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Messages - Yaz

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 69 70 71 72
Showcase / Re: YouTube Banner Competition - Prize is 75 Million
« on: March 06, 2015, 10:38:22 pm »
I been making professional revamps for so long i had forgotten how fun it was to make these :P
The following users liked this post: Yaz

Screenshots / Re: Having fun in castle wars ^^
« on: March 02, 2015, 03:12:22 pm »
Places 24 barriers
Is reachable by killing 2 barriers

The following users liked this post: Yaz

Goals & Achievements / Re: 99 Hunter & maxed again 8)
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:26:41 am »
Gratz leona  :-*
The following users liked this post: Yaz

Screenshots / Re: Kthxbai
« on: February 28, 2015, 07:06:41 pm »
Thx guys

Gl yaz  ::)
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Update Notes / Updates 26/02/15
« on: February 26, 2015, 07:35:53 am »

I'm updating our server's operating system today. The site will probably be offline the next 5 minutes during this process.
EDIT: Everything's finished. Thanks for your time.

All the best,
The following users liked this post: Yaz

General Discussion / Menu Feedback
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:10:58 pm »
Hey guys,

I'm currently re-designing the menu on our homepage. I've put a live test version online:
Colors aren't final, they are experimental. It's more about the usability of the menu! In the final stage, we plan to add images to every menu item. (Some parts of the menu may not work, but I think you get the idea of how it's going to be like!)

Please let me know what you think of it. :)

All the best,
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Videos / PK Video 10
« on: February 25, 2015, 12:03:36 am »

You can address me as Lord now.
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Goals & Achievements / Welcome back
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:15:04 pm »
I am glad to announce that our former staff member Fate, will be returning as the staff manager of Emps-World.

I am sure that you all have a lot of catching up to do, so i'll leave you to it.
The following users liked this post: Yaz

Introductions & Farewells / Re: Goodbye Folks! :')
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:19:14 am »
Thanks buddies, y'all will be missed :')

Ehm.. Studying for exams, spending time with girlfriend, driving lessons and gym? Seems difficult to perform that in short time. Talking about my own experiences fixing learning debts and spending time with girlfriend is already impossible. However good luck with that :)

Good bye Marek, I didn't really have the opportunity to know why you hated me at first but all I have discovered was that you're a great person.
Me and Shoaib stopped hating you already 2 months ago, nothing personal, just seeing somebody trying so hard like you did was just ridiculous and futile. I was absolutely sure you will never get moderator rank but Martin didn't think in that way. And you performed it well.

Best of luck in real life and farewell.
I've always expected that you have the good side, thanks for showing it.
Yeah because I am the fucking devil right?

Once again, goodluck with the studies and let me know if you need any help when regarding gym as I'm quite experienced and it is rare to find gymnastic legends like me in Emps nowadays <3
The following users liked this post: Yaz

Goals & Achievements / Re: Congratulations to our newest moderator!
« on: February 22, 2015, 01:16:04 pm »
The following users liked this post: Yaz

Introductions & Farewells / Goodbye Folks! :')
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:42:41 pm »
Well, yeah.. buddies.

Unfortunately, I decided to resign from the staff team and quit Emps-world, I had so much fun playing and being a staff member of this great community.
You know guys, as I'm in the age of 17 and in the 11th grade, I started to concentrate on my final exams which is named "Bagruts" - A grading system in Israel - I'm spending my whole time studying in order to pass those hard exams. In addition, I got a lot of responsibilities that I must take care of, one of personal reasons is my Girlfriend, I'm trying my best to spend time with her.
I got some goals and a new way of living, first, I'm doing driving lessons and will be assigning to a test soon, second, I'm going to have certain days in which I will go to GYM and many more.

I'm really going to miss this great game because it was my best childhood online game, let's not forget my friends and mates that I met :')
I'll miss you all dear friends and would like to say sorry for taking this decision, we'll hopefully keep in touch.
For those who hate me, I'd like to tell them to think of an important thing in their life to do rather than spending their time on the internet trying to annoy that person.

