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Messages - Daniel

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shit happens when you party naked
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Oh not him again
« on: June 23, 2016, 09:27:27 pm »
Corruption strikes again :kappa:
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Showcase / Re: cool stuff that game artists do
« on: June 23, 2016, 08:45:40 am »
You need to give that thing a massive schlong
sure lol
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Goals & Achievements / A resurrection
« on: June 20, 2016, 10:04:14 am »
Kaarel 123 Has joined the crew once more.
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Goals & Achievements / Re: Congratulations to our newest moderator
« on: June 19, 2016, 08:57:52 pm »
Well you need to do something if you suck too hard in csgo
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Feedback / Re: Thomy
« on: June 14, 2016, 10:36:02 pm »
In my eyes I see Emps-World closing soon. Era of RSPS' have ended and people who used to play them have grown up and moved into different things whether it being a different game or real ife.
As long as Thomy keeps making profit off Emps-World I can see it running as it's a source of income through donations for Thomy which is a good thing for him.

I really liked the community throughout the years (and still do!) when I was still active in-game as a player and as a moderator back in Scape which was a great time period but then I grew out of the game as most people did when Scape was closed and moved into different things only because I had no interests whatsoever towards private servers anymore. No update no matter how 'great' it could be will save Emps-World now or never would have from decreasing player count.

It was a great move from Thomy to bring Emps back to those who would still play it and i'm sure those players really appreciated it. I'm sure people met many great friends here and have added them in other places such as Skype, Snapchat or whatever application they use.

In my honest opinion it's time to close Emps-World permanently once Thomy chooses to do so or stops making profit off donations. That's up to him tho.
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Feedback / Thomy
« on: June 14, 2016, 06:33:56 pm »
I think you're missing a really big point here. I'm thankful for feedback and suggestions, but in the end I have to consider everything and forge a decision of that I think the game profits most from. I understand that you find it frustrating that your suggestions don't directly find their way into the game, but in all honesty, that cannot surprise you too much? In the end I have to make that decision. I thank you for your suggestions in the past, they've been really good criticism. Though, if this is only going to end up in a rant of you being dissatisfied with the decisions I make or the updates that are implemented, then there is no point for me to keep on reading it. I'm thankful for constructive criticism, but rant is just leading nowhere. Thanks I guess.

I thank you for your suggestions in the past, they've been really good criticism. Though, if this is only going to end up in a rant of you being dissatisfied with the decisions I make or the updates that are implemented, then there is no point for me to keep on reading it. I'm thankful for constructive criticism, but rant is just leading nowhere.


but rant is just leading nowhere.
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Showcase / Re: IRL pictures thread
« on: April 18, 2016, 06:23:24 pm »
I sincerely hope you didn't come to Europe in a inflatable boat with about 50 other guys.
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Feedback / Re: Nerf dragon darts
« on: March 03, 2016, 08:42:06 pm »
Lemme guess your next suggestion,
Removing running option while you are in combat ?
Good job. Before I thought your IQ was just below average, after reading this I realize it's on the level of a 3 year old with Down's.

Anyone who disagrees does not deserve a forum account. Saying a level 60 weapon being the highest dps in the game is not a problem is almost as retarded as someone like you being an admin. Then again after reading numerous replies to several of my topics I realize it's probably best to have some idiots with <30 IQ in the staff time. Makes communicating with the majoriy of players a lot easier. So I tip my hat to you Martin, you found yourself a great person to fulfill this role.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: CJkinsey6
« on: February 27, 2016, 07:11:06 pm »
ohai o/ :kappa:
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Guides / Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
« on: January 27, 2016, 02:20:43 pm »
Code: [Select]
d = quest_options
opt | 159 "Begin quest" | gnomechild

d = gnomechild
if $q_gnomechild == 0 gnomechild_begin
if $q_gnomechild == 1 gnomechild_check

d = gnomechild_begin
npc "Got any of that good shit, yeah?"
plr "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???"
npc "Bring me 12 guam leafs."
qst "Help the gnome child in his dank quest?" "Ok" | gnomechild_cont "Ok" | gnomechild_cont

d = gnomechild_cont
npc "Ty m8." $q_gnomechild = 1

d = gnomechild_check
npc "You brought the good shit?"
if hasItem({249, 12}) gnomechild_finish else gnomechild_scam

d = gnomechild_finish
delItem(249, 12)
npc "Yeah thats the shit. Good shit m8. Ty." $q_gnomechild = 2

d = gnomechild_scam
npc "You tryin to foken scam me m7?"
plr "Cheeky little shit m8 I'll bash ur head in I swear on me nan."
The following users liked this post: Daniel

Debates / Re: Religion
« on: July 25, 2015, 07:18:58 pm »

well..when you live in weird parts of the world like i am where Thailand Vodoo shaman Djin crap is still practiced. You'll believe in god like i do. Be grateful with your 1st world lux.
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Off-Topic / Players From Around The World.
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:58:20 pm »

Introductions & Farewells / Hey I new
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:25:07 pm »
Hey I new to game of this called emps, my first time play here and many nice people see me.  :-*  :-\
Maked new acced to play for this game and all people on everybody worlds, to you and me.  :)  :)

in the game go kill hill giant and get bones of big to get big of pray, and see who the real jesus lol. Ok joked  :-[
One time in the future I pk, many skills 99 or 99 and kill all people with better swords than bows and magic best than melee!!
On the real life I dont logged in I just waked up, ok lol joked. On the real lifer 18 years younger than 36 years olders. Do many things of nice stuff and be many good of nice rocks. Wear socks but no. Ok soz joked.  ;)  ;D
18 years old is be like 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1++11++1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 18 many many year go in 18 but who know all year that in 18 maybe 18 year maybe more or less u dont see year u see calendar. Lollerd  :-[
I be likeing or likring (i dont know how word u say it) jagex for maked this game for all people and all people, expect people no computer cause lol who dont computer when computer is u. I dont knower all things but i know computre is for all and nont all for just 1. Lol 3 musketeers and 3 swords or more cause i dont count sword but i remember 3. And all for 1 and one all for. If people reader this and get my message i hope good is in world cause happy times and good many people and me and you  :-*  :-*

Allbody can add in the game of frame of 50, talk and talk if u add but only add if u can talk speak english I dont under stand lol stand under other language or if u not very good on enlighs.


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