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Messages - Eliminator

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nice, waited voting system long time
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New boss seems intresting, same for the weapons! Noice updates
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Help me! / Re: bloodjim
« on: July 20, 2017, 04:24:42 pm »
Gj jim
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Update Notes / Updates March 16th 2017 - Graphical Improvements
« on: March 03, 2017, 01:21:41 pm »
Hey guys,

Not a lot of new things with this update. This is mainly another construction preparation and test update. I've optimized how large houses are loaded and added some usability to them. I'll now be able to show you the progress of Construction in the live game. I'll probably do that during the weekend. So make sure to be around. ;)

Fog and Map Loader
You may have already noticed this, because the update went live a few days ago. The map loader now fades in new objects, giving you a smooth loading transition instead of them just popping up. The fog plane was also made circular to give it a more natural feeling. It won't affect performance, but make the game look smoother.

Following things have been changed:
  • Stronger, richer colors for elemental bow particles.
  • Npc and item floor adjustments have slightly been reworked. You should no longer find items being inside the ground. Items should now always be aligned properly to the ground plane.
  • Skulling system tweak: As long as you fight your opponent, your skull will keep refreshing its timer. So you shouldn't lose your skull during fights anymore.
  • You can now get multiple clue scrolls of a kind. The rewarding system has also slightly been adjusted. You now get a casket, which can be opened at a later time or even be traded with other players. This should make it easier to collect clue scrolls and their rewards.
  • Grand Exchange prices of item sets are now calculated from their individual parts. They no longer have a separate price.
  • Music system has completely been rewritten with a new library. Mind testing that for me? It worked on both of my computers, but you never know.
  • Teleport system has completely been reworked. If you find some locations being wrong, please report them to me! I tested a lot of them, but couldn't go through all of them. There's 100+ locations.
  • Price checker now shows rounded comma values of item values. It'll no longer show 20M, but 20.12M for example. The total price is rounded to 4 comma values.

I'm looking really forward to the release of Construction, because it's coming closer! :)

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Eliminator

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Staking fee (dumpbox idea)
« on: July 31, 2016, 01:36:58 am »
let them stake. Staker banks usually dont contribute to the economy, they just hoard it, then lose it and the cycle repeats
Actually there's more to it. They prefer to stake cash, all the items have lesser values against cash. If a staker runs out of cash/wants more of it/loses a huge part of the bank, they dump the items to the market in order to get cash fast.
Let's take spirit shields for example. These shield were dumped to market 15-25m cheaper compared to their retail prices. So what was the result of this? Let me explain.
Spirit shield prices crashed, market was is overflown by those shields, they became impossible to sell because of the continuous dump + price decrease. Because of the overflow, the previous sellers (especially less rich players) are unable to sell them, or even if they manage to sell them, they have lost a ton of cash because of the price decrease. You might say that because of the dump, items are more available, however it's just not true: yes they may be cheaper, but because no-one other than stakers can sell items, there's a cash shortage, which results in people not being able to buy anything.
This sort of item dumping with low-ass prices is happening constantly, making life harder for regular players. That's why item sinks are required. And since most of the items/cash go through duel arena, it's the way to go.

If we were to use this idea, which directly sinks items, we would firstly see a price increase for the sinked items. Those items could be sold again, so this creates a market for them again. Market will be much more stable, yes the dumps could still happen, but they're less likely to.

Also this dumpbox idea creates market for such items that are either valued higher or lesser in GE, compared to their regular prices. Arcane spirit shields are currently 115m in GE, but they're sold for 75-80m, so these will be bought in order to get most AC out of the items. The items, which are valued lower than their retail prices, will be more used in stakes, since less AC is consumed.
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Suggestions & Ideas / Staking fee (dumpbox idea)
« on: July 30, 2016, 08:50:14 am »
There's been a lot of talk lately about our economy and the necessary implementation of staking fees/taxes. Since I've been quite active myself on the matter and more than 1 person has requested in-depth explanation of my suggestion, I decided to summarise it here.

As many of you might know, we have a problem with items leaving from the game. This problem will only deepen, because the items are very easy to get, since we have so many high-level players. Lowering the droprates or increasing PvM difficulty are not necessary, however we should add some ways to decrease the amount of items we have.
This topic will only deal with only Staking fees, other item sink suggestions are not welcome here.

Since most of our economy goes through duel arena, this is the best place to start.
Another reason why arena and stakers should be affected by it, is because most of those items end up in their banks. It becomes problematic when stakers suddenly need fast cash, which results in item dumping and price crashes. Because of the item overflow, selling becomes nearly impossible for less rich players, because there are already tons of those items waiting to be sold with prices much lower than they used to be.

