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Messages - Just Humen

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Off-Topic / Re: HBD HUUUMID
« on: April 05, 2017, 09:23:55 pm »
Happy birthday humid
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Off-Topic / Re: HBD HUUUMID
« on: April 05, 2017, 09:12:39 pm »
Release dab compilation to celebrate.

HBD Humid is suk
The following users liked this post: Just Humen

« on: April 05, 2017, 08:20:36 pm »
happy birthday!!!!
wish u all the best cousin <3
and hope I annoy u more and more every year  :-*
The following users liked this post: Just Humen

Screenshots / Re: Best Trip So Far
« on: March 30, 2017, 03:20:02 pm »
nice man
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Showcase / Re: IRL pictures thread
« on: March 24, 2017, 10:42:31 am »
My new baby

Take a picture of yourself inside it with your dick out or fake
The following users liked this post: Just Humen

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: March 21, 2017, 07:07:01 pm »

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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:26:47 pm »
Thomy be like

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General Discussion / Re: Why?
« on: March 17, 2017, 08:18:05 pm »
For me personally i am 26 now a lot older than when i first started Emps and i have a family and grown up stuff like work etc so i guess for me Emps just naturally took a back step as my life progressed, i'll always remember Emps as one of the best times i ever had and i'm trying to fit in some time now to play.
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Screenshots / Re: when duel arena isn't functional
« on: March 02, 2017, 07:21:01 pm »
Makes you think about why we have duel bugs all the time

Everyone slowly put on your tin foil hats.
The following users liked this post: Just Humen

Showcase / Re: Missed the Emps community.
« on: February 14, 2017, 05:55:45 pm »
Might as well show how I make these.

I've managed to figure out a few things about Photoshop that made creating these easier than placing them by hand (which is how I made such pictures in Scape times). Going to skip the detailed tutorial for how I placed them by hand, because it's probably easy to figure out (copy, paste, move to right place, paste another, move to right place and so on).

Next was that I took the size of the uncuts and later fish, took an image that I wanted to recreate, reduced the number of colors to the number of items I had and set the colors to be what the average color of the icons were, let Photoshop recreate the image with only those colors. Resized the picture smaller to lose details, then resized it bigger based on the size of the icons (made the images 21 times wider and 22 times taller), so that I turned each pixel into a rectangle the size of the icon and then used the fill tool to replace the colored rectangles with icons based on their color. That's how I created all the images in this topic before the ones today.

The method I came up with today doesn't require resizing and as such it keeps some more details, although a lot of details are still lost when the colors are limited. I can give detailed instructions for this method, if anyone has Photoshop and wants to do something dumb. Gonna ruin the 'magic' of it though. I'm using Photoshop CC 2014, although I believe that other versions will be similar. Going to explain it in a lot of details. No pictures for optional parts, to save space.

1. First off, find an image that you want to recreate.

2. Copy and paste it into Photoshop.

Optional step in case you want to use items other than fish or uncuts (Skip to 3 if you want to use uncuts, which I will provide):
Find the item IDs. Google, Emps-Wiki, ::devon command in game or the Grand Exchange Market watcher on the home page can all be used.
You'll find the icons by using this link, replacing ID_HERE with the item ID:

Code: [Select] and paste that icon into Photoshop, edit it if you want to (might want to remove the background and the shadow of the icon with Magic Wand).
Go to the 'Edit' menu at the top, look for 'Define Pattern...', give it a name and save it, but don't close it yet. Find the average color of the icon, the easiest way to do that is to delete the black contour with the Magic Wand with 'Contiguous' unticked and tolerance set to 0.
Then go to the 'Filter' menu at the top and choose Blur>Average, it'll give you the average color of the icon, use the eyedropper tool to get the color and write down the color code, including the info of which item it refers to. Now you can close the image. Repeat with all the other items you want to use.

