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Messages - Skill0wzer

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Showcase / Re: astrophotography
« on: August 19, 2017, 07:36:13 am »

That's a nice photo, but this topic is based on space pictures taken by Jonneh, they are not pictures taken from Google.
Wait, what?

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Oldschool Emps-Scape
« on: August 15, 2017, 10:55:40 pm »
Im only going to comment on your skills section as I've been a skiller for many many years and this is something I'd care the most about 'OSES'

Pretty much everything you wrote is plain stupid.

1) Thieving, Hunter and Construction. Your argumentation about why they are unnecessary or hurt the game in any way is basically nonexistent. Thieving is vital for farming to exist because you get seeds from farmers by pickpocketing them.
Pkers wouldn't train construction you said. They also wouldn't train firemaking nor fletching by that logic. So fock off m8, construction stays. And so will Hunter, how else you think people should get chins? Because even you 'like the value' of em.

How can you even say that planting trees is useless.. Not having the ability to plant trees would mean we only have access to half of the skill.. In no way does that make any sense.

And why should agility level benefit you while mining/woodcutting/runecrafting/fishing? I don't see the logic behind that idea so Im going to strongly but politely disagree with that stupidity.
Right now having 99 agility right now grants you never ending run energy which should be changed imo.

Also there are changes to be made to other skills. There have been plenty of topics about bonfires for example and also i'd like to see nests instead of crushed nests from woodcutting.

Smithing and cooking ideas you presented were decent.

I understand this is just a suggestions thread but maybe you shouldn't take the whole 'OSES' on your own shoulders. As of now we hardly know whats it going to be like and what changes is Thomy willing to make.
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General Discussion / Re: Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 13, 2017, 01:35:04 pm »
Honestly it doesn't look all that bad, but that's where the positives stop for me.

I still wouldn't want it. We would have a content drought for however long it takes to develop. It might solve some of the server's problems, but it wouldn't take very long for people to get to the point where they've got nothing to do again. It would still split the playerbase and both worlds would kind of hurt eachother in that regard. I would much rather see the development time be put into actual content and or fixing existing content.
The content is in drought already, player attractive content atleast.

People wanna play games for the sake of challenge and with a goal of being better than others. Skilling/pvming doesn't offer that, it might be a challenge to some extent, but it's just who is willing to devote all that time to get the drop/99 or xp goal (dno where that came, beyond retarded).

People wanna go head to head, this way you can actually outplay others and show some actual SKILL. Yes, RNG is a big part of this, but thats the key, you never know whats coming. Why are games like LoL and CSGO so popular? You can destory other players and show them who is the boss, no one cares how much time you wasted to get a 250m in skill or a pet or a certain drop???

And then there is staking, from my point of view, staking is a tool to achieve end game content sooner, without the grind. You can make a f... ton a money in a short period of time (yes, you can lose it aswell), but with that money you have the ability to actually enjoy for example high risk pking, without the worry of losing your bank, you grinded for hours if you didn't stake. Why people play loto and go gambling? Everyone likes nice stuff and being able to do shit they like, thats what staking offers.

So where I'm going with that, there has to be a more fun way of being able to obtain items you want/end game content. Doing it through grinding is not an answer nowadays, people are just lazier.
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General Discussion / Re: Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 12, 2017, 09:21:28 pm »
I've digged a little deeper into the oldschool stuff. It could work out and as already previously mentioned in this topic... the project will be gigantic. I'll drop more screenshots when I know more about the project. To begin with, I'll copy all weapons, its bonuses, special attacks and accuracy values from osrs.

Just as a reminder, this won't impact the state of current Emps-World. Nothing is going to be closed and nothing would be shared between the current version and its oldschool clone other than friends lists and clan chats.

I for myself enjoy working on an oldschool Emps-World too... it really does feel nostalgic to walk around on the old map with old character models. I'll see where the project goes and post more details when they are available.

Also regarding all the 'what thomy should do' replies... quit it without any proper arguments. It leads nowhere and only gets yourself into a fight with others... including me. Thanks for all the decent feedback so far!

EDIT: Oh yeah... A lot of content in Emps-World could be done with our scripting language. I've also already implemented a mechanism where custom scripts can be uploaded to the game and be executed. This has been tested over the last months in world 3. I'll definitely get more details regarding the script, so that custom content can become a thing.
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General Discussion / Re: Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 12, 2017, 02:50:27 pm »
Wtf is that flying worm thing?

Queen Black Dragon

Lolwat. It's Zulrah.
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General Discussion / Re: Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 12, 2017, 01:37:27 pm »
Thanks for the feedback so far! I've read through all of your replies and found quite some contrary opinions.

I do realize that a global account / economy reset could work out, but I'm pretty sure that this is just going to make the game even less popular. We're not just going to reset the game, because something isn't working out. Some people have put years of work into their accounts. I won't just wipe out the account database (we have backups :kappa:).

I've also identified many suggestions that would make the game more appealing, simplify things or just make certain processes easier. However, I don't feel like changing tiny bits of the game will change the fact that we're still lacking players.

Alright then... I've thought quite a while about this and also hesitated posting a screenshot like this, but I'll give it a go anyway: Oldschool Emps-World. This would replace world 2 and be a new realm with new stats, items and spawns. The only thing that you'd share would be the friends list and account name. I've tried to load osrs data into the emps client to see what it would look like and it didn't turn out too bad:

If I continue this project, it'd mean that I have to COMPLETELY rework the game. Meaning all items, animations, interactions, etc. have to be completely rewritten. It'd be by far the largest project I've ever worked on. If I give this project a go, it would happen in small and incremental patches.

