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Messages - Dan7

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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Doei
« on: June 08, 2015, 09:17:12 am »
worst staff member ever, please fuck off to facebook m8 ;)

i did 1,2b xp in 3 months u think i wanna get spoiled? there is a big difference between spoiled and something new
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Update Notes / Updates 08/06/2015
« on: June 07, 2015, 08:34:32 am »
Hey guys,

Following things were added:
  • A bug with farming tomatoes was fixed. The wrong object was displayed.
  • Tomatoes and strawberries can now be eaten. Moreover, sweetcorns can be cooked and watermelons can be sliced with a knife to get 4 watermelon slices, healing 7 HP each.
  • Logout delays were removed. When logging from world 1 to 2, you were kept online for about 10 seconds.
  • Swimming through the water in the GWD has been improved.
  • Plantations no longer appear on other height levels when using stairs.
  • Cabbage plantation objects fixed.
  • Salve amulet fixed for range and mage attacks. There was a bug where the undead bonus would be applied twice, so instead of a 20% boost, you ended up having a 44% boost.
  • The swap spellbook spell no longer cancels autocasting.
  • Potions and food no longer share a common timer. You can use any potion and eat any food at the same time now.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: Login and logof Bug auto
« on: June 06, 2015, 09:46:06 am »
Next update will contain a possible fix for this. If it happens again, let me know if in another bug report.
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Introductions & Farewells / Hi
« on: June 06, 2015, 07:14:50 am »
Hi im trucki2
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Introductions & Farewells / Re: The time has come ^-^
« on: June 02, 2015, 07:36:42 pm »
Bye jimmy thx for construction leaks :kappa:

The following users liked this post: Dan7

Introductions & Farewells / The time has come ^-^
« on: June 02, 2015, 06:01:08 pm »
I'm quitting, But ofcourse I will stay on le forums.
I will probably check it out though if there is something new.

Peace out :3
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Introductions & Farewells / Goodbye forever.
« on: May 29, 2015, 09:18:01 pm »
Everything started in 2010, everything stop in 2015. After 5 years of amazing time here, i'm quitting. Im probably now to old (17 almost 18) for emps and I dont enjoy playing it anymore as before. I now have better things to care about and to do Irl (Working, my gf, family, going to the gym, going out with friends, doing sports, etc). I had very great time playing this server and I dont regret anything. Today I realise ive been wasting to much time here and it's time to stop. Everyone have so much to do IRL I'm really not telling anyone to quit te server, but I just want you to realise that playing emps-scape give you totally nothing in your life, go outside, go to the gym, go with your friends but please never say no to a friend, an activity like I did for playing a computer game. :o

No this is not a rage quit at all it's just that I don't have any fun playing this game like I had in 2012.
When I quit I decided to give my items to my best friends and to some kids not far of where I live. :P

I wish the best to everyone here irl and in whatever they do. ;)

2010 - 2015 _____ Ranger Own99, Pure Pk Maul, Brithany, Red Phat V2 ::)

(this picture show me giving about 200m to the best mate I ever had, the one who was always there for me and always ready to pk, boss or to give anyitems without having anything back, thanks for all mate and we will keep in touch for sure) ;D   Subzero <3
The following users liked this post: Dan7

General Discussion / Re: Emps is dying
« on: May 28, 2015, 07:17:34 am »
There is still shit load of people playng it
look at evry wote is unical. 1 person / 1 vote
just admit it. Emps need's adversitement.

No, no, no, ... just no. That's not true, voting lists are massively being cheated on. Moreover, not all server's player counts are really legit. We've been on these voting sites (with fair voting) and didn't get anywhere, that's why we stopped doing it. Why should we give these sites thousands of clicks without really anything in return? No thanks.

On-topic: We're running advertisements and get over 40 clicks on Emps-World every day. I would like to expand that with more banners for advertisements. The next question is, if these advertisements are really worth it. Do they really bring new players? I'm not sure of that question, that's why the budget for advertisements is limited for now. I would like to spend more on ads with new banners though. Besides, Emps-World has pretty much established a solid player count now. We know that over 200 players play simultaneously every day. That's nothing to be sad about, that's something to be happy about! I can also say that the player count has risen a little bit over the last 2 weeks, so maybe advertisements are bearing fruits.

The following users liked this post: Dan7

Screenshots / Re: Vix making screenshots in first person
« on: May 27, 2015, 08:00:14 pm »
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Screenshots / Vix making screenshots in first person
« on: May 27, 2015, 06:19:24 pm »

No words, lmfao.
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Suggestions & Ideas / Ape atoll training
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:59:42 am »
I'm pretty sure most of us know it, the cave with all the skeletal monkeys that is just a bit too perfect for training with AoE damage.
So i'm making a suggestion for it, since I feel the time is right to add it. Chins got their multi-target damage, and magic still has it.