3. Find 'Indexed Color...'. In my version it's under Image>Mode

Optional step in case you're using your own items from the previous optional step. (Skip to 4 if you want to use uncuts):
You'll need to create your own palette. First you need to reduce the number of colors to the number of icons you have.
For that, change 'Palette' to one of the Local or Master ones and tick transparency if it's not ticked already.
If the number after 'Colors' is more than 1 extra compared to the number of icons you have then change 'Forced:' to 'None' enable Transparency and change the number after 'Colors:' to 0. Change 'Forced:' to 'Custom...' and press OK. That'll get rid of the colors from the custom Palette, now for 'Palette' choose 'Custom...' and pick all the colors that you wrote down earlier in your palette. Press OK and you're done with the Palette, skip the next step.

4. Under 'Palette:' select 'Custom...'

5. Click 'Load...' and import 'uncuts palette.act' downloaded from here:
For fish you need to find the averages yourself. Check the previous optional steps for instructions on how you can do that.

Your Palette should look something like this (this is for uncuts):

6. Press OK and OK again and Photoshop will do its magic and reduce the image to those colors.

7. Now go back to Image>Mode and select RGB again (this is so that you could use the icons, which have full colors).

8. Choose Magic Wand, change 'Tolerance' to 0 make sure 'Anti-alias', 'Contiguous' and 'Sample All Layers' are all unticked. Pick one color in your image and select all pixels of that color.

9. Create a new layer.

10. Choose Fill tool under Edit menu.

11. Under Contents, for 'Use:' select 'Pattern'

Your settings should look something like this (but without the patterns):

12. To import the patterns click on the small arrow next to the icon in 'Custom Pattern', click on the settings button and choose 'Load Patterns...'

13. Import 'uncuts and fish.pat' downloaded from here:

14. Now choose the item that the color is supposed to represent and press OK, then select all the pixels of the next color, use the Fill tool again, choose the next pattern and repeat for every color.

Make sure you do it on a different layer than the original, so that you can hide the original.

You're done.

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Events / Re: Guide writing contest (200m+ prize pool)
« on: February 07, 2017, 02:43:51 pm »
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Guides / Pking Guide
« on: February 07, 2017, 02:42:54 pm »
...........ˆ‹,,¸¸¸,›°.........¸‹•*°*•¸(r)..¸°..(r)......', Pking Guide
...................°‹,,¸¸¸,,›°.....°‹,,¸¸,,›°.......¸‹•*° ˆ °*•¸.......¸ ‹•*°*•¸
.................................................°‹,¸¸,›°...........°‹,¸¸,›°‹ , ¸¸¸.......°‹ , ¸¸¸
I didn't see any guide about Pking so far, so I decided to make a guide, spilling out everything I've learned since I started pking. My aim is to attract the attention of more players to try pking.

This PvP guide is meant to introduce the basics of PvP to the PvM and skilling communities

....'.,¸¸; Contents
1. Main Pkers Gear
2. Tips
3. Things You Should Know
4. How To Be Good

....'.,¸¸; Main Pkers Gear

This part assumes you have the following stats:
¤ At least 90 herblore (for the Position you will be using).
¤ At least 90 defense.
¤ At least 95 in your chosen combat style (both strength and attack for melee).
¤ At least 70 prayers (for Piety melee).
¤ At least 75 cooking & 70 fishing (for sharks).

These are the most popular gear main melee pkers use

If you don't have enough money or want to go on a budget you got to adjust the first gear by replacing the following:-

The two prayers you will mainly be using are: Protect item & Piety melee

In both gears you will use:-
  • Vengeance runes: Earth, Death, and Astral runes.
  • Position: Zamorak brew, Supper attack, Super defense, and prayer or super restore.
  • Food: Sharks, Sea Turtles, or Mantas.
  • Special weapon: Dragon dagger (p++), Godswords, Dragon claws, Dragon scimitar, or Granite maul. [NOT necessary]
  • Weapon that does the damage: Godswords, Zamorakian spear, or Gladiator maul. In case of DH set, you don't need one
  • Teleport tablets: any but personally I prefer Edge village teleport, so you get heal band and go back again.

....'.,¸¸; Tips

I. Knock Out:

You can win a fight in one of two ways, make your opponent run out of food, or drop their life points to 0 before they manage to restore them back.

