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Messages - Jassojite

Pages: 1
Off-Topic / Re: Lets count to 10,000
« on: August 28, 2016, 07:56:10 pm »

Help me! / Re: Hi I'm new and I got a question
« on: August 28, 2016, 05:21:17 pm »
There is a difference between giving out the private information of another player and your own private information. Ofcourse you are free to give your own private information.
The reason why this tag contest is on facebook is because by giving out rewards we are able to reach your friends who are maybe interested in playing our game. You can always adjust your facebook privacy settings so other people from the emps facebook cannot view your profile. Although your profile picture is always visible to anyone on facebook so i guess you have to change that to something different that doesn't show you when you want to keep that private.

Thanks for youre nice answer I will look to change my facebook setting  ;D

Help me! / Hi I'm new and I got a question
« on: August 28, 2016, 05:02:32 pm »
So yes I'm kinda new and today I've decided to follow the emps-world page on facebook but I got a little problem.

I saw there was event on facebook for winning EP points that ask us to comment our game account with our real facebook account. The problem is that I'm very very very ugly Irl and I don't want to receive harrasment from others players about how ugly I am. Is there any other way to participate to these events without using our in real life information (facebook) the reason why I got this question is because today I saw that an account was banned for saying the Irl name of another player in Emps-world clan chat.
Like this facebook contest break the rules by itself because it makes us giving our Irl name and just humen told me that it was illegal to give it ING. But everyone could know my name with that contest and see how ugly i am.

Thanks you for reading this and I would really like that someone could comment on this post to explain me why we can get banned for saying player in real life name. Thanks  ;D

Pages: 1