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Messages - Tom

Pages: 1
Feedback / Re: Absolutely hate it..
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:53:13 pm »
They lost players because the game did not keep up with what the younger players wanted, and the older players grew old and quit (bot nuke day also exposed a lot of 'fake' players). Imo not because of the graphical changes, I absolutely love the sweet new graphics.

Trying to satisfy old players so they stick around for longer than 5 years (already insanely long for one single game) is a dead end.

I guess your right, this new generation of Runescape players will only want more graphics, etc. It's a dead end to try and argue my points..

I've really missed you Mary, good to see you sticking around and are an admin, that's great!

Feedback / Absolutely hate it..
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:42:42 pm »
For many years I played Empsscape. For many years I enjoyed not seeing one graphic update and for it to be an original oldschool server. For what it's worth, you have recreated Runescape's biggest mistake, that was it's continuous updates on their graphics. Players quit do to it. They lost over 100k active players within a month and it was all over what they wanted and not what the community wanted.

I can not emphasize on how big of a mistake it was to change Empsscape. It was an amazing game and it was extremely unique.

R.I.P Empsscape 08-11.

Pages: 1