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Messages - Darker Manz

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A new quest idea
« on: January 18, 2019, 01:01:06 pm »
Thank you all for the feedback. First of all, this is mainly Cahit' project. I just gave him my thoughts and suggestions in the early stage.

I have to agree though with Ironsuomi about the title rewards, this is not a thing we should add in Emps-World. It's just straight up messy.

About the location of the Doomsayer, we've considered other places but we've mainly chosen to place it near the Grand Exchange because doomsayers want to be heared, and to be heared they'll have to be in crowded areas.
The other quests currently active at the GE are temporarily ones, and thus will be removed soon. Also, when the quest is completed, the doomsayer should be placed to another location, waiting for another dangerous threat. Making the GE quest free again.

I also put some thought into the Demon Defender. It should be a non-tradable item with  a requirement for wielding it should be a combined level of 170, in both the Attack and Strenght skill. This is an average of 85, equal to all demon weapons, and it should be dropped in two or three parts, obtainable from different demon bosses/monsters. To combine the parts you will have to have finishes this quest. Which should be easy considering the requirements of the quest should be the same as for wielding the defender, but obtaining the parts will be alot harder.
The following users liked this post: Darker Manz

Suggestions & Ideas / A new quest idea
« on: January 17, 2019, 07:49:21 pm »
Hello ladies and gentlemen!

I would like to hear what you guys say about this quest story line idea and see whether or not it's worth making a script for. Without any further ado, let's jump right into it!

Quest name: Mystery of a wandering threat

A quest that involves the player to search and track down hints to solve a mystery that could potentially save their home from a serious threat. Throughout the quest, the player has to visit different parts of the world to look for evidence that could help lead to the main threat. To give some background about this threat. There is an evil necromancer called “Vrazhar” who is seeking to destroy the world of Emps by summoning 3 dark demons named: Na’ash, Av’ar and Urga’l. Each of the demons are hidden in 3 different regions of the world, planning to invade our lovely home.

       Vrazhar - The necromancer                   Av'ar / Na'sh / Urga'l - The 3 demons

To start the quest the player has to speak to the doomsayer that can be found in the sight of the Grand Exchange main entrance. The doomsayer starts the dialogue by warning the player of the existing demonic threat. Make the doomsayer do animations that shows fear maybe?

Could be placed here? ->     

So some background about the main protagonist of the quest. Apparently, the doomsayer and Vrazhar has known each other since a long time until …. the doomsayer realized that Vrazhar was using him to gain evil knowledge. Evil enough to summon destructive demons to do things for his own bidding. Where the only way to stop him is by killing his 3 summoned demons. After killing each demon, they will drop a torn paper containing a ritual spell. However, the player needs to collect all 3 torn papers to combine them and solve the mystery to know the full ritual spell. This is later required to process during the quest to summon Vrazhar in a specific ritual place which the player will be informed about later.

The ritual could take place maybe in one of the black knight’s fortress rooms? Where the player has to use the paper of the ritual spell on the green cauldron to trigger the “X” Board and make Vrazhar summon on top of it? Like shown:

Another place could be this which is close to falador: Here the player has to use the torn pages on each pillar that has a sign in order for the ritual to work.

At the end of the quest, the player has to defeat Vrazhar in combat after summoning him. After defeating the necromancer the player has to return back to the doomsayer to finish the quest and to receive the rewards! The ability to wield the demon defender? maybe this could be released together with the demon defender? As part of the reward, could possibly introduce titles to the game that would work like in-game icons? for instance, after completing the quest the player unlocks the title “Peacekeeper” or “The hero” which can be shown next/behind the player name as a suffix. Titles will appear with a player's name in public chat, when the player is right-clicked.

In fact, more titles can be added to the game in future quests that gives the player a title based on the quest? Also what do you think of applying this to other achievements such as getting 250M in all skills would unlock“ [Name] The "Completionist” title?

Credits: Thanks to Boejuh2 for assisting me with the story  ;)
The following users liked this post: Darker Manz

Goals & Achievements / Completionist
« on: January 16, 2019, 06:27:36 pm »

So the grind is over, it's done. Thanks everyone for coming, it was nothing special there expect some weird guy getting max xp, but thanks!  :-*

Also thank you Rigondeaux, Darker Manz, Fox Tail and manymanymany more people who helped to speed up my Slayer gains to help me complete the last skill.
Thank you Samstr for donating me the last 25xp scrolls!

