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Messages - Gazda Skills

Pages: 1
Off-Topic / Re: Emps-World Interaction Missing
« on: May 28, 2017, 10:02:30 am »
Thanks. I'm unable to access a Mac in the coming days, but I've uploaded a patch that should fix the issue. Can you let me know if it's working fine now? :)
The Patch Worked, Thanks again Thomy :)

Off-Topic / Emps-World Interaction Missing
« on: May 28, 2017, 04:51:07 am »
Hi, I'm making post once again because this is the second time its happened and yes I have deleted the client and re-downloaded it, didn't fix anything, so here it.
Every time I load up Emps-World the client loads up fine, I sign in, then once I sign in everything appears right, but nothing is right, to interact with the bank you have to right click and then is suggested options such as "Bank Banker" "Talk to Banker" "Exam Banker" same thing with any other player or NPC, but when I try to right click onto a Player to trade or to follow or even right click on a Mob to attack or exam nothing pops up other then "Walk here" or "Cancel" Im on a Macbook, so if this issue can get resolved asap that'll be great, thanks.

In game name: Gazda Skills

Help me! / Re: Empt-World Client Problems
« on: May 20, 2017, 02:26:06 am »
Has something to do with dpi scaling. Can you restart the game and let me know if it's still bugged? I've applied an update that should fix it.
Thomy you legend, all is fixed now <3

Help me! / Emps-World Client Problems
« on: May 19, 2017, 12:12:38 pm »
Hi, Every time I load up Emps-World the client loads up fine, I sign in, then once I sign in everything appears right, but nothing is right, to interact with the bank you have to right click and then is suggested options such as "Bank Banker" "Talk to Banker" "Exam Banker" same thing with any other player or NPC, but when I try to right click onto a Player to trade or to follow or even right click on a Mob to attack or exam nothing pops up other then "Walk here" or "Cancel" Im on a Macbook, so if this issue can get resolved asap that'll be great, thanks.

In game name: Gazda Skills

Resolved Bug Reports / Recover Account, Skill Level Bug
« on: December 06, 2015, 11:46:05 pm »
Hi hows it going, I was told by Mod Mary to post in the forums here about my account, Back before Emps-Scape was shut down I got my mining level to 95, Smithing Level to 85, Firemaking to 99, Woodcutting to 90, Fletching to 85 and Cooking to 90 Okay.

When I recently got back on Emps-world I was told I can recover my Account which I did and I had only 99 Fishing which I've always had and all my other stats were Dropped Down, can anyone help me in a way that I can get my Stats back up because I spent a lot of time into my Skills, thankyou.

-Gazda Skills

Pages: 1