I suggest adding a monkeyspeak amulet that lets you teleport there to the brimhaven agility shop. The shop needs some more items, and the cave would be new members content. Though the amulet shouldn't be members only to use, just to get. This amulet would provide no stats and have infinite uses, it should cost around 200 tickets. As for what's inside the cave, tons and tons of dead monkies, all grouped up in a multi zone. With them all grouped up, this makes the perfect spot to train ranged or magic with multi-target damage. At the cost of prayer points, of course. Because you are gonna need to pray when you have 30 monkeys all piled up on you.

This spot would make both magic and ranged a bit more convenient to train for the people with lots of money to spend. It could make training pures a lot faster, which would be a good thing for pking. Since there is no melee option currently in the game, i'll also make a suggestion for that.

Dragon 2h special attack

We had this back in scape, but it was somehow lost somewhere. I'd really like to see it added back, gives d2h a bit more use.

Short suggestion, but I felt this needed to be suggested.
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Feedback / Re: Fcape
« on: May 24, 2015, 11:48:34 pm »
Just sayin
This would not be animated though.
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Guides / [Skill]Prayer guide
« on: May 24, 2015, 11:13:42 am »

Prayer is one of the most practical skills in the game. It's uses go from boosting your damage output to almost fully protecting you from attacks. In both pvp and pvm prayer is used very extensively. Leveling it up can be a bit tedious however. This guide will tell you how. This guide contains clickable links to the wiki, so feel free to click around. Clicking the prayer icon will take you to the wiki page for it.

Table of contents
  • The advantages of prayer
  • Prayer points
  • Prayer effects
  • Exp rates
  • Training methods
  • Tips & tricks

The advantages of prayer

As said in the intro, prayer has various different effects which help you in combat. These go from simple stat boosts, to full protections. Why should you use these? Because they're a massive factor in fighting efficiently. Let's take protect from melee as an example; if you're fighting a monster that deals a lot of melee based damage, you'll reduce your damage taken by a significant amount if you pray. This could mean more kills, less supply used, and longer trips, thus more efficiency.

Prayer points

It isn't all for free though. Your prayer level is equal to the amount of prayer points you have, and these will drain slowly if you are using any prayers. The rate at which it does depends on what prayers you are using. Prayer points can be restored in various ways, the easiest way is by talking to a healer or praying at an altar, this will restore them back to full. There are also prayer and super restore potions which restore prayer points for when you aren't near one.

Prayer effects

I will now be listing all the various effects you can get with prayer. These will be listed by type, you can not turn on multiple prayers of the same type at the same time. There are a few prayers that this rule doesn't apply to, protect item, rapid heal and rapid restore. You can also use 1 overhead prayer while using another prayer. This is a list of all the prayers by type, prayers in the same table can't be turned on at the same time.
  • Melee boosts

  • Range boosts
  • Magic boosts
  • Defence boosts
  • Overhead prayers
  • Other prayers
Exp rates
There is a whole variety of bones, ranging from really low exp (normal bones) to high exp (dragon and frost dragon bones). If you plan on collecting a certain type of bone, keep in mind the higher prayer exp they give, the more likely it is that they're hard to get.

Training methods

Simply burying all the bones you get from killing monsters is a pretty standard method to level up prayer, however it might be better to collect bones and bury them when there's double exp, or use them with brawlers. Buying the bones is an expensive method, but it is reliable. As far as getting your own prayer experience goes, I recommend the following two things.

Collecting bones

You don't see people camping blue dragons for nothing, they drop dragon bones, which are the second best bones in the game. Blue dragons are the easiest dragons outside of the wilderness, but that doesn't mean you can't kill other dragons. Red, black, brutal and mithril dragons are also great alternatives. Frost dragons beat them all though. I'd recommend killing frost dragons at Neitiznot island if you have high combat stats and at least 65 agility, their bones bury for a whopping 5,625 exp with double and brawlers.

If you don't know how to go about killing frosts, you can find a guide for it here.

If you can't go to frost dragons, I recommend you kill any chromatic dragon.

Pest control

You can also get prayer exp from the pest control minigame. For 100 tickets you can get an exp amount dependant on your level, the higher the level the more exp. This is a great method if you have a lot of pest control tickets, you can get 99 prayer pretty easily using this method. Double exp and brawlers also work on the exp rewards from the minigame.

Tips & tricks

If you collect your bones, don't bury them unless it's double exp, it'll save you a lot of time or money on the bones.
Brawler gloves, which can be obtained from the castle wars minigame give a 1.5x exp boost to prayer as well, this stacks with double exp for a total of 3x exp.

And that's the end of the guide. If you have any improvements to it please post. And if this guide was useful to you feel free to give it a thank.
The following users liked this post: Dan7

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ingame Auto Talker
« on: May 24, 2015, 08:44:44 am »
While I think this would be a nice addition to the game, nobody has to download 3rd party programs, you can limit how fast people can autotalk, you can turn off autotalkers in your chat. These are all great things. However! With the upcoming GE we don't really need this as much. Marketing autotalking would be something of the past due to the GE. The only place i'd see it have some use is the duel arena, but I rarely stake so yeah.

The following users liked this post: Dan7

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hello Everyone.
« on: May 23, 2015, 09:16:22 pm »
Ohei. Welcome back, I missed you :doge:
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