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Messages - Fireblast12

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General Discussion / Re: project - goodness!
« on: March 12, 2015, 09:41:41 pm »
Me saying ''Hi'' to a random person:

Me: Hi
Random person: Ks amk

That's Emps player interaction in nutshell.
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

I would like to congratulate Chazz and welcome both him and Weed4u2 (the welcomer) to the Sectional Moderator team :)

They will be joining Il Pk I, whose topic can be found here:

Yes, we have now run out of colours :kappa:
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Games / Re: arams so much fun
« on: March 11, 2015, 06:09:07 pm »
First PENTA :doge:

inb4 josh never had a penta with ahri but u did
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Games / Re: arams so much fun
« on: March 11, 2015, 03:32:40 pm »
First PENTA :doge:

The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Screenshots / Re: OP outfit ._.
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:35:10 pm »
It's even uglier than you are in real life. Rekt m8.
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Events / Re: Lottery
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:43:28 pm »
How many of you would enter it again?

Thank this post if you would.

EDIT: Lottery is on once again! Rules are the same, good luck.
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Marek the plan to resign and come back with a higher rank didn't succeed.
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Showcase / Re: YouTube Banner Competition - Prize is 75 Million
« on: March 06, 2015, 10:38:22 pm »
I been making professional revamps for so long i had forgotten how fun it was to make these :P
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Screenshots / Re: Dat Moment when FATE is back on emps-world! :)
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:29:44 pm »
That moment when rulebreakers meet Fate's panhammer :kappa:

                                            Panhammer says "Hi!"
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Off-Topic / Re: The land of the long white cloud! My 6 day adventure.
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:31:12 am »
killing Canadian geese? m8 im coming to get your NZ geese

Hello, Cococola.

You have shown true Canadian patriotism.  You have therefore been selected to join GOOSE.

If you would please fill out the form (below) and watch our Orientation Video (courtesy of Paul, a long-time member and co-founder of GOOSE), you will be all set and ready to go!

Code: [Select]
What is your name?
What would you rank your ability of a knife to be (x/10)?
Do you live near a grocery store?

We start dicing kiwis at 3:00pm (PT) every Saturday, except for this Saturday, as Jason has karate practice.
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: About fireblast's "suggestion"
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:16:42 am »
There is no way to fix this at spectrals. They will always have a 100% chance to survive using the x log method, unless the time to log out increases to like 2 minutes.

Therefore I suggest a completely different approach by adding a new type of area to the wilderness. This area will be a combination of a multi and single zone:
-Players can only attack one, and be attacked by one player at a time.
-NPC's can only attack one, and be attacked by one player at a time.
-Players can only attack one NPC at a time.
-Players can attack other players that are in combat with an NPC.
-Players cannon attack NPC's that are in combat with other players.
-When entering a single zone from this area, whilst still being attacked by both a player and an NPC, the NPC will stop attacking and the player will keep attacking.

This way pking stays active in these areas, yet they don't turn into a multi pking fest. Just think about it.
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Screenshots / Re: k0ed thomy 4 times w/0 banking
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:28:53 pm »
Well played, mate. Enjoy your prize :)
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Off-Topic / Re: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BLACK HASTA
« on: February 24, 2015, 11:43:03 pm »

Screenshots / Re: 1vs1 i swer to mum 1vs1
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:12:58 pm »
Aaaaanddd they're gone!
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

Goals & Achievements / Re: Congratulations to our newest moderator!
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:58:14 pm »
The following users liked this post: Fireblast12

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