Most of the staking fee ideas have only incorporated cash fees, however they do not sink items. If we add cash staking fees, we will only encourage item dumping. That's why I have come up with Dumpbox and Arena Credits (from here on referred to as AC).

The idea behind dumpbox is quite simple: you can deposit items or cash, in order to get AC. The items will be converted into AC according to GE prices. Yes some prices may be off, however you are able to see item value before you confirm the deposit. The chest can be similar Party Room's chest, so you still have an opportunity to take them out before depositing. Only addition what's required is the price indicator for each item, so people wouldn't deposit items, which have almost no value in GE (rarely sold items, e.g. Sigils).
As far as overpriced items are concerned, you shouldn't worry as well. For example, Arcane spirit shield is currently 115M in Ge, while in reality it's max 85m. Such differences would be positive for the market (items are actually bought) and for the stakers as well (they get more out of depositing).

Once items/cash are deposited and converted into AC, they're irretrievable.
Each time a stake takes place, a % of either player's stake pot will be credited from their AC. If atleast one of the stakers doesn't have enough AC for their current stake pot, they're unable to stake that high. They would have to lower their respective stake pots or deposit more items/cash to Dumpbox.
As far the % itself is concerned, I'm aiming quite high. My initial suggestion is 5-10%, which is quite high, but since the problem is quite severe, drastic measures should be applied.
If the situation starts to stabilise we can always lower the %.

The dumpbox is so far the best way to implement staking fees, since it can directly sink items and cash.

The only problem with this idea right now is GE. Prices of rarely sold items can be easily manipulated, so you could get a ton of AC by just increasing item prices in GE.
We could fix this by only allowing certain items to be deposited (for example GWD armours, spirit shields, 3rd age armours, high-end weapons etc). If we limit this to certain items, we could also just preset the prices, which definitely removes the possibility of abuse.
The full list of the named items can be compiled, if this idea has been approved.

To make it more clear, I'll bring an example:

Player 1 stakes 100M cash with Player 2, who stakes 105M worth of items (GE value).
Let's use a staking fee of 10%.
10M will be credited from Player 1's AC, 10.5M will be credited from Player 2's AC.
If one of them has a lower amount of AC on their account, they can't stake that high.
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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Taxes
« on: July 29, 2016, 06:07:40 am »
We discussed this about 2 months ago and Thomy thought a staking tax of 0.1% (iirc) would suffice. I disagreed and suggested ~5% instead. But as you can see it's not in the game so the idea died out. At this point I don't even think it's a good thing to add anymore. Implementing a tax system only works when people are only staking coins so it would have to be made impossible to stake anything other than coins. Now this means people will dump all of their items in the ge, items that are already not in high demand resulting in a massive item crash.

And money sinks themself will make the prices go down because there will obviously be less cash in the game. Instead of sinking money, regular players should have more ways of getting it.
The following users liked this post: Eliminator

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: SKILL DEVELOPMENT
« on: July 27, 2016, 09:10:20 pm »
I highly dissagree to this, you can get from 1-99 firemakeing in a few hours, no reason to make it easier.

It's also a completely useless skill.

To best honest, there is alot of skills which only serves a very small purpose, wouden't mind seeing the 10% hp buff you could get from firemakeing. Just dont think that it should be easier then it is to lvl it up.
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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: SKILL DEVELOPMENT
« on: July 27, 2016, 03:41:48 pm »
I highly dissagree to this, you can get from 1-99 firemakeing in a few hours, no reason to make it easier.

It's also a completely useless skill.
The following users liked this post: Eliminator

I do know that mini-games are not that popular anymore. Every time a new mini-game is suggested, it gets denied by same people over and over again by saying "we do not have enough players for a new mini-game".
Yes, Emps-World does not have as many players as before. But we do have enough players to keep the mini-games running everyday (thanks to all the hard grinding ironmen out there). We also should not forget that a mini-game is judged by its rewards and let's be honest here... Most of the rewards are a waste of time for normal players.

What we will need is an overall rework of the mini-games (shops included). But that is not all. To promote mini-games even more, there will be a new skill to make sure the mini-games will get the attention they deserve.

I have posted various topics about the changes that I think that need to be done in order to revive the mini-games. This time, I will fuse all the thoughts and ideas I had and post them in this topic while adding the new skill.

Let's start by reworking the mini-games!


I still think reviving the classic mini-game Emps-Wars is the best solution, but this will not happen. This is my suggestion of how to make this game more enjoyable.
In order to win this mini-game, you will need to steal the flags of your enemies. The goal is simple, but so is the current game. Most of the time, all the players run to the enemy base and take the flags one by one. Even though it is a "PvP" based mini-game, there is basically no fighting between players because it is not efficient. People who attack other players often get raged at for being a "troll".

