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Messages - Fund Kakare

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 32 33 34 35
Introductions & Farewells / Blue Bird has flown away.
« on: June 18, 2016, 10:25:09 am »
My time has come to an end and I'm resigning from the staff team, This will also be my quitting topic.
After I finished college, practical mechanic maritime engineering (specializing in ships), I have been recruited to the military for almost 5 years and 3 of them are mandatory.
R.I.P life indeed. About my military, I'll be in the navy, can't say anything further than that, little bit classified ;)
Being a player of emps world was indeed one of the best times I had during my college :P ::).
It was fun and I enjoyed playing while being at work :kappa:.
Being a staff member was nice, it gave me a chance to help players, although that can be annoying sometimes.
Special thanks to all the staff members & ex-staff, and especially to my friends, which I won't name, they know that i luv em' <3  :-*
Before the military I'm going to travel a bit. My first destination will be Amsterdam, my second will be Bucharest, my third will be in south of Israel, Eilat.
My military start at the 14th of July, until then I'll be traveling here and there pretty much  8)
It was nice being an admin, oh wait :kappa:
luv ya all guys, and I'll be visiting the forums every once in a while and the game if i can.
wish ya all the best  :)
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Its has been rough
« on: May 23, 2016, 05:03:34 pm »
Well, you won't have much time left to beat me ;D. You said you will. Anyways, I'll see you on OSRS.

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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Its has been rough
« on: May 23, 2016, 05:07:17 am »
Cya, I'm curious about ur bank picture :) please upload it
Goodluck Irl
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Its has been rough
« on: May 23, 2016, 04:06:59 am »
Best of luck irl ma friend, hope to see ya every once in a while :(
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Its has been rough
« on: May 22, 2016, 08:35:00 pm »
It was always nice seeing you around in-game, Farewell.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Its has been rough
« on: May 22, 2016, 06:15:14 pm »
Take care corne!

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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: February 20, 2016, 04:59:52 pm »
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Guides / Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
« on: January 27, 2016, 02:20:43 pm »
Code: [Select]
d = quest_options
opt | 159 "Begin quest" | gnomechild

d = gnomechild
if $q_gnomechild == 0 gnomechild_begin
if $q_gnomechild == 1 gnomechild_check

d = gnomechild_begin
npc "Got any of that good shit, yeah?"
plr "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???"
npc "Bring me 12 guam leafs."
qst "Help the gnome child in his dank quest?" "Ok" | gnomechild_cont "Ok" | gnomechild_cont

d = gnomechild_cont
npc "Ty m8." $q_gnomechild = 1

d = gnomechild_check
npc "You brought the good shit?"
if hasItem({249, 12}) gnomechild_finish else gnomechild_scam

d = gnomechild_finish
delItem(249, 12)
npc "Yeah thats the shit. Good shit m8. Ty." $q_gnomechild = 2

d = gnomechild_scam
npc "You tryin to foken scam me m7?"
plr "Cheeky little shit m8 I'll bash ur head in I swear on me nan."
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Goals & Achievements / Tgod Bro's In-game progress log [UPD 2/13/19]
« on: December 28, 2015, 04:27:28 pm »
Hey there, welcome to my progress log!

200,000,000/250,000,000  Thieving Experience.

200,000,000/250,000,000  Firemaking Experience.

200,000,000/250,000,000 Cooking Experience.

250,000,000/250,000,000  Smithing Experience.

250,000,000/250,000,000  Fletching Experience.

250,000,000/250,000,000  Range Experience.

250,000,000/250,000,000  Attack Experience.

250,000,000/250,000,000  Defence Experience.

250,000,000/250,000,000  Strenght Experience.

250,000,000/250,000,000  Hitpoints Experience.

250,000,000/250,000,000  Magic Experience.


  • Getting 4b total experience. CURRENT XP     
    • Getting 250m fishing xp. At this moment: 200,832,313
    • Getting 250m woodcutting xp. At this moment: 201,109,182
    • Getting 30m+ in every single skill. Missing skills: SLAYER, FARMING, AGILITY.




    In-Game name: Tgod bro.

    I'll be updating this topic whenever i gain some xp and/or achieve any goal.

    Looking foward to getting your support guys.[/list]
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    Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
    « on: October 18, 2015, 05:01:44 am »

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    Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
    « on: August 29, 2015, 04:52:56 am »

    When double exp is 3 minutes late:

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    Suggestions & Ideas / World event: Kolodion Boss
    « on: February 08, 2015, 09:16:48 pm »
    I'm sure this has been suggested before, but I will go a little more in depth with it.

