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Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:24:12 pm »
Hi there. I don't really play this game anymore but I check on it from time to time and to my surprise I saw a lot of old players/friends coming back to the game recently. So yeah if you're one of them please tell us about your early days/memories in/of this game.

I guess I'll go first.

I created my first account in 2008 or 2009. I can't quite remember the exact year but oh well. One of my friends, Saraboy, recommended the game and I really liked it. Varrock times=best times. Training at abyssal demons and selling their loot to the general store was mad gains back then. After a few weeks or so some of my other friends joined as well and we decided to create range pures. That's when I created Ho0omer. We all had similar names and we had a blast pking.

Couple of months passed, some friends left some stayed. Made new friends, trained my main to like max melee. One day this girl, Anna Kaboom, drops a shit load of items in varrock bank. I picked up 1k super strength potions which went for like 2-3m each back then.

Couple more months passed. Wanted to try out main pking so I started out small with full veracs and a zgs. Zgs/ags had the old darklight special attack animation back then which was cool af. Went pretty well, got qutie good at pking but decided I needed veng. So I basically invented the bursting/barraging Turoths method which was best mage xp in the game back then. After that I really started to pk a lot with both veracs and dh, basically the only 2 pking methods back then. Got really addicted to pking, was like the only thing I did. Xxxxxxxxxx, Saraboy, Gabi and I were probably the best pkers back then. Had lots of fun.

Eventually rewards got added to emps wars shop. Grinded the fuck out of it. Got enough tickets, 89 I believe, to buy an item. Decided to buy a dragon full helm which was like mega rare before it got added to the shop. Should have saved them for void... Sold the helm for like 500m or so which wasn't a lot of money back then. Think I made my first donation during this time too. Bought black wings which sold for like 2.2b. Grinded more castle wars to get void. At this time a lot of people bought sara swords and went to the wildy to 1 item. I decided to take advantage of this. Pretty much no one back then knew that the bgs special drained your targets prayer to 0. Think I pked like 5-10 sara swords which sold for 500-1.5b each. CXouple of years passed where nothing interesting happened really. I pked a shitload of dh sets.

Eventually the home town was changed to falador cuz too many players I guess. Didn't really like it but oh well.

Much time passed again. All I did was pk. Made a shitload of money. Was probably one of the richests in game but never really cared.

Last memory I have of the 'old' game was probably the fun I had playing clan wars. This wasn't too long ago. Probably during the final year of emps-scape, but it was so much fun. Pretty much me and a team of 10 friends vs open cc's like thomys fighting in east falador. Still don't understand why it got removed.

So ye please share your memories :)
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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2017, 11:30:21 pm »
You forgot the story of you going full crazy on firemaking when it first got added to the game :_:

King125: minimum wage in estonia 2.5€ wtf
King125: 25€ for 10h work day :D :D :D
King125: i could make more sucking emps scape dick
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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2017, 11:38:58 pm »
You forgot the story of you going full crazy on firemaking when it first got added to the game :_:
I probably forgot much more ;p

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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2017, 11:45:51 pm »
good old days!  :'( :'(

brought back so many good memories! thanks for that  :)
Doge Airlines
The Three Musketeers

Do what you gotta do so you can do what you wanna do
Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days,
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.

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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2017, 11:47:50 pm »
I actually started playing Emps-Scape when I was around 11 years old, on my first account "Dandan11" lol. I rarely played on this account, it was the first time I ever played anything like RuneScape and I was completely clueless. Used to spend all day fletching (u) bows and selling them to the general store thinking I was making bank.

I lived in Cyprus at the time along side Joshiee and a few other friends who also played Emps-Scape. Josh was mod at the time I believe and he was absolutely addicted to Emps. It was one of these other friends who actually owned the account CJkinsey6 originally. I believe he quit shortly after I started and gave his account to me in like 2010 and it's been mine ever since then. The first person I ever spoke to on this account was Adam (Deandam7) - me and him have remained good friends ever since.

Wasn't long before I was totally addicted to Emps. One of my favourite money making methods back in the day was camping cockatrices and collecting Jangerberries to sell to Helari (Hell Skyline) which weirdly enough turned into us becoming damn good friends.

I was first promoted by Safe Up Kid and Sergiu Boy, yeaaars ago now. Probably in like 2012 and I've been dipping in and out of the staff team ever since then :D. Made alot of my closest friends from being a moderator and it's genuinely been a pleasure every single day.

One of the fondest memories I have of Lars actually is when you decided you were too rich, you had like 400m over max cash and decided you didn't want it lmfao. You gave me it and paid for me to get 99 herblore and prayer which were super expensive at the time. Which resulted in myself and Safe Up Kid racing to 99 prayer - which I lost :( One of the nicest gestures anyone has done for me actually :P

I've seen a hell of a lot of people come and go from Emps in my time here, but honestly it's amazing that I've found friends that live thousands of miles away, that I would never have met otherwise and it's without a doubt one of the reasons I've stuck around for the 7/8 years I've been here.

