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Messages - Apolo771

Pages: 1
Resolved Bug Reports / Re: my bolts dissapear
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:44:52 pm »
lol... dammit u are rigth

i equiped it ... and i was thinking it dissapear... sorry about that... u can close this topic or erase... dammit i so sorry my misstake i undertand when i read it XD

Resolved Bug Reports / Re: my bolts dissapear
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:42:55 pm »
i store the whole week tho get tha bars i needed for all tips i had...  u cans ee all my addy bars are sufficient for all diamond and ruby tips... same rune withh al my dragonstone tips... same with mithril... but all them dissapear..

im not going to lie obout mith... if ill did will be about any better item... any expensive or something like that....

i just dont want lose all the work i did

Resolved Bug Reports / my bolts dissapear
« on: January 29, 2016, 10:39:23 pm »
well the whole week i store many mith bars, adamant bars and rune bars to lvl smithing making bolts at wekkend with double xp
and lvlup fltching with that bolts

i take like 2 and half hours to smith 2008 mith bars into mith bolts... was 20.080 bolts
then i had 60k feathers and put them on bolts.... and all fine... 20k bolts with feathers...
then i was going to put emeralds tips int those bolts... and while i fletch 6.255 bolts with emeralds tips all others 13.825 bolts dissapear and i couldnt fletch any more... so i lose to win that xp and lose all our i spend making that bars.... and no all ammo i want to..

im going to make bolts addy with my bars i store too 2068 bars for this wekkend... but i hope dont miss them too

i hope can see that bug... idk if was because i was clicking too fast to finish all that amount quikly... but is not fear... i hope can refund it to me...i hope dont make another topic same cause with my next addy bars..

im going to try put a picture of all i have to continue... i dont have a previusly image because i dont know that is going to happend...

i hope my english dont be too bad to understand me... i speak spanish...

Pages: 1