Hey guys,
I've got quite a big change planned for today, so please take your time and read through everything. First of all, DOUBLE XP WEEKENDS are coming back!! We've had a long discussion on this and decided that toplists aren't working out for us. So we're getting rid off them and are re-introducing the loved double XP weekends. Don't be sad though, the voting shop doesn't disappear, we're renaming it to 'event shop'. You can gain event points by participating in special events or we will reward you in future competitions with event points. Event points will act the exact same way as voting points! All the voting points you currently have are automatically turned into event points.
Further double XP weekends will act as achievements. For instance, if we get additional 100 likes on Facebook, we'll have another double XP weekend. The same thing can be done with following us on Youtube or Twitter. In general, we'd like to get more in touch with social media. Our plan is to offer a possible double XP weekend every week.
Another aim is, that we want to make PK as fun as it used to be. We'd like to have your opinion on this topic. What do you think could introduce more people to PKing? I'm already introducing a PvP point system. It can already be tested in the live game. There may be slight changes to point gains and losses, but the overall system is pretty much done.
Currently, PvP points will only be shown in the wilderness. In the final version we'll make them togglable everywhere. I'll also setup hiscores very soon for PvP points. Would you enjoy if we resetted these points on a monthly base for more competition in the wilderness? Or would you rather keep your PvP points forever?
Moreover, since the demand of 'rares' (items that can only be obtained once at a special point) is high, we're willed to introduce more to the game. These new rares are going to be more common than our bug lanterns, bunny ears and bow-swords. I can't say much about it yet, but we're planning the release already!
On top of that, I've got a list of changes ready:
- IMPORTANT: Due to the massive amount of complaints regarding teleports in the wilderness, I'm reverting that update. Teleports no longer save you from dieing inside the wilderness. However, outside the wilderness teleports safe you.
- Dharok axe attack speed reverted to 4 seconds (0.5 secs slower than it was). I've increased its accuracy from 131 to 151 though.
- Colored dark bows and gnome scarfs are now tradeable.
- Vengeance can now be used every 30 seconds.
- The Tyras guard can now also be found at the GE. He teleports you to Castle-Wars, Pest Control, Burthorpe or Duel Arena.
- Item models updated for PC tokens and CW tickets.
- 5 new capes added to CW reward shop.
- Colored dark bows are now properly usable.
- EDIT: Hiscore images updated to match the in-game skill images. PvP Points added to hiscores.
I'm sorry, but GE isn't yet ready for a public beta! We're currently testing the final version in a closed beta. When we're 99.99% sure that there aren't any abusable bugs, we'll immediately make it public!
All the best,
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