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Messages - Str8att7

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General Discussion / Re: This needs to happen
« on: April 07, 2017, 06:47:29 pm »
Oke so I downloaded some of the ingame files and modeled them into potatoes.
this is what emps would look like:

I know right? much better
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

General Discussion / This needs to happen {UPDATED]
« on: April 07, 2017, 11:20:34 am »
Why can't Thomy just change all models to potatoes, I'm sure this would make emps crowded again
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Suggestions & Ideas / pet suggestion
« on: April 06, 2017, 07:05:34 pm »
How about a camel pet, simple to get but remains the same droprate as other pets.
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Update Notes / Re: Updates April 1st 2017 - Construction
« on: April 02, 2017, 11:07:47 am »
You were complaining about testers having an advantage over everyone else. I personally didn't take part in the testing eventhough I had access to it. The only decision on why I bought some items from the store was due to the fact that the prices differed vastly from the rs ones.

From there we can draw the obvious conclusion of ''special people'' never meaning testers. I thought you would be smarter than that.actually I didnt

All I'm saying is that there should had been an announcement about the prices, or the items should had been wiped from existence. Charr saved ~9,3B cash with 30k marbles alone, excluding the cost of how many dxp scrolls he is going to save. Back when Hunter got released and people trained it to 99 in 3 hours the whole server got an XP reset for it because of en abuse people might had not even used. Charr got a 99 in an hour. Where's the reset now? Hell, why are you both avoiding money sinks you both so much wanted to have in the game? Hypocrisy at its highest right here.

Also why the hell was the XP cap increased to 250M for ''fair competition'' when the skill release right after that is filled with bullshit like this?

the experience rates need reworking...there, i said it!

Even if resources was available, it's ridiculous that someone can achieve 110m xp in 24 hours or even less.
That is tragic in my opinion. Over the years i have had 200m prayer xp and fletching xp and smithing and everything banked.
None of those skills would give me 110m xp in under 24 hours even if i just kept nolifing it.

I have not started to train it yet, but make it harder, slower. Let us get some pleasure of it.
Not get 99 in 1,5 hour. Its a new skill. Why would you spend so much time on making a skill that literally people finishes
in 1,5hour. I just dont see how that will benefit the server for more than 1 day?

Sorry for the criticism, but i mean it.

There's nothing wrong with the XP rates. You can train 99 in less than 24 hours in RS. Since there is no active market in Emps because of the fact that the game is dead, legitimately collecting your supplies (planks) will take nearly as long as 99 in RS. There are multiple skills as fast as construction in Emps.

Herblore is over 1M xp/h after reaching Super attacks (lvl 48), Firemaking is over 1m xp/h after maples (lvl 40), Smithing steel platebodies is over 1m xp/h (lvl 48), Stringing Willow longbows is just a bit off from 1m xp/h (lvl 35). Most of skills at high levels are between 2,5M and 5M xp/h. Double those numbers with unlimited double XP and you'll get 1-99 in all of those skills in one day assuming you have the supplies ready.
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Update Notes / Re: Updates April 1st 2017 - Construction
« on: April 01, 2017, 07:29:46 pm »
Sooooo... Any cool houses yet to show-off? :P

No cuz demotivated by the fact that some ''special'' people were able to train 99 in 1 hour also with a cheap price tag and of course nobody bothered to announce that the price of some supplies was going to increase by 2000%.
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: March 22, 2017, 11:34:56 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: March 22, 2017, 03:42:22 pm »
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Really important suggestion
« on: March 13, 2017, 02:59:30 pm »
Upload all the files (as an archive) with reasonable names: smorc.png, whatever.png, ... and give me a mapping:
:SMorc: => smorc.png
:WhatEver: => whatever.png

The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Feedback / Re: Minigame design
« on: March 10, 2017, 06:33:31 pm »
I also agree to change the flag system back to the boss system
The boss system makes the minigame more gear reliant, that's not something I would want.

Every noob playing this game has an Anger baxe. It's also already gear reliant to get through the ice barraging magers.
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Screenshots / Re: The Glorious Wall
« on: March 10, 2017, 08:18:21 am »
Bigdicks made a wall long ago
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Guides / Re: [Moneymaking] Cockatrices and banshees
« on: February 23, 2017, 06:21:57 pm »
I was waiting you took you so long,

Good guide.
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Feedback / Re: Minigame design
« on: February 21, 2017, 10:44:38 am »
Add bosses to cw and remove flags system ffs.
Bosses would make the game a lot more gear reliant than it already is. It would also slow down the pace of the game. You're also most likely driven by nostalgia. No thanks.