I'm going to mention some close-friends, mates and dudes, I apologize for forgetting some of you.

Thomy - Thanks for developing this awesome game, you did the best to this community, I wish you all the best in your life and hopefully you'll make this game more fun :)

Es Dexter/Martin - Thanks for giving me the opportunity of being a staff member, honestly, I appreciate every single thing you did to me even the bad things but I know there was a purpose behind of them, you really gained my respect. Take care of yourself very well dear Martin!

Arc - gonna miss ya duud :(

Mary/Mod Mary - I wish you all the best in your life :)

Icedrags - Marek.. Marek.. Marek.. You are a cool dude, I've really enjoyed chatting with you and we still have fun in Facebook ;)

Yaz - My mate <3 Thanks for giving me items everytime I ask you for :P I ain't gonna say goodbye because I'll visit you again soon :)

Loosenater - You're such a great dude, you know, you proved to me what a real friendship is. I like your personality, keep it that way but don't be sad mate because now you'll remember what I said to you so that time has finally come :') We will have skype calls when I have a free time :) luff ya bro' <3

C4 Nerd - Take care of yourself partna! ;D

Pure Ranged1 - You're awesome Jodi <3

Weed4u2 - Sweg <3

and many others.. (too lazy to write XD)
Ekke, King125, Range 4 mee, Vaughn147523, Ahrim Ghost, Freestuffyay, Simonyoda3, Suryoyo K0, Pr4y3r, Fate, Ralphe10, Armadylchamp, Tgod Bro, Ameer122, Someone12216, Mike, Callmebaby, Porno Swag, Egidini, Joshiee, Rock Gyo, Eliminator, Fireblast12, Ashootsh, P0siner.....

Note: well, as you all noticed, I had my rank also on my other account "Sam".
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Showcase / Signature of the Week (SOTW) Hall of Fame
« on: November 17, 2014, 09:17:59 am »

Hello, Emps-World players, and welcome to the Signature of the Week Hall of Fame!
You can access our official DeviantArt page here:

SOTW #1: Rebirth
Winner: Chris

SOTW #2: Provided Render
Winner: Elite Mossy7

SOTW #3: Mortal Kombat
Winner: Drugs

SOTW #4: Anime Christmas
Winner: Someone12116

SOTW #5: Christmas Freestyle
Winner: Fate

SOTW #6: Valentine's Day
Winner: 1egend

SOTW #7: Freestyle!
Winner: Matrix2

SOTW #8: Grayscale!
Winner: Someone12116

SOTW #9: Vector!
Winner: Matrix2

SOTW #10: Abstract!
Winner: Matrix2

SOTW #11: Supervillains!
Winner: Someone12116

SOTW #12: Space!
Winner: Someone12116

SOTW #13: Elements!
Winner: Weed4u2

SOTW #14: Freestyle!
Winner: Chrissuu

SOTW #15: Vibrant Colours!!
Winner: Drugs!

SOTW #16 - Sonic X!
Winner: Drugs!

SOTW #17 - Hunger Games!
Winner: Matrix2!

SOTW #18 - Star Wars!
Winner: Someone12116!

SOTW #19 - League of Legends!
Winner: Someone12116!

SOTW #21 - Mythology!
Winner: Drugs!

SOTW #22 - Cars!
Winner: Drugs!

SOTW #23 - Vertical!
Winner: Someone12116!

SOTW #24 - Video Games!
Winner: Chris!

SOTW #25 - Undead!
Winner: Drugs!

SOTW #26 - Cosplay!
Winner: Drugs!

SOTW #27 - Aquatic!
Winner: Weed4u2!

SOTW #28 - Nintendo!
Winner: Someone12116!

SOTW #29 - Black and White!
Winner: Someone12116!

SOTW #30 - Good v. Evil!
Winner: Chris!

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Introductions & Farewells / Re: my life
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:31:20 pm »
i like doing drugs
Just to clarify we're not gay or anything
The following users liked this post: Yaz

FAQ and Rules / In-game Rules
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:06:18 am »
In-game Rules and Guidelines

The in-game rules were updated on 18/11/2014 and shall be enforced immediately thereafter.

