shoot through the zoo fences now.
  • Colors for non-animated objects at vbomode have been improved. Animated models (players, npcs, etc...) were always a little bit brighter than non-animated ones (walls, floor, etc...).
  • Armour and weapon shop npcs updated in Barbarian village.
  • Sacred clay bonuses nerfed by 10%. They also cap at level 40 instead of 50 now. Rune armours are now again better than sacred clay equipment.
  • Darts' and knives' max hits reduced by 10%.
  • Comp ogre and dark bow max hits reduced by 20%. I know that this is quite a big nerf, but it's for the greater good. One-shotting eachother by just auto attacking just isn't funny for pures!
  • Morrigan javelin's attack speed increased by 0.5 seconds.
  • Pets are now disabled in any PvP zone. That includes castle-wars, duel arena, wildernes, etc.
  • A bug was fixed where splashes wouldn't degrade your items.
  • There's now a wiki orb next to the world map orb on your minimap. Clicking on it directly brings you to our wiki.
  • Bolkoy's right-click options changed. He now also gives you access to the donator shop.
  • Barbarian Assistance coin reward changed from 10k to 35k. That's an easier start for new players.

Last but not least, our donation system is receiving a major rework.  It's difficult to offer new services such as: name changes, maybe titles in the future, new donator items, etc... (only examples that MAY come in the future!!) Due to the fact, that we can't ask less than 1 donator ticket for any future service, I've changed the system. You now donate for Donation Points, rather than for Donator Tickets. You  also get more DP, if you donate more at once (just like at any other games). A donation of 3.5€ is worth 588 Donation Points. Here's a list of new prices for donator items:
  • Partyhats, masks and santa hats: 500 DP
  • Member ring: 500 DP
  • Wings: 585 DP
  • Whips: 550 DP
  • Donator blades & Dragon staff: 750 DP
  • Mystery box: 500 DP

Donating will be disabled until I'm done testing the new donation system on the live homepage. Everything's worked locally... but you never know. ;) And yes... all donator items are now cheaper than they were before! Moreover, existing donator tickets can be exchanged for 600 DP by simply clicking on them. You're also able to view the total amount of Donation Points that you've donated with 1 account at Donations prior to the DP update count as 600 DP per donator ticket. (the field updates when you relog)

Already a screenshot of the new donation page:

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Been away, probably for good
« on: June 22, 2015, 11:10:09 am »
Sad to hear Tyler, goodluck and keep your head up.

Why were you kicked out o.O
There is certain details you just don't ask for Martin.

Choose your battles wisely kid, last time you cried and said you would report him for harrasing you.
Lol at @I don't want to talk with you at all, this will be my last reply to you and if you quote or reply this, ill report you for harrasing me.

Battles lol
What is wrong with this community.. We are posting on a person's farewell, I am sticking up for Tyler, not harradsing martin or whatever you think im doing. Can we just please have 1 normal topic without flaming? Please, whatever you think of me keep it inside you, nobody cares man :/

What is wrong with this community? Attention seekers, just like you. You over-dramatize everything. Try to deny that and I'll just post one of those RS vids of yours where you scream over your shit drops to prove my point.
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Showcase / Re: IRL pictures thread
« on: June 11, 2015, 10:52:17 pm »
Preparing for mary
We rent a hotel room at dreamhack, gonna be exciting to see if she lives up to all her sex education.
Did someone miss a spot when he was mowing the grass on your head :o
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Debates / Re: What's your favorite type of super fast car?
« on: June 06, 2015, 01:48:55 am »
Mercedes Benz race over here.

Yes pls

Added Corvette and Nissan to the poll.

Nissan GTR is super amazing car <3

Silly Sam, corvette is a product of Chevrolet 8)
I definitely know that!

I added it because it looks a cool car ;)

Looks aren't THAT important in a car, what's important is an 8 cylinder car that can break 0 to 60 in 2 1/2 seconds.

m8, looks > everything else
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Showcase / Re: IRL pictures thread
« on: June 05, 2015, 08:52:50 pm »

feelin' cool n gr8 m8
sweg overload
Noo, i do that hair style too >:(

Pretty good picture tho
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Debates / Re: What's your favorite type of super fast car?
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:14:10 pm »
bmw my fav car!<3
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Screenshots / Re: Martin is doing me!!!
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:16:57 am »
(ง ͠° ͜ʖ ͡°)ง
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Event Manager
« on: May 29, 2015, 05:21:36 am »
esam, again i suppose, but i just cant see it running properly, what if its me and i do take it seriously but then my work calls me when im due to run an event of course im going to pick work first then i get demoted, also people will eventually get bored of it
The event manager will be chosen very carefully, also it isn't that bad if one event is cancelled.
As always event managers can resign if they cannot organize events anymore.

