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Messages - M3an123

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Goals & Achievements / 92 Herb
« on: May 02, 2015, 03:20:03 pm »

Finally able to do dem s brews myself!

The following users liked this post: M3an123

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Rune Ess
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:40:48 am »
There is a bank straight north of the mine in Varrock. How much closer do you want?
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: NEW THINGS TO ADD? lONG POST!
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:37:46 am »
First off, thanks for putting in the effort to suggest things, a lot of people don't.

2x drops have been discussed before, it has a lot of negatives to it. It could easily crash a lot of items. More importantly, if we had lets say double drop weekends no one would PvM during the week. PvM drops are already good, I don't see why people need double, that's just greedy.

Voting was removed, I don't think we're gonna get it back. The facebook-likes system is good enough.

Boss heads for bonus slayer exp is okay, I guess. But let it be only when on a slayer task for that boss, wouldn't want people to farm KBD to 99 slayer.

Coloured robin sets should be from the EP store.

Clue scrolls have been suggested so many times, I wouldn't like them for the fact that there's just so much randomness to them. You could have to kill 1000s of a monster for the clue scroll, then end up walking all around the world, and then you get some crap reward, no thanks.

Corp loot increase? Have you ever tried corp? It drops bloody spirit shields, no need for more drops.

I wouldn't mind new bosses, but for the LOVE of god get in detail about the boss itself. Boss mechanics would be greatly appreciated. And another thing, you forgot battle-mage set in the drops. I wouldn't like the hybrid sets as drops, it'd eventually drop lower and lower until people can get 50 sets of the stuff and hoard it. No thanks.Fire cape is from jad, it should NOT be added to any other boss.

Adding pre-eoc GWD drops is a no. We don't need them. As for sub-robes, we have battle set for that. Gwd is already good enough. While I would like to see nex purely for the fact that it's a good boss fight, it wouldn't be recieved well by the community. It would make a lot of players quit, which is not what we want.

Your effort in these suggestions is nice to see, but it was in the wrong place. Invest more of it in reasons why we need certain things, I don't see much of that here. Why do we need a boss? Why do we need certain drops? This is all important to convince people, yet there's none of it here.

The following users liked this post: M3an123

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: NEW THINGS TO ADD? lONG POST!
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:48:19 am »
Stop bickering like a bunch of school girls or I will infract every single one of you.

If you don't like his comment just ignore it. Just because someone doesn't agree with you, it does not mean that they are flaming you.
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Games / Re: Championship Riven (LoL)
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:30:35 pm »
you can buy other accounts with the skins on them, it's probably too difficult to actually find a championship riven skin on its own

some websites may have rare skins like skinsforlol (shut down as far as i know)
Well you see, that's my problem, I've found several accounts with championship riven that are actually on sale but, I want to own the skin myself, on my account =/
The championship skins are usually for sale during worlds, that's your chance.
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Games / Re: Championship Riven (LoL)
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:04:31 pm »
you can buy other accounts with the skins on them, it's probably too difficult to actually find a championship riven skin on its own

some websites may have rare skins like skinsforlol (shut down as far as i know)
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Off-Topic / Re: Something unusual :)
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:03:20 pm »
All those muscles and you still get rekt in wild ..
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Games / Re: ROFL
« on: April 29, 2015, 03:54:03 pm » this comment l0l0l
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Update Notes / Re: Updates 28/04/2015
« on: April 29, 2015, 03:24:22 pm »
Thanks for the update.

Will the name changing be an issue in the game? like if you change your name, will your friends still have you(new name) in their friend list? What if hacker change their user name after an abuse, will staffs know who did it? Will there be a way to keep track of name changing and how many times can we change it?
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Games / Re: ROFL
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:49:00 pm »
This aint funny, this is sad lol
you are raging like a 12y/o cos you got pixels you didn't need...
dont like it, dont watch it boi
and these aint just pixels, these pixels could be my new car
The following users liked this post: M3an123

General Discussion / Re: Duel Arena
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:16:39 pm »
I'll camp the duel arena, if I see you there I can ban you. This should help to prevent you from staking. :kappa:

Fixed :kappa:
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Showcase / Re: First Program
« on: April 29, 2015, 06:09:30 am »
What is it? ???
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Games / Re: ROFL
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:18:40 pm »
I'm laughing so hard at Shoaib's reaction
The following users liked this post: M3an123

Games / ROFL
« on: April 28, 2015, 03:58:42 pm »
Well, most of you guys usually tell yourself "oh god I am so unlucky..I must be the most unluckiest player ever..".

Now ladies, gentlemen and arabs. Have you ever ******* got potions from a hard clue TWICE? Then a troll drop (jar of sand) which is 1/2k from Kalphite Quene after? The pet is freaking 1/3k..

Well, Chris Archie uploaded a new video and he included my submissions in it lol

Skip to 0:45 (I highly recommend lowering your volume.)

If you found this somewhat funny, I upload progress videos on a weekly basis and they always include these kind of clips. :P

You can check out my channel here:
The following users liked this post: M3an123

General Discussion / Re: Duel Arena
« on: April 28, 2015, 03:38:53 pm »
It's not rocketsience, if you can't stop you get cleaned. Just accept that you will always get cleaned in a point of time in the future.
If you don't want to get cleaned then don't fucking stake, if you do happen to get cleaned then it means you didn't want it hard enough.

Staking means more to you than häving a stable bank.
You can explain it 10 different ways but if you're pussy enough to go back and whine that you can't help it then you're weak enough and you didn't want to stop staking hard enough.

If I lose a lot in wild I go staking, I stake back what I lost and leave or fucking get cleaned. I accept the risk and I don't care. Once Im in the area im ready to get cleaned cause most likely it's gonna happen.

Accept getting cleaned, stop being a pussy.

It's not a fucking huge problem that's why you can't help it or stop it, it's a game. It's yolo, you don't need to overthink about not staking and you probably wont.
If it mattered more you would stop, but it's jsut a fucking game and who cares.
So rude but truth :\

Rude? Don't be so sensitive. This is a game, after all.
The following users liked this post: M3an123

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