Go to CoD multiplayer -> check players online in each game mode -> see how team deathmatch has 100x more players than capture flag -> realize that people prefer killing shit over capturing shit.

Waving the ''driven by nostalgia'' card in this case is the shittiest possible argument here.
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Suggestions & Ideas / List of idiotic money sinks!
« on: February 20, 2017, 11:11:07 pm »
- Make posting on forums cost 1m per post, 10m per thread and 100k per shoutbox shout
- Make logging in to the game cost 1m per login
- Make starting a PC game cost 1m and a CW game 5m
- Make teleporting to duel arena cost 100m per teleport
- Make talking to bankers cost 2m
- Make bronze degradable and repairable for 500k a piece and make bronze items a component to fix high-level equipment along with another 500k cash per piece
- Make selling items to General Store actually drain your cash stack
-  Make training skills past 20m xp cost 1m per 1m xp
- Make getting a slayer task cost 10m
- Make max cape cost 70k PGB each
- And finally, make kebab the best food in the game and make it only available from a NPC in Al Kharid for 100k gp each
I compiled this quick exaggerated list to let you guys know how stupid some of your moneysink ideas sound to me. You're welcome!

Anyway, most of the ideas have been along the lines of adding staking fees and making more items degrade. The problem with that crap is that the prior only proves how bad the actual content of this game is at keeping players on playing the game instead of staking and the latter only hurts the casual players who most of the time are poor beggars to begin with.

I'm not saying that sinks shouldn't be suggested at all. I'm saying that we should start adding new content along with those sinks. There's no goddamn point in adding sinks to parts of the game that worked perfectly fine in scape without any sinks at all. That's essentially taking things away from us that were once already given to us.

Construction is an excellent example that we should be getting relatively soon. Anyone can train it to 99 for a relatively cheap cost, but you can go so much beyond that by customizing your house and enlarging your e-penis with decorations, potentially the gilded altar, portals and such the more mulah you have.

A great example from RS3 are the boss instances. Instances are your personal boss rooms that allow you to set the number of players who can join you, their minimum combat level and the spawn speed of the boss. These typically cost 200k-1m per hour to use. They give rich high-level players the benefit of getting faster spawn speeds and more kills per hour for a cost of money that is sinked from the game. New players can still go to the regular boss rooms for free with no fear of being crashed by high-levels.

The grave system is also pretty smart in RS3 nowadays. You can either pay a sum of cash depending on how much wealth your items dropped on death are worth or you can choose to pay nothing, risk losing your items and run back to your death location to pick up your items. Here's a short explanation of the system and more can be read on RS wiki:

"Items worth up to 10,000 coins cost 15% to save and have a 60% sacrifice value. Items worth more than 10,000 coins have a decreasing percentage to save ending at 0.5% at an item worth upwards of 10,000,000 coins. All costs are rounded down. The minimum value reclaim can be is 1 coin. Sacrifice is always four times the cost of reclaim's final value.''

Construction, boss instances and the death system if RS3 all have one thing in common: the option of paying for QoL advantages that are in no shape or form mandatory. This is the kind of shit you guys should be suggesting to improve the game instead of trying to force lunatic sinks on everybody, even on those who are struggling with the game as it currently is.
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Emps-World on IOS and Android
« on: February 09, 2017, 12:13:43 pm »
Sounds like a lot of development time for something that Charr wouldn't use at all.
The following users liked this post: Str8att7

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Making staking members only
« on: February 04, 2017, 08:29:00 pm »
How 'bout we just keep thinking about updates to just make the game fucking interesting and rewarding again so there would be something to fuckin do......
Given all the content suggestions/feedback topics I've made, this point stands about as much as someone in a wheelchair.

How many stakers actually quit after getting cleaned and how many move out to play Emps for PvM/PKing after making a bank. None and none. Why is this? Because they actually enjoy staking more than they enjoy anything in the game. Why is this? Because everything is boring as fucking fuck, not worth doing or possibly even both. Adding a staking tax or making staking members only will just make stakers enjoy the single thing they like about this game even less.

I highly doubt new players will give a single fuck if there are stakers in the game, they just want a great new player experience. I as a sort of a veteran player no longer give a fuck about people staking. I and many other players have become inactive or straight up quit the game because there is absolutely nothing to do. Sure thomy will get a few extra bucks if staking was members' only but it wouldn't grow the game at all.

We should just let people stake items again. There even less demand for items after that stupid change was made. It actually hurt the economy for regular players to do that.
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