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Messages - Big Chris

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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Off too CAAAAMP
« on: March 22, 2015, 05:19:26 pm »

>No killing Canadian geese.

Have fun :doge:
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Videos / mlg editing
« on: March 22, 2015, 12:16:59 am »

The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: More bank space
« on: March 21, 2015, 08:53:08 pm »
I don't want think about how much useless shit you must have in your bank, if you can't even afford a member ring.
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Showcase / Re: Martin Sig again
« on: March 20, 2015, 07:08:54 pm »
"Martin's" siggy, eh?  I don't know...something seems different to me....

The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Jadinko lair
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:27:16 pm »
"someone12116", i hope you stayed in school and stayed in history classes '-'. i hope you learned something from my comment

They didn't teach me how to understand stupid people there.
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Jadinko lair
« on: March 19, 2015, 08:39:39 am »
i didn't read what u said, i thought that it supposed to be 1 hit higher then d hasta not whip.
sorry, if same bonuses as d hasta then i agree.

Idiocy intensifies.

Now, what are you thoughts on magic and ranged easily hitting 50+ or even 60+ constantly? Isn't that A BIT more than melee hitting 40's? Why are 40's on melee ''OP'' but even higher hits on other combat styles are not?
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Debates / Re: Emps VS Emps [Waiting for all of you, let's vote!]
« on: March 18, 2015, 04:07:08 pm »
World would be just as fun if I was a new player.
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Update Notes / Updates 20/03/2015
« on: March 16, 2015, 09:48:25 am »
Hey guys,

Today, I'm presenting you some changes to do something against the current situation in Emps-World. We have the problem of too little high level gear being in the game. On top of that, some people are just hoarding valuable items, making it impossible for others to get some! I'm therefore lowering npc combat power in general. That means that their attacks hit less often and you hit non-zeros on them more frequently. Besides that, we've also moved the GWD kill count required to enter the boss chamber, from 20 to 10.

I've also made a list of smaller changes:
  • Right-click 'Rewards' on any slayer master now opens the slayer point reward shop.
  • Slayer point reward shop now correctly displays current amount of SP.
  • A bug was fixed where npcs were quickly walking from one spot to another.
  • Magic spells splash less often. Hitting 0 with magic was always defined as a splash. If you hit 0 with magic, you now have a 50% chance to splash. That means that the other 50% of your splashes from before just hit 0 now. This sounds stupid, because you do no damage anyway? Not completely true, a splash doesn't trigger spell effects, whereas a 0 hit does!
  • Nechryaels no longer stop attacking you.
  • Client rendering improvements. People who use the openGL client should experience a bit smoother gameplay and higher fps rates.
  • Mud- & Battlestaves can now be noted.
  • Tyras guard in falador has 2 new teleport options: Warrior's Guild and Pest Control.
  • An edgeville teleport tab has been added to the voting shop. You get 5 tabs for 1 VP.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

174 ask the assistance of others.

Not all of you will understand, and that's the point.

The following users liked this post: Big Chris

General Discussion / Re: project - goodness!
« on: March 13, 2015, 09:28:36 am »
Emps has a great community! Its one of the reasons I play emps world , because of its community. Most people are willing to help you and are nice. You just haven't met them yet.
 If you see me in game feel free to say hi.

hi, i still probably play this game longer then you, why do i care.
i'm starting to think that you guys are really, REALLY lazy, you can plan a conversation between your friends, but you can't say hello to a few noobs, why do i even bother?

Correct yourself before trying to correct others.
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

General Discussion / Re: project - goodness!
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:24:51 am »
Emps has a great community! Its one of the reasons I play emps world , because of its community. Most people are willing to help you and are nice. You just haven't met them yet.
 If you see me in game feel free to say hi.

hi, i still probably play this game longer then you, why do i care.
i'm starting to think that you guys are really, REALLY lazy, you can plan a conversation between your friends, but you can't say hello to a few noobs, why do i even bother?
thats rude! Dosent seem like your the nicest person either
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

General Discussion / Re: project - goodness!
« on: March 12, 2015, 09:41:41 pm »
Me saying ''Hi'' to a random person:

Me: Hi
Random person: Ks amk

That's Emps player interaction in nutshell.
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Update Notes / Updates 13/03/2015
« on: March 12, 2015, 03:54:13 pm »

We're having quite a big change today, please take your time and read through this topic. So that you'll make the best out of it! First of all, I'm introducing voting on toplists. You can get all the information you need, here:

Moreover, we have new in-game commands:
  • ::email - Brings you to the change/set e-mail page
  • ::vote - Brings you to the voting page