Sooo.... thoughts on this? It'd double the work for me, because I have to maintain 2 realms.
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General Discussion / Re: Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 11, 2017, 04:40:54 pm »
Thomy has said it himself that he's quite busy outside of vacations, so imo we need bigger updates that haven't been done before that have real impact. We can't just keep having smaller updates and hope that those pesky little 7 year olds join the server once the GE system has been explained to them by a gardengnome-npc.

Who's to say we dont have 100 unique daily logins by the time some of the better updates in here are implemented.

Regards to pkers having to organize an event that lets them pk, well that's abit ridiculous if skillers had to organize an event that allowed them to chop trees you would think that something's not right.

Having pkers organize and event to be able to pk, is like strippers setting a barn on fire because fire depot it the only place they can find poles at.
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General Discussion / Re: Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 11, 2017, 04:05:28 pm »
Just a thought for referral system rewards, give the referrer 6 days of membership every time the referred person uses a member ticket. That way it requires the referred person to play and encourages the referrer to actually help the referred get started in the game. Another benefit of it is that if someone figures out a way to abuse the system then they're not going to get anything out of it, while people who actually refer other people to play the game and get themselves free membership that way would gain something. For that reason I think that there shouldn't even be any checks for abuse, as a simple IP check might exclude someone, who showed their friends or family members the game on their own account before having them sign up on the same computer (that's unlikely, but is it really necessary to have people complain about it?), while people who refer their dogs, blind grandmas and little sisters, who can't speak English, would be getting less out of abusing the system than they would've if they had simply used the member ticket on their main account.

I would also like to see the assistance clan chat removed. As far as I understand Charr was the only reason it was brought back and Charr is never there and neither is anyone else who's capable of helping people, whereas there are plenty of helpful people in the Emps-World clan chat almost at all times. As such splitting the community to two based on how long someone has played is not a very good idea in my opinion. Something else I noticed today is that when players do host events then they announce them in the emps-world cc, I was checking both the assistance cc and emps-world cc and when one of those events was announced in emps-world, I repeated the message in assistance (along with instructions on how people can get to wedding, where the event was hosted) just to see if people in there would be interested in it and plenty of the people, who did show up, were indeed still in assistance clan chat. So those people not being included in events, that people host, is another downside of having a separate clan chat for beginners.

As for the server reset, I would rather have all items made degradable and unrepairable if we're going to go that far. It's not the ideal solution even when we're that desperate but it creates a demand for all the useful items, because all the useful items would constantly be sinked as people use them and no one would bitch about losing anything, because they wouldn't. Ideally that would bring PVM back to life as there would then be an actual point in trying to get items, because there would actually be players who want those items, because they would not have them anymore. The problem with server reset is that it doesn't actually fix any issues, it just temporarily removes them, so even if it did work then eventually we would need to consider other solutions anyway.
Giving every item 10,000 charges for example would probably work, a charge would be used up every time the player attacks something (which is true for both weapons and armor). For something like a dragon scimitar that would mean that players would be able to use it for 7 hours of combat before it's used up, which is plenty of time to kill enough things to get a profit from PVM. Or to put it more simply, after 81 minutes of attacking the dummy in Lumbridge with a dragon scimitar while wearing santa costume, I had a DPS of 5.2, with one hit every 2.5 seconds that's an average of 13 per hit, which means that with 10k charges I could deal as much as 130k damage with a dragon scimitar without using armor, potions or prayer to boost my hits.
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General Discussion / Re: Future of Emps-World - Popularity Discussion
« on: August 11, 2017, 01:48:54 pm »
Reset the server, we can sacrifice Charr  :D
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: August 07, 2017, 04:19:26 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: August 05, 2017, 07:02:03 pm »
Drugs' posts in a nutshell.

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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: August 04, 2017, 05:08:24 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: August 04, 2017, 10:24:11 am »
Fake news. I don't own a car.

Also I'd probably be dishing out mutes to most of the players staking/pking, if there are any at all.

And I toss out those walls of text like I actually get paid for them.

Kitkat for effort.
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General Discussion / Re: Player Count
« on: August 03, 2017, 10:20:49 am »
I'm closing this topic now since it's turning into a brawl. Voting hasn't worked, because we didn't give good rewards for it. Giving good rewards destroys the economy and won't benefit the game in any way. So this isn't a suggestion that ever worked out for emps nor ever will. I've said this numerous times already, so I don't know why people keep coming up with the same stuff.

My opinion: At the moment the game is just being unpopular. Most people have maxed out their accounts and are doing something else or just don't enjoy playing emps anymore. Believe me, this saddens me, but there isn't really too much I can do to change that. Pump in more updates? Yeah, we've seen what happened over the past 6 months. This definitely doesn't correlate with an increasing population. As a fact RSPS in general also isn't very popular. There's servers with 500 players, so why isn't emps that big? Are these players real? Back in the scape days, there were also servers with 5,000 players. Aside from that, I am looking for opportunities to put ads on... which is... let's just say difficult.

I will always be working on emps as my hobby, no matter how many people enjoy it. As long as I can pay the server (still easily doable) I will keep developing the game. If you don't enjoy that or if you think that negative comments do benefit us, then please leave the site. You're destroying the motivation of me and others to even comment here. Thanks.
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: July 18, 2017, 01:51:13 pm »
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