II. +1 item:

This is the item you keep on death provided you had your item protect prayer/curse enabled when you died, assuming you're skulled (25 Prayer)
Incase if you were NOT skulled we will be able to kill for items if you died
you gain a skull if you attacked a person before he attacks you
(an example of a skulled and unskulled player is shown in the figure below)

III. Important Mechanics:

1) You could help improve your pking skills by using the short keys on the keyboard [F1][F2][F3][F4][F5]
[F1] Inventory
[F2] Equipment
[F3] Prayer
[F4] Magic
[F5] Combat
start using one key at a time to get used to it and then start practicing the other. this is very useful in pking; it gives you the ability to be quick on using vengeance, special attack, eating, switching on prayer if it went off, and much more.

2) Vengeance is a very important in a fight you should know when to use it and when do you expected from your opponent. Vengeance is one of the Lunar Spells that rebounds 75% of the damage of the next hit back to their opponent. If the person you're fighting uses Vengeance then your hitpoint must be on average I would say between 69-76 do not eat more than that or you will be considered as a safer. And most importantly neither attack him with your special attack nor with your weapon that does a high amount of damage.

If your opponent takes out his zs or gs you can predict that he will use Vengeance and at the same time if you are fast enough it is the best timing to cast your  Vengeance because he will hit you with the zs or gs. However be careful because he will still have vengeance on so you have to be ready and eat if your HP dropped to low. Also, you can bait your opponent to make him use vengeance by taking ur gs or zs but not hitting him with it so that he uses vengeance and then you have 30 seconds to not worry about him casting vengeance.
This is an example of how to use vengeance when the person you're fighting pulls out a gs or zs

3) Whenever you're out of food or looting your kill switch on melee Anti-prayer. And if your looting then it depends on the players around you if they were a ranger use anti range but most commonly it would be melee.

....'.,¸¸; Things You Should Know

  • Do not fight someone that risks 1m more or less than you
  • You both should be skulled to have the same equal risk
  • Avoid fighting with rangers as beginner
  • Protect item should always be on even when you're not fighting
  • Check what item you're going to lose before a fight
  • Fighting a player with a dragon scimitar is very risky because the special attack could close your prayer and you might lose the item protected. So be more careful fighting them
  • Know your abilities
  • pay attention to your prayer it might finish and the fight didn't and you will lose the protected item
  • In case you were so low on health drink a brew and eat at the same time

....'.,¸¸; How To Be Good

Reading this guide won't make you win in your fight. you will go to PvP and die over 20 times but the goal is not to rage quit you have to be patient and learn from your mistake and you opponent skills and abilities. On the other hand, you can practice PvPing with your friends and if you have a help from a Pker it would be better and he can give you some tips. you can practice pking with a friend at the Dueal arena or safe wilderness Al-Khaird(al khaird safe wilderness needs an active membership), there you won't lose items if you died. When done right, you should be able to avoid dying and fight someone who is going to prayer fight you, you'll be at a disadvantage. Get used to having your prayer dropped once in a while.

Thank this post if you found it useful it means a lot to me. And if there is anything missing feel free to let me know to add them and teach others ;)
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Off-Topic / Re: What annoys or pisses you off?
« on: February 04, 2017, 08:56:57 pm »
When my and King125's replies get deleted in the off-topic section.
wait what did i post and who deleted it

We both replied to JP. You replied with "lol !" and I replied with "xd !".
I don't know who deleted it tho.

thats fucked up
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Suggestions & Ideas / Making staking members only
« on: February 04, 2017, 07:00:35 pm »
In light of the recent 'staking ban' suggestion I thought I'd write this up into a suggestion.

Make staking members only:
Doing this would increase the amount of money you 'need' to start staking. Elemental whip already did quite a good job at improving this, but it wouldn't be bad to take this further. This theoretically decreases the amount of people staking that aren't already kind of rich. It also means that if people lose their bank staking, they are more than likely still member. In which case they will have access to moneymaking methods that they can rebuild with easily.

Big stakers won't really care about it being member or not. Stakers that are 'poor' will probably get upset about this, however these are the kind of people that we would want to discourage from staking.

People should honestly be able to just stop staking on their own, however this might provide a little help with that.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Hi Bye
« on: February 01, 2017, 07:54:41 pm »
Welcome to the game!

P.S: Don't contact Suryoyo K0, he's an ass.
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