If any rules are broken, the punishment depends on the severity and repeat offenses:
  • Generally you will first receive a warning, or multiple;
  • Then you may be muted - which means all chatting privileges are revoked;
  • Eventually, you may be temporarily banned, meaning you cannot access the in-game account at all for a brief period of time;
  • Or even permanently banned, meaning you cannot access the in-game account at all.
  • In some cases you may be banned from Emps on all accounts and future accounts.

If you see a user breaking the rules, use the forums function 'Helpdesk' with the appropriate department 'Report a User' and report the rule breaker in further detail, with evidences of the rule break, like a screenshot or a video.

Respectful Conduct
  • Make a habit of two things - help, or at least, don't cause any harm.
  • Please do not type in all caps, as that is generally considered yelling/spamming.
  • Do not spam, this is generally very annoying to other players.
  • Bullying in the game is NOT permitted.
  • Racist, offensive and sexist comments are not permitted.

The Emps-World Staff Team
  • Moderators and administrators of the game are to be respected at all times. Even if they are outside of their jurisdiction, they are still distinguished Emps-World users and disrespect towards them will not be tolerated.
  • If you feel that a moderator is acting inappropriately, do not make posts about it, or attempt to take justice into your own hand. PM one of the appropriate community liaison (Staff Manager preferably) and they will judge on any inappropriate actions.
  • Do not expect an instantaneous response from all the moderators and administrators. Moderating the game is not their entire life and they might be busy with something else. Unspecific requests, questions about merchanting and unrespectful/private questions might not be answered.

Inappropriate activity - If in doubt as to whether something is suitable, contact a moderator or administrator first!

I. Offensive language will not be tolerated and will be punished.
  • While certain words may not be offensive to you, please be considered of the fact that those same words may have a completely different meaning and effect on someone else, or could be used in a harmful or hateful manner.
  • Additionally, words that are primarily used to belittle, humiliate, defame, threaten, cause embarrassment, are sexual, suggestive in nature, vulgar, obscene, graphic, profane, defamatory, abusive, hateful, bigoted, or otherwise offensive, must be avoided on an on-going basis as they are seen to be used in a negative manner.
  • This includes, but is not limited to: Statements, words, usernames that are, or refer to, sexual, drugs, vulgar, obscene, profane, defamatory, abusive, hateful, violent, threatening, or otherwise offensive subject matter.
  • Harassment, or verbal attaches to be belittle, humiliate, defame, threaten, or cause embarrassment to another Emps-World Player, Emps-World, Emps-World Founder, or any of the Emps-World game titles.
  • Flaming or disputing a rude or vulgar way with other players will not be tolerated.
II. Players should not cheat or indulge any dishonest behaviour.
  • This includes, but is not limited to: Use of third party programs or exploit of bugs. Any use of bots or third-party software will be greatly punished.
  • Knowingly exploiting a bug is not tolerated. If by any chance you find mistakes or bugs in the Emps-World gameplay, report them on the appropriate board (Bug Reports).
  • Encouragement of other players into rule breaking is not permitted and both players will receive punishment.

Advertising other websites
  • Advertising other websites are not allowed. No links may be posted.
  • This includes, but is not limited to any non-Emps-World related businesses, organizations, websites, or forums.
  • Advertising third-party websites for Emps-World that are not hosted by Emps-World is not permitted. This includes fanwebsites made by Emps-World players, websites that require your Emps-World username and password to log in.

Regarding Emps-World accounts or goods
  • The Emps-World player accounts are created for their own purpose, and are not to be given to other players use, free or paid.
  • Giving away accounts or asking for an account is not allowed.
  • Sharing or trading an Emps-World account with somebody else (family, friends, anyone else) is not advised!
  • The Emps-World gameplay goods are for inside marketing and benefits.

Impersonating a user/staff member - Impersonating Emps-World users or staff members is not permitted.