That's the event manager's job to make all the events more fun. They should think of some new events not just killing bosses.
I think it's a great idea but event managers will have to be chosen very well.
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Event Manager
« on: May 28, 2015, 08:21:47 pm »
its a good idea, but no i dont feel this rank is needed, just join thomy cc and tell people you are runnning an event..

also why does it have to be friday and saturday not every player can make those days
Doesn't neccesarily have to be friday or saturday, guess we could run a poll for the best timezones.
And those players that often join the thomy clan chat can also be luring and/or false announcing and then again not qualified enough to run a event.
The following users liked this post: Esam121

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Event Manager
« on: May 28, 2015, 01:29:10 pm »
Emps-World is like a little clan at the moment, people get bored of repeating the same bs everyday, it is important to have changes or different ways of having fun, and I believe Event managers can promote that fun.

Event manager is not a useless rank, we had it back then and it played a important role in the game, right now I find it neccesary to have event managers ingame, the game is decreasing in player count at the moment, not increasing.

Some players don't have friends / trusted players to PvM / Group PK with. This would be a nice opportunity to get to know new players, it's not always about succeeding ingame, you need to form relationships, it is not always about getting to a certain point ingame, it's about the journey.

Good thinking Esam :), for once I can agree with you!
The following users liked this post: Esam121

General Discussion / Re: Emps is dying
« on: May 28, 2015, 07:17:34 am »
There is still shit load of people playng it
look at evry wote is unical. 1 person / 1 vote
just admit it. Emps need's adversitement.

No, no, no, ... just no. That's not true, voting lists are massively being cheated on. Moreover, not all server's player counts are really legit. We've been on these voting sites (with fair voting) and didn't get anywhere, that's why we stopped doing it. Why should we give these sites thousands of clicks without really anything in return? No thanks.

On-topic: We're running advertisements and get over 40 clicks on Emps-World every day. I would like to expand that with more banners for advertisements. The next question is, if these advertisements are really worth it. Do they really bring new players? I'm not sure of that question, that's why the budget for advertisements is limited for now. I would like to spend more on ads with new banners though. Besides, Emps-World has pretty much established a solid player count now. We know that over 200 players play simultaneously every day. That's nothing to be sad about, that's something to be happy about! I can also say that the player count has risen a little bit over the last 2 weeks, so maybe advertisements are bearing fruits.

The following users liked this post: Esam121

General Discussion / Re: Emps is dying
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:36:44 am »
We don't need trashy advertisement. What you're suggesting (and doing already apparently) is actually giving people a bad idea of the game. Think of it like this, you're sitting on Facebook, enjoying some funny pictures from some Page, then there's this guy "Like our Page we have *blah blah blah*". 99% of people who read that comment think that: 1. it's idiotic / 2. won't like or join the page / 3. and may even reply to him "Fuck off idiot".

The same applies to this attempt you suggest, you'd just bring hatred upon this game.

What we need is smart advertising, we tried Top Lists, we are constantly working on social media (Facebook & YouTube mostly) and soon with Google Ads. Remember that Emps in its golden age was filled with all of us who were young (and foolish), and that we are moving on from games already (most of us). The new generation may play other games, but a game in which you can do so many things (runescape style) will always attract people, and the stability of the content in Emps sets us way above most of other RSPSs. It just TAKES TIME to gain players.

You have to understand that our player count is NOT decreasing, it's actually going to the actual number that it's supposed for this moment (reducing all of us who've grown-up). The new generation will set foot on emps in the coming months, but you can't expect an instant growth right now.
The following users liked this post: Esam121

General Discussion / Re: Emps is dying
« on: May 25, 2015, 03:27:20 pm »
its not just emps-world but all rsps and Rs itself too. people find new games to play such  as League of legends dota 2 and etc.  rsps/rs  ain't that much fun anymore to new generation and old generation have grown out of it and have realized that they have way more important things to do/worry about.
The following users liked this post: Esam121

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