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Messages - Charr

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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: June 08, 2017, 02:59:48 pm »
The following users liked this post: Charr

Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: June 06, 2017, 07:38:40 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: June 04, 2017, 11:31:56 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: May 31, 2017, 03:25:39 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: May 30, 2017, 11:39:09 pm »
Some people around here
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: May 30, 2017, 08:39:35 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: May 29, 2017, 09:08:07 pm »
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Videos / Re: How to kill jad
« on: May 28, 2017, 04:14:37 pm »
First 24 seconds are how to kill ket-zek. I feel scammed.
first 24 seconds are pre-heating the oven
Pre-heating the oven is a scam to get you to use more electricity. Wake up sheeple.

The following users liked this post: Charr

''Oh no, I need to work for this stuff'' -Emps plebs 2k17

Here we see how the discussion has escalated from the arguments of the combat based game being more enjoyable to the tickets once again. If you guys enjoyed the minigame, you would have absolutely no problem playing it for a bit longer than before. Here we see what I have been trying to tell you from the beginning: we simply do not have enough players to keep the minigames actively running all the time consistently. Increasing the tickets rates will only decrease the time an average player spends playing the game, and then we will once again end up with a dead minigame.
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: May 28, 2017, 01:04:26 pm »
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Screenshots / Re: Emps-World Meme Center
« on: May 19, 2017, 01:06:08 pm »
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General Discussion / Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« on: May 18, 2017, 08:17:13 pm »
I personally never liked the gambling aspect of the game. People get addicted and frustrated, that's also the cause for all this toxicity. It's not healthy for the players nor the game.

Clearly the 1M limit hasn't worked due to the number of middleman scams, unfortunately the stakers haven't figured out that we don't actually want them staking, atleast I don't. I wouldn't mind removing the limit, but other changes should be applied.

I'll just throw some random thoughts and ideas about the problems etc.

First it's the accessibility: compared to Scape a majority of players are affiliated to the arena, which wasn't the case previously. The sad part is that even new members are dragged there with the delusion of getting fast cash.
The easiest solution for this is a total level requirement. This also limits the throwaway staking accounts in game, since most of them don't bother levelling at all. Atleast this way they would actually have to contribute to the game at some point. Membership requirement could also be a thing.
This will be really controversial though, since these people don't care about skilling or levelling. We could potentially lose players, I'm not sure if Thomy is willing to take the risk.

Cash only stakes: this is actually something I really like. It has made the job much easier for staff members (I won't get into detail on this one, but reverting would be plainly stupid). Also it has given us stable prices. They might be low, but atleast they're stable.
If it was to be removed, yes there's a possibility that some of the items skyrocket, but we don't really have such collector-like stakers right now. Let's say it does happen though, it wouldn't take long until that person is cleaned and the items are dumped again. We've been there, huge price crashes, really unstable and fluctuating prices. The gamble isn't worth it.
Also you're forgetting the fact about how overflowed we are with items, cash is not the problem. We need item sinks for that, not some potential stakers who might be interested in buying in bulk if the limit is removed.

If cash overflow gets problematic, we just apply a temporary staking tax. Since most of the cash is moving around that it would be the most effective sink. Considering how popular the place is, it doesn't even have to be a high tax. But as I said, since item overflow is far worse than cash overflow, we have to deal with the items, not the cash.

As far as the toxicity is concerned, harsher and more effective punishments will do. Also restrictions (total level, membership) will reduce the number of accounts people can stake with, so it will improve. Temporary staking restrictions (+mute/ban) could also be a thing.

TLDR: remove 1M limit, don't enable item stakes, item sinks (to improve economy), add temporary staking tax if cash is overflowing, harsher punishments for toxicity.

In my opinion the optimal yet risky solution would be a complete removal of arena (even non-stake duelling). Focus will shift to pking. Scams would take place at first, but hopefully stakers have enough wit to stop.
Risk would come from stakers quitting entirely.
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General Discussion / Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« on: May 18, 2017, 07:48:11 pm »

The initial reason for the limit was because the behavior of stakers was downright terrible and they're still displaying that same behavior. If anything the arena should be closed.

Assuming that will make them behave any less retarded. Ban them, mute them, that's what rule breakers deserve. Why limit what people can do in-game because of a few rotten cunts? Toxicity isn't exclusive to duel arena. With your logic PKing should had been removed back in scape.
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General Discussion / Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« on: May 18, 2017, 05:39:16 pm »
Eventho I do believe that at some point duel arena should be removed or at least keep a limit over there for things,
however since I am not a staker my self, I can't actually have a word on the 10mil limit if its fine or high / low only stakers can give their opinions on this, however who got scammed during this time is 100% deserved as if they're dumb enough to trust and couldn't control their stakes then it is well deserved.

when it comes to changing it from only being ably to stake cash to both items + cash then I have as an Emps-world player to disagree on this, we had stable prices for a good few months already a change like this might make prices go crazy high then a day later crash so hard
we've seen what happened when the richest dude ing a year ago, aka Helari lost his items to some random players what happened to prices

like 40% of the economy back then went from 1 player to another that believed selling his items for cheap price to get some extra cash was a good idea which resulted on a huge price crash and a lot of drama, each time a staker buys a lot of items the price goes up by like 100%, however when he loses it to another staker the price of the items drops to half of what it used to be.

the whole idea behind limiting the stake to cash only instead both of items and cash was to have a stable prices and when we achieved that goal, you're asking us to change it back ? :/
The following users liked this post: Charr

Feedback / Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« on: May 17, 2017, 06:19:32 am »
New list of broadcasting triggers:
  • Level 99 in a skill.
  • Level 99 in all skills.
  • 50M experience steps in a skill: 50M, 100M, 150M, 200M and 250M.
  • Drops from a monster exceeding a Grand Exchange price of 5M.
  • Untradeable drops that have a rarity of <= 1%. This is for rare collectibles.
  • Players completing the tutorial. Acts as a welcome message.
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