Moderator Note: Emps-World staff members can be differentiated from regular players by their game crown, which is different according to their titles (Moderators have silver crowns / Administrators have yellow crowns). They may hide these crowns from players, but will always show it when it is needed for moderating actions.

  • Account, password, bank PIN or trade scamming attempts are not permitted!
  • This includes, but is not limited to: Asking for or providing personal information such as full names, home address, e-mail address, ages, telephone numbers, bank details, personal pictures.
  • Discussing, planning or advocating illegal activity of any kind.
  • Do not share your private information with somebody you meet online, no matter how trustworthy or honest they seem.

Moderator Note: Private information of other members must NOT be released without their permission.

  • Threatening - Threatening, such as banning, is not permitted! This is not limited to just hacking and banning threats.
Moderator Note: The Emps-World staff team is reserving the right to threaten users if needed, without further consequences.

  • Always make sure you prevent getting scammed by checking the trade or stake carefully.
  • Please remember not to enter your login information to a website resembling these forums unless the url begins with or
  • Users may send various scam private messages or game chat messages. These PMs link the receivers to a website closely resembling the forums or Emps-World website, but this website infact logs the information put in so that the owner can steal said members' Emps-World accounts.
  • Do not loan your items to anyone, it always comes with the risk of being scammed.
Moderator Note: If you receive one of these PMs, please take a screenshot of it, and send a link to this screenshot to any available moderator. They will take appropriate action.


Failure to follow the aforementioned rules above may result in your account being banned from Emps-World. In some cases, the ban will be temporary, sometimes in combination with a skill stat reset. Repeat offenders may receive a permanent ban, and some cases may result in a permanent ban immediately.

  • Offensive language - Offensive language, including racist and sexist comments and general offensive language may be punished with a (temporarily) mute on your account.
  • Autoing - Using an automated script, macro, or any type of third-party software in order to generate specific game benefits is forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to autotalking and autoclicking. Anyone suspected for botting will receive a skill reset (if a skill was autoed) and a temporarily or permanent ban if repeat offender.
  • Scamming - We have no tolerance for people who try to take other users' assets with get-rich-quick schemes, promises of rare items, or deceptive exchanges. Running any type of scam, including but not limited to trade scams, gambling, 'fake' merching or stake scams, is strictly prohibited.
  • Hacking - We define it as unauthorized access to another user's account. This includes accessing an account that does not belong to you, or profiting from items taken from a hacked account. Attempts to hack, such as trying to obtain another user's password, will also lead to your account being banned.
    In case of hacking due to voluntarily account sharing of the original user, both users will be punished for account sharing and no items will be returned.
  • Offgame trading - buying or selling Emps-World goods or accounts for non-Emps-World related goods or accounts (or vice versa) is not allowed.
  • Advertising - any attempt to advertise or promote any non-Emps-World content is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent account banishment. This includes, but is not limited to non-Emps-World related businesses, websites or other private servers.
  • Impersonating - Any attempts to act like another player or staff member is not allowed. You can face a temporarily or permanent ban for this.
  • Bug abuse - Using a bug to your own benefit is strictly prohibited. All items, experience or other benefits gained will be deleted and your account will be temporarily or permanently suspended. This includes but is not limited to: glitching, noclipping, duping. You can report bugs at the Bug reports forum board, however if the bug can be exploited do not post it publicly but pm a staff member!
  • Official clan chats (Emps-World) - Only permitted language is english.

Moderator Note: Be aware that if your account is banned, you will no longer be able to access your Emps-World account, items or skills that you worked for, nor are you eligible for any Emps-World 'extra' benefit that you might have purchased on your suspended account.

Circumventing punishments
  • Not heeding, or ignoring, admin/moderator requests or warnings will lead to actions against your account.
  • If deemed necessary by Emps-World staff, community members found responsible for offensive activity or attempts to circumvent the rules may be suspended or their punishment might be extended.

Failure to comply with these rules and guidelines may result in disciplinary action and ultimately the termination of your Emps-World account. Your use of Emps-World is also subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms of Use.

These rules are non exhaustive and it is ultimately up to the staff members to decide.
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