My idea is it to make this mini-game a PvM based mini-game. The goal will be the same, but with new features. Let's talk throug the mini-game step by step.

1. You enter the portal and get placed into a team.
2. You get teleported to your base and can pick-up bandages.
3. You leave the barrier and try to get to the enemy base.
4. You can only use the "normal" way (the underground is blocked for you yet)
5. The castle including all floors and the island will be multi-target areas. The normal land-scape will be a single-target area.
6. In the centre of the map, you will see, that everything is full of barricades. I order to get to the second half of the map, you will need to make your way through. You will be attacked by the rangers and wizards of the enemy team while you make your way through. You see one of the enemy players and you try to attack him. You cannot! Yes, you heard it right. You will be no longer able to attack the enemy players. Once you made your way through the barricades and cross the second bridge, a big wave of warriors will target you. Since this is single-target aready, only one warrior will attack you. But do not worry. There are enough warriors for everyone and they know their business. They will have the same strength as now, but they will be able to ignore your prayers with the same chance as Verac, the defiled.
7. You can use the stepping stones to get to the other half of the map, but you will need an agility level of 85 (active membership) and a warrior will be waiting for you as well.
8. Once you open the doors of the enemy castle and enter their territory, the wizards and rangers will attack you and their attacks will hit all enemies at same time (aoe arrows and spells). You climb up the stairs and see one warrior as well as a new barricade blocking your way to the next floor. The warrior will have somekind of an earthquake attack that stuns players for 5-10 seconds. Using anti-melee pray is highly recommended. The barricade will have 1000 hitpoints and cannot be damaged by the warrior. The next floor will be a by-pass to the top floor where the flag is located at.
9. You take the flag and realize that you start bleeding (1 hitpoint/second). You will try to use the same way where you came from, but you cannot. You can only use the underground this time. You will come across the rocks, but you cannot mine them. Holding a flag results in you not being able to do any other actions, but running. You will not even be able to use the bandages you have in your inventory. But that is why you got your team behind you who can heal you, right? Your team mates will also mine the rocks for you so you can move on. In the centre of the map, there will be couple "Thomy" NPCs waiting for your arrival. A team mate should run ahead and tank the Thomys for you. If you die with the flag, the flag will return to the top floor of the enemy castle. Whether you choose to climb up the ladder or keep using the underground to get back to your base is up to you. The game is won after 5 flags have been stolen and succesfully returned to your base.
10. The amount of tickets you get will be based of how much "damage" you have done to the enemies. Returning the flag gives you 1000 damage. The maximum amount of damage you can get every game is 5000. This equals 50 tickets. Winning the game will give you 25 additonal tickets. Losing the game gives you 10 additional tickets.

The reward shop will be reworked with new prices and items.

Pest Control

This mini-game is played by "farming" the portals for maximum damage. Everyone who does not do that, gets heavily flamed. In order to make this a team based mini-game many things will need to be changed...

1. The Void Knight will no longer be targeted by NPCs. From now on he will lose 1 hitpoint everytime a player dies. Taking food with you is recommended.
2. The goal will be the same as before: Destroy all portals before the void knight dies.
3. NPCs will need a rework of their abilities:
Shifters get a new spawn location (portal) and they ignore prayers.
Spinners will never lose focus -> heal portal till the end (even if you attack them).
Splatters will follow you (no attack move) and lose 1 health every second until they die (they only deal damage to players).
Torchers additionally freeze you (10% chance) for 3 seconds.
Ravagers will be removed from the mini-game.
Defilers will hit faster and more accurate while having less damage
Brawlers will hit less.
4. Only one portal will be "open" at a time. Destroying a portal makes all NPCs stronger and they will spawn faster.
Shifters deal more damage and hit more accurate.
Spinners heal more and have more hp.
Splatters lose health even faster and deal more damage.
Torchers can additionally freeze you for 6/9/12 seconds for every destroyed portal.
Defilers get more accuracy.
Brawlers will have more hp.
5. Destroy all portals to win the game. The amount of tickets you get will be based on the damage you deal. 2500 is the limit resulting in 25 tickets. Damage done on the portal is multiplied by 3. Winning the game gives you 10 bonus tickets. Losing the game gives you 0 bonus tickets. The top 3 players with most damage done get +1, +2, +3 additional tickets.

The reward shop will be reworked with new prices and new items.

Soul Wars

How to get there?
Enter the portal located between Edgeville and Barbarian Village to teleport to the Soul-Wars 'area'.

How to start the mini-game?