There's now a voting shop in-game, at the Grand Exchange. Talk to Bolkoy to get all available voting rewards. Currently, we're only having 'double xp scrolls' as a voting reward. Every double xp scroll gives you 20 minutes of double experiences on everything! Please bear in mind, that these 20 minutes are also running when you don't play, it's 'real' time, rather than 'in-game' time. We're still working on more rewards for voting, though we already wanted to release double xp scrolls, because they are very useful! As already mentioned in our last news topic, double xp and free member weekends are going to be removed now. You're able to gain up to 1.5h of double xp every day! Though don't be sad, we're still keeping the current upcoming double xp weekend. :)

In other news:
  • You can now always attack players, who are fighting npcs in the wilderness.
  • A bug was fixed, where autocasting was interrupted when you leveled up magic.
  • Fury sharks can now be noted.
  • We're counting total time spent in-game now. Will be displayed on the homepage in a few weeks!

Thanks for playing Emps-World. I hope the big voting change is going to benefit all of us, new and old players.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Update Notes / Updates 07/03/2015
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:01:32 am »

As most of you probably have already seen, our main homepage has received a new layout. If you haven't already seen it, check it out here: Please let me know if you like it or don't like it, also tell me why! Besides, special thanks to Mary for drawing the images of the menu.

We're also removing double xp and free member weekends. Please don't immediately rampage on that, let me explain why and tell you what ELSE we're giving you! Double XP weekends sound really cool, everything trains twice as fast. In theory that sounds really good, but the plain reality is, that we only have lots of players online during these weekends. So once in 2 weeks, we have peeks with over 400 players online at once. I'd like to change these peeks a little and have 350-400 players online daily. I'm therefore removing double XP and free member during weekends and add 1 hour of double xp every day. Our plan is to make some kind of 'double xp aura' available for voting points. I'm working on a voting system for RuneLocus, TopG, RSPS-List, etc. Our plan is to use voting points for cosmetical items, double xp, member days and even brawling gloves. Please bear in mind, that this change goes live WHENEVER the voting system is finished. It could mean that we have no double xp next weekend, but I cannot guarantee that yet!
TL;DR: No double xp/free member weekends, 1h double xp a day!

In other news, we have made some changes to the game:
  • You are no longer 100% safe when fighting monsters in the wilderness. Any player can interrupt combat with npcs in single combat zones now! We've made this change, because there is 0 risk in killing dragons or spectrals in the wilderness, when you've got a teleport with you. It's impossible for a PKer to attack you. (Goes live tomorrow, already warning the first time here!)
  • Tutorial dialogues updated. A better explanation of Emps-World, its commands and I removed some old mistakes.
  • Tutorial rewards updated. New players now get an iron, steel, black and mithril scimitar. Moreover, they also get a shortbow, oak shortbow and willow shortbow now. On top of that, new players get 250 iron arrows instead of 150 bronze arrows plus 150 steel arrows. This should make the overall start easier.
  • Frost dragon bones now give 1,875xp. Moreover, frost dragons have been made weaker overall too.
  • Monks of zamorak now drop zamorak wines.
  • Banshees now drop noted potato cactus.
  • Jellies don't drop granite items that often anymore. We've compensated it, by adding more coins to them. Plus, they are no longer aggressive.
  • Basilisks are no longer aggressive.
  • Wyverns drop saradomin armour less often. We've compensated it too, by adding more coins to them
  • Ice strykewyrms deal no initial damage anymore when popping out of the ground.
  • Splashes and teleblocks now trigger auto-retaliate. Monsters will also attack you back, when you splash a magic spell on them.
  • A bug with donations was fixed, which let you gain huge amounts of donator tickets. If that happened to you, you have 1 day time to return them. We'll ban all accounts that have massive amounts of donator tickets tomorrow. Serious offenses (50+ tickets) were immediately banned.

Special thanks to Martin aka Es Dexter for updating this updates's drop tables.
Last but not least, our first GE test is going live. We'll be testing transactions in world 3 (no public beta yet, sorry!). I hope that it's working out really well and that we can have it ready in the coming weeks. :)

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

Feedback / Re: Drop rates feedback.
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:31:52 pm »
You have to take into consideration that tons of people are going to reply to this thread with drop rate buff suggestions that don't need to be buffed.

Take this for example:
Spectrals drop rate pls...

Killed like 300-400 no items at all..

He's asked for spectrals to be buffed just because HE hasn't had a drop yet? Other people can get 3-4 good drops in one trip but shall we still buff those rates? No.

If you are going to go ahead with this topic you need to take into great consideration at what items/npc drop rates really need to be buffed.

Personally, myself; I think only herblore ingredients drop rates need to be buffed ATM.
The following users liked this post: Big Chris

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