I honestly have so many memories from Emps, barely even scratched the surface :P
Emps-World Player Moderator Since July 14, 2016
Emps-World Game Moderator Since August 4, 2016
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Kill the boy and let the man be born.

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Offline Charr

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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2017, 12:04:39 am »
2009. In elementary school we had certain "phases" for what everyone would do. We had a "runescape phase" and not too long after we had a small "emps scape" phase. This is when I made my first account, I got absolutely nothing done on it, made a bit of money from drop parties, lost it at KBD because I didn't know what was there. People in class would soon all quit the game, but I kept playing at home.

My second account started out as a pure at first because I was interested in pking. I figured out I could get money by safespotting blue dragons at what is now rimmington dungeon. It got moved from the ladder near moss giants to rimmington crater, this took me a whole week to figure out and was generally very frustrating. When I passed my old account and finally got a skill in the 90s (strength, duhh) I decided to level up defence too and become a zerker and then a barrows pure and then a main. Without having done any pking at all, great job.

Third account is when I became somewhat competent (yeah it took a while). I started out my 3rd account as a pure again, but I picked up something I'd never again put down; merching. I figured out that I could make money by buying and selling things, and that meant I would no longer have to kill hundreds of dragons for dragon items (which i sold to the gen store btw). At one point I knew most of the prices by head. Not that I was a great merchant but I made money, which I then lost to scams and dying and getting lured to wyverns. I got my first 99 (strength, duhh), which was on my pure, i also got 94 magic for veng which was fucking huge because runes were expensive as shit. I actually did some pking with the account and was called a safer all over, but at least i didn't die and i actually killed one guy. I then turned the account into a zerker as I would and then later into a barrows pure and then later I got it to proper 99 in all melee stats. I even got to the point where I wasn't really that noob anymore. I remember buying a bunch of tassies before the gwd update and making b0nk off it, was lovely. I still use this account to this day, though it's got a terrible name (as all my old accounts do) and it's not even maxed.

Scape honestly doesn't come with very many fond memories for me, I didn't really make any friends aside from one person. I gave no shits about the community of the game. This all really changed when I went server hopping in the years between scape and world.

In 2015 I found an email in the inbox of an old email adress of mine. This probably was the fondest emps related memory I had.

It reminded me there was once a server without people threatening to ddos the server every tuesday. A server without people that donated for amounts of money that could never realisticly be obtained by any non-donating player. One with a forum that actually had people posting on it (despite me not being one of them in scape).

World is what I've legitimately enjoyed and what I will keep enjoying.
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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2017, 12:14:54 am »
I guess the most important memories and stories I have about emps involve the players I’ve met and the friends I have made through the years. It’s weird how I’ve never met any of you in real life, but it feels like I have.
As you said the Varrock times were dope. Just like you I was also killing abby demons and selling those weird ass looking mauls to the store for some great money. Doing emps-wars rounds for that void set and teaming up for the Jad minigame was great. But for some reason I never got into combat skills and ended up making myself a skiller. Which turned out to be a great decision because at one point I was the only maxed cb 3 skiller in the game(Thanks Cjkinsey6 for quitting and funding my 99 smithing/crafting). Being a maxed skiller was a big deal for me. Probably even bigger deal than being promoted to a moderator rank. Which is also a funny story, because George came to the shoutbox saying that he was about to promote some new moderators. Obviously I logged in to catch him yelling out the names and hoping it was someone that I knew. Turned out that coming to the shoutbox was his way of baiting me to log in - and it worked perfectly. His reaction was: “well that was easy.”

But as I said in the beginning, the game achievements or features aren’t those things that matter  the most for me. Most important memories involve the friends I have made in this game. I will never forget those endless physics discussions in the shoutbox involving Irfox and Graham. Tbh I didn’t even understand most of it because of my english skills but I read it all through and they never failed to amaze me. I will never forget those long days and countless of hours we spent in wilderness agility arena with Karel who I still consider to be the very best friend I have made in this game. We’ve been through alot if you can say that about an online game. Dan and I just a few days ago talked about how long we’ve been friends and how long we’ve been around emps and it’s just bonkers, you’re such a great guy! And of course many of my dearest friends have already quit the game like Micko (Prayer Boobs), Rosan (Rosannn), Tim (Lord Fire), Sergiu (Sergiu Boy) and even Ala (Kluke) until he really disappointed me with his Kyle shit. Which I probably took a bit too personally. Had you all in my MSN (rest in peace) and it was my pleasure to get to know you all!

King125: minimum wage in estonia 2.5€ wtf
King125: 25€ for 10h work day :D :D :D
King125: i could make more sucking emps scape dick
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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2017, 12:47:49 am »
Created my first acc back in 2010 to play along with my brother. when we came home from school all we did is killing dagannoths back then to sell bones. my account back then was just a melee based acc (99 str att deff hp). hated ranged n mage back then cus i was poor af.

 after a lil while i decided to create a skiller called "dd fan" only 99 i ever got on there was firemaking (got 99 fletching later on world thnx vix).

months passed n the lil pleb i was kept doing my shit + getting lured 3 times for rare whips. mostly killed KQ and KBD around this time with 2