    So the basic idea is a boss that has high health, high defence, and can NOT be fought alone.
    The boss would spawn every few hours, (3-4?) and despawn after an hour of either not being killed, or not being attacked.

    All players in the game (on the same world) could attack this boss at the same time, and bring any gear they choose. This would be a SAFE event (not in the wilderness), (you still lose items on death) so that more people will attend.

    We could use the "Kolodion" Spider model as the boss, as it has been discontinued, and is not being used for anything else at the moment.


    Hitpoints: 12,000

    Maxhit: 45 (Magic), 70 (Melle)

    Spawn deadly red spider (Max 6), Magic attack (Multiway combat), Melle (Heal), Magic (Sap Prayer Points)

    Susceptible to:
    -15% Defence decrease by Bandos Godsword, Seercull, Statius Warhammer, Diamond bolts


    This boss would randomly spawn in one of four areas. I have highlighted in a red circle possible spawn areas, feel free to suggest your own.

    More in-depth with attacks:

    Primary Magic Attack:
    A multi-way combat attack that can attack all players near the boss.
    Maxhit: 45

    Secondary Magic Attack:
    A single-way combat attack that saps 40% of the hit from a players prayer points.
    Max prayer drain: 14

    Primary Melle Attack:
    A single-way combat attack that attacks a single player with heavy damage.
    Maxhit: 70

    Secondary Melle Attack:
    A Single-way combat attack that drains 40% of the hit from one the players' combat stats (Attack, Strength, Defence, Magic, Ranged)
    Maxhit: 35
    Max stat drain: 14

    Now for the rewards of battling this boss. This can be controversial, but I'll try and keep that from happening :P


    Italicized drops are gained every time you meet the criteria (Damage dealt)

    150-300 total damage:
    One random drop that could include:
    50,000 gp
    Rune Platebody
    Rune Full helm
    Rune Platelegs
    Dragon longsword
    Uncut onyx
    301-600 total damage:
    One random drop that could include:
    75,000 gp
    Dragon Longsword
    Dragon 2h
    Dragon Mace
    Uncut onyx
    601-800 total damage:
    One random drop that could include:
    100,000 gp
    Dragon longsword
    Dragon 2h
    Dragon Mace
    Dragon platelegs
    Dragon medium helm
    Rune hasta
    Uncut onyx

    801-1200 total damage:
    One random drop that could include:
    150,000 gp
    Dragon longsword
    Dragon mace
    Dragon Halberd
    Dragon platelegs
    Dragon medium helm
    Dragon chainbody
    Dragon full helm
    x100-1000  rune arrowtips
    Rune hasta
    Uncut onyx
    x1 “Excalibur” Sword

    1201-1500 total damage:
    One random drop that could include:
    500,000 gp
    Dragon longsword
    Dragon mace
    Dragon 2h
    Dragon platelegs
    Dragon chainbody
    Dragon Halberd
    Dragon full helm
    Dragon Hatchet
    x300-1500 rune arrowtips
    x100 kebbit bolts
    Rune hasta
    Uncut onyx
    x1 “Excalibur” sword

    1500-2000 total damage:
    One random drop that could include:
    750,000 gp
    Dragon longsword
    Dragon Mace
    Dragon 2h
    Dragon Halberd
    Dragon platelegs
    Dragon chainbody
    Dragon full helm
    Dragon hatchet
    x400-1500 rune arrowtips
    x150 kebbit bolts
    Rune hasta
    Uncut onyx
    x1 "Excalibur" sword

    3000+ total damage:
    One random drop that could include:
    1,000,000 gp
    Dragon full helm
    Dragon hatchet
    Dragon medium helm
    Dragon longsword
    Dragon chainbody
    Dragon platelegs
    x500-2000 rune arrowtips
    x100-250 kebbit bolts
    Rune hasta
    Uncut onyx
    x1 "Excalibur" sword

    Rate or hate, idk. Feel free to add to my suggestion, or express your opinions.

    1: Added "Excalibur" to the last two damage phases as a rare drop.

    "Excalibur" is an untradeable weapon, that has identical stats to an adamant longsword, requires 20 attack to wield, but has 6 less strength bonus, and a special attack that raises defence levels by 8 temporarily, and restores 10 hitpoints. (uses entire special attack bar)

    2: Changed total hitpoints to 15,500


    Lowered hitpoints to 12,000, Changed drops; added rune hasta and uncut onyx, as well as expanding the threshold that you can obtain Excalibur.
    Also, cleared up the *safe* event thing. I meant that it wouldn't be in a pvp area.

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    Screenshots / Emps-World Meme Center
    « on: September 29, 2014, 01:08:44 pm »
    Post funny Emps-World related MEME's here :)

    Me.. in the last days..

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