But of course there are many many more people without who It would have been much worse, thanks to everyone who I've been in the discord call with, thanks to everyone around me!
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Showcase / Portrait 2018 completed
« on: January 14, 2019, 03:46:00 pm »
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Screenshots / Cosmetic collection is coming along :)
« on: January 12, 2019, 10:28:35 pm »
not everything is here yet, and for sure the last 2 tabs will need some reworking, but there is little space left to more around..  Take a look at my cosmetics:

Maybe you will have some inspiration on how to organize your tabs, and ofcourse, if you have any suggestions on how to improve mine please let me know!

The following users liked this post: Darker Manz

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The new defender tier - Demon Defender
« on: January 12, 2019, 05:25:24 pm »
Perhaps the defender could give you flat offensive stats like other defenders do with the cost of 0 defence bonuses and be the best in slot shield for melee dps. Maybe have a side bonus effect to give a small dmg boost against demons and to make it unique in a way? like 5-10% dmg boost against all demon monsters for example.
The following users liked this post: Darker Manz

Suggestions & Ideas / The new defender tier - Demon Defender
« on: January 12, 2019, 03:43:36 pm »
As the title suggests ...

Introducing the demon defender which requires a combined attack and strength level of 165-170. Since we have demon bosses with a unique tier of demon weapons of all combat styles, this defender would be a cool addition to add. Giving it a special effect would be similar to what we have to spirit shields. However, to give the special effect a unique twist, maybe boost the wielders damage against demon bosses? This effect would of course last for a limited time before being able to activate it again. To give the player a more challenging feeling before having his/her hands on the defender. You would have to collect 3 different parts that are dropped from each demon boss to then later combine and merge into the actual defender.
This process could require a certain crafting level maybe? Or maybe the player has to learn how to make it through the slayer shop? This would introduce a new tab to the slayer shop where the player can exchange his/her slayer points to learn new methods of combining items or other features?

The parts could for example be something like: Demon vine from kal'ger. Demon ____ from Har'lakk. Demon ____ from yk'lagor?

Feel free to discuss your own opinions and share your thoughts  :)
The following users liked this post: Darker Manz

General Discussion / Re: Favourite Activities In-game.
« on: January 11, 2019, 03:00:10 pm »
Personally I liked to go for self made up completionist stuff like buying all mini game items, all items from shooting star shop, all items from clue scrolls, crystal chest and burnt chest, all unique drops etc...
Could also mention that the pets are kind of in that directory too but they're all so heavily based on RNG. This is coming from ironman perspective because I'm not a fan of buyable boss pets. (Godwars)

In my personal opinion I think the goal for 2019 could be to release achievements (easy, medium, hard, elite) and ultimately completionist and completionist (t) capes.
Bra, that's one update of work for Thomy, not an ultimate goal of a year ._.
The following users liked this post: Darker Manz

Events / Hide and seek event
« on: January 05, 2019, 08:04:19 pm »
Hns event

Hosts: Ironsuomi and Rekt m8

Hns will take place in "event" cc.
In order to win, you must trade "Ironsuomi" account.


Sponsored by Rekt m8

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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: December 31, 2018, 03:52:14 am »
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Showcase / Re: Portrait 2018
« on: December 22, 2018, 09:54:10 am »

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Goals & Achievements / 250m Agility.
« on: December 22, 2018, 05:52:52 am »
Its done.

Loot from 250m Agility.

If anyone is wondering.
5m average xp per hour.
Abit over 1k ew tickets spent. 
Around 50 double xp scrolls used.
The following users liked this post: Darker Manz

Videos / Loot from 1,000 Mystery Boxes!
« on: December 12, 2018, 08:40:36 pm »


Total Value: 4.4B
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Videos / Maxing Ironman
« on: December 11, 2018, 08:29:56 pm »
Hello everyone!
This was my first ever video I have created and I just got my hands on the video editing program (Sony Vegas Pro), excuse me for the poor editing. I had little time to learn the basics of editing but hope you will enjoy the video! Big thanks to Dxx for helping me with the video.

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Videos / loot from 10 hours of armadyl boss.
« on: December 08, 2018, 03:21:32 am »
Not a valid %s URL
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