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Messages - Hi Im Ethan

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Some ideas:
PK points, with rewards (dont know if we have/had this system)
Wildy Events/Quests

The reason why it is neglected is because every single PK suggestion or idea is 3 lines of text, like this post here. Your main post is nothing but QQ and not an actual suggestion. These suggstions never go into detail, like for example what rewards would the shop have, what would the quests be like and what rewards would they have, and what would these wildy events be. You leave all the heavy thinking to Thomy and ultimately your suggestion is worth jack fucking shit. Complete ideas have way higher chance of being implemented into the game.
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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: i have some suggestions & ideas.
« on: July 11, 2018, 10:03:00 am »
attack, strength, defence, range, magic - after 99 lvl they supose to be 2x nerfted xp because they srsly too easy compared to other skills. for example look at higscores, 57 players have 250m strength and only 4 players cooking.
This is quite bad comparison tbh because xp rates have changed a lot over the years. Some skills used to be a lot faster and some slower. Runecrafting is a very good example because its xp/h used to be a lot higher than it is now. That's why you very rarely see anyone hitting 200m/250m now and most people with a lot of XP got their XP back in Scape.

Anyways... This one is a niche idea and I quite like the sound of it:
runecrafting - well i dont like the fact i will need 950k rune essence for 250m runecrafting i will get 49m mining xp just by mining rune essence. im not against runecrafting xp rates. im kinda dont like that wery nooby way of getting rune essence, i feel like something is not right.
create a reward (rune essence packs) in shooting star minigame by mining that star you cud get 3k-4k rune ess/ph reward from stardust. when star is gone you wait another one while mining essences normal way. that is like runecrafters wet dream.

Agility could use some improvements as well but I think the main problem with Agility is the available training methods. Leveling from =40 until you can do wilderness course without failing constantly you only have 1 bearable option which is to do the "fallen rock" obstacle until level 65 when you stop failing on "spinning blades" obstacle.

Here's my idea on it:
Introducing a new course (gnome course) to use from level 50 till 75/80 would make mid levels of agility way more enjoyable and actually running a whole course instead of clicking 1 spot.
You could then adjust wilderness course xp rates (if needed) to fit for levels 75/80 - 90. Advanced barbarian course could be then adjusted to fit for levels 90 - 95.
Advanced gnome course could then be used for levels 95 - 99 and beyond. Not only would this make mid levels more bearable and enjoyable but it would also make agility slightly faster to train and more enjoyable for those going beyond 99.
Additional rewards like you mentioned could then also be introduced for advanced courses. You would get some kind of tickets to use on rewards shop. You would get same tickets from both of the courses.

Problem with that though is that the whole Gnome Stronghold area is not configured and it would be quite a big project just to add a single agility course.

2. extend task option
This will be added on next update. :)

herblore - this skill is ok.
 i dont like only 1 thing about potato cactus, best way to get them is banshees and on average, i need to kill 3 banshees for 1 potato cactus thats not too low ?
Could add static spawns for potato cactus somewhere in Al-Kharid/Kalphite caves perhaps? Just like snape grass spawns in Dagannoth Cave.

farming - this skill is ok.
Farming works as intended, works just like it was planned but I honestly prefer how it's in Runescape. Its passivity allows you to do so many more things while you wait for your stuff to grow.
Changing this would require re-writing the whole skill though so not really a worth-it-change.
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: July 08, 2018, 08:27:36 am »
Easter egg? :thinking:

jesus jp get a grip
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: July 06, 2018, 09:31:42 pm »
Easter egg? :thinking:

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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: July 04, 2018, 07:02:49 pm »
When your arab friend wins 'big' on someone else's account.