Enter the portal (no capes allowed) to randomly get placed into a team (saradomin or zamorak).
Once you have got enough players (atleast 5 in each team), the countdown will begin (30 seconds). After that, all players will spawn inside their graveyard and the game begins.

How to win the game?

The goal is simple. Kill the enemy's boss  known as Avatar of Creation and Avatar of Destruction before they do. You will have 15-20 minutes to do that but that won't as simple as it sounds.

Anyways, at the beginning of the game the boss is invicible. He will have a combat level requirement of 150 to get attacked. To lower his combat level requirement, you need to collect soul fragments which will be dropped by two NPCs (spots marked as orange and green in the screenshot). The weaker npc will drop 1 fragment and the stronger npc will drop 2 fragments.

The area around these npcs will be single-target combat. However, everything else will be multi-target combat and this where the interesting part kicks in.
Once you collect some soul fragments, you need to sacrifice them to the obelisk in the middle of the map. Since this is a war and multi-target area, you can possibly die.
Do not worry, you will not lose any items except all the soul fragments you have collected. These fragments can be picked up by any other player since they appear visible for everyone at the moment you lose them. As soon as you use your fragments on the obilisk, the combat level requirement gets lower by the amount of fragments your team has sacrified.
But that is not everything. The lower the combat level of the boss gets, the weaker he becomes as well. Calculating how much time and fragments are needed compared to your team's damage output is the key to victory.

There will be a scoreboard that shows you the following things:
- team names (saradomin and zamorak)
- combat level of the bosses
- fragments sacrified
- hp of the bosses
- time left

Some of you might have seen the capturable graveyards in the screenshot. They will have a usage as well.
The team that has more soul fragments sacrified captures the graveyard which is close to their base. This means upon death the 'winning' team(based on sacrified soul fragments) will spawn at their 'new' graveyard while the 'losing' team spawns at their base.
As harsh as it might sound for the losing team, there is still hope because they will have a closer way to their supply area, which means they stock up (bandages, explosive potions and barricades) faster and can possibly get back into the game by killing the enemy's attackers.

The Boss:

The strength of both bosses as well as their abilities will be equal. The only difference they will have is their appearance.
The total strength of each boss will depend on two factors: How many people are inside the game and what is their combat level.
Their appearence, as well as their abilities can be discussed here.


The team that kills the boss first wins the game and is granted with 8 zeal points (ZP). The losing team will get only 4 ZP. A draw results in 6 ZP for everyone.
The 3 highest damage dealers to the boss from the winner team will be rewarded with +1, +2, +3 extra tickets.

A reward shop with new items will be added.

New Skill: Mini-Games

Easy and simple. You will get xp while playing mini-games. But there will be more. Many rewards obtained from the mini-games will have lvl requirement. Basically, if you want to wear ava's accumulator, you will additionally need a mini-games level of 50.

A formula of how much experience you get at which mini-game will need to be thought of, but it should be based on the amount of tickets and stardust, tokkuls (and whatever gets added in the future) you get.

A skill based on playing mini-games will force players to play it in order to get their max cape or being able to wear certain items. The mini-games should have a huge collection of items for skillers and normal players.

I am open for suggestions which items could get added to the reward shops.

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Add Clan System?
« on: July 21, 2016, 08:51:43 pm »
You really have to do some explaining when suggesting something

I think the suggestion is about making actual CLAN chats so only people who have joined a clan through the forums/website can join it. It's basically a system that keeps track of clan activity in both in game and on the forums. Idk how to explain it better.

Another, maybe a bit more simpler, could be a clan chat white/blacklisting, so the owner of the clan chat can choose who can join the chat and who cannot.
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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Moderator Finder
« on: July 21, 2016, 11:55:14 am »
Yeah, the idea itself is cool and unique but i have to agree with Reoprter007. There is simply no use for that. In addition it would make moderators' lives miserable when all the noobs start running after them.
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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Moderator Finder
« on: July 21, 2016, 11:53:12 am »
i don't really see this needed. Mods usually come in to play when needed, and then you can see their icons. minimap icon would just feel like unnecesary bragging, which is useless.
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General Discussion / Re: Repair the game. Scared to be unique?
« on: July 21, 2016, 03:17:49 am »
As I have replied to your previous post, old graphics limit game content. I don't understand why people are so drawn to the past. The old graphics will not bring back players, lol. There are many factors that go into why the player count will decrease or increase.
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Introductions & Farewells / Re: Life cut short - Update
« on: July 20, 2016, 02:03:49 am »
I love you man. Genuinely upsetting reading this :(.
You keep on fighting dude, please keep us updated on what's going on.
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