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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Why I no longer play
« on: June 23, 2018, 08:22:31 pm »
I said this to For Freedom when he asked me for advice on becoming a mod and thought that becoming friends with Charr would help
Hello everyone who will be wasting time reading this.
Glad that someone remembers my name.
That is true, I always was that guy who wanted to be friends with everyone, who wanted to show the world how friendly I am.
It is hard to argue with Charr, he will always find a way to show how wrong you are and when your English language skills are pretty damn low, compared to his or Tulrak's, there's no chance to beat him in that "battle". Probably he will disagree with what I said, but that's how our big boy Charr is.
If it was easy to argue and convince people you're right then there would be no arguments at all ???
Arguing with Charr is next level fun because he always has logic behind his arguments and trying to disprove him is always a challenge. And not one time has either of us felt offended for trying.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Why I no longer play
« on: June 15, 2018, 11:47:49 am »
I think the majority of people in this thread forget that this is a game :LUL: nobody cares what you did as an admin, if I made a similar list it would probably be ten times as long, and if martin made one it would be fifty times longer :kappa:
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Why I no longer play
« on: June 14, 2018, 03:05:22 pm »
You always try to change everything around you, but just remember what got you and everyone else playing, it was the way everything is, not how you see it should be. Your personal hate against me is brought out very well here, as i'm the only person whose name you mentioned in the Entire topic. FYI i never wanted you to dislike me, quite the opposite actually, i enjoyed being around you and wanted to get along with you, i even agreed to fulfill some of your demands/suggestions which i hoped would satisfy you but your personality and radical solutions made it impossible to work with you.
I said this to For Freedom when he asked me for advice on becoming a mod and thought that becoming friends with Charr would help and now I'm saying it to you and anyone else who might ever want to befriend Charr. The way to Charr's heart is by telling him that he's wrong. Charr loves criticism, he'll never admit that he's wrong but he does want to know when he is and he'll appreciate it if you can prove to him why he's wrong.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Why I no longer play
« on: June 13, 2018, 10:50:53 pm »
You have mentioned the economy is in shambles [...]
I can understand where you're coming from for the most part. The main issue is that a lot of players feel it's impossible to buy or sell things right now. Those graphs you're referring to don't give us the data on how many of something is being sold/bought. We can only make rough estimates by the distance between dots.
More importantly they don't give an idea of how many people want to sell their items but can't find a buyer or how many people are looking to make money by gathering items but can't notice any kind of demand in the market that's not being met.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Why I no longer play
« on: June 13, 2018, 10:24:57 pm »
You have mentioned the economy is in shambles, but what exactly are you trying to say? I cannot identify real issues with the game's economy. I state my point on data we have collected over the past year and charts everybody is able to view on the homepage.

My goal of optimizing the game's economy is to keep prices stable as well as the creation of supply and demand. We have a large collection of data for all trades on the Grand Exchange, let me show a few examples:
What all these plots have in common is that they have a pretty stable price. Yes, whips have increased in price since last year, but we've also introduced crystals to upgrade them. Meaning that these items don't lose their value and that they are in demand. You can argue that a smaller playerbase makes it more difficult to buy and sell items. Yes, I do agree and that's why I'm spending most of my time on advertising the game right now.
I can understand where you're coming from for the most part. The main issue is that a lot of players feel it's impossible to buy or sell things right now. Those graphs you're referring to don't give us the data on how many of something is being sold/bought. We can only make rough estimates by the distance between dots.

Some post here feel like frustration and hatred for the game. I've tried to argue and discuss such aspects, but from my experience this leads nowhere but even more frustration for both sides. Hence I will ignore such posts as well as possibly censor them and issue punishments if it's against the rules. I will take feedback and complaints seriously as long as they aim at helping the game and are not hypocritical.
If you've made statements about how and why the staff team is the way it is I'd very much like to see them. At least, if my criticism of the staff team is what you're referring to in this part. I think having your playerbase informed about certain things is very important, discussing them openly would at the very least keep people out of the dark in regards to these things. If that's not possible we should get a reason why it isn't.
If anybody is interested and doesn't already know about it, that's my personal development board:
The board contains progress and notes about upcoming updates and a backlog of things that are planned or have been discussed and could or will be put into the game.
Where are the updates that invest into the game's community rather than just adding more content?

Recruit people who have an outstanding record for editing wiki pages, writing guides or at least always helping out with the emps world chat for, at the very least, a few months.
We wouldn't have a staff team if standards were that high. This isn't practical.

A point that wasn't mentioned is that this rsps needs a drastic change. a few months back there was this hot discussion about adding an old school emps world server into the game and it ended with Thomy brushing off the project as being too risky.
Sorry, but it's kind of stupid you think this makes a difference. It doesn't change the direction of the game and it divides the already small community.

or just shut down emps world overall and stop wasting everyone's time.
You had a decent post going. Had.

Do you think Thomy is obligated to keep the server up? He doesn't owe you or anyone else anything so stop acting as if you're doing the world a favor by playing a game.
Thank you, voice of reason.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Why I no longer play
« on: June 13, 2018, 08:25:40 pm »
in conclusion, either do something bold about the current situation or just shut down emps world overall and stop wasting everyone's time.
Do you think Thomy is obligated to keep the server up? He doesn't owe you or anyone else anything so stop acting as if you're doing the world a favor by playing a game.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Why I no longer play
« on: June 12, 2018, 08:03:58 pm »
Started from a reason why Charr no longer play... now we here.

Let's go into General Discussions or something cause this escalated big big time and way off-topic. No disrespect whatsoever.

Charr started with giving criticism on the game, and that's what every post afterwards has been, and thus everything here in on-topic. There is no point in creating another topic for the same exact subject.
Fair enough. Let it be. You, my friend, are ex-Forum moderator and you know it better.
You don't need a superficial rank on some rsps forum to have a grasp of common sense :LUL:
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Computers and Technology / Re: New PC soon™
« on: June 11, 2018, 08:40:40 pm »
All of that for HD water?
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Computers and Technology / Re: New PC soon™
« on: June 11, 2018, 06:52:50 pm »
if my calculations are correct this is indeed a computer
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Screenshots / why i really quit
« on: June 11, 2018, 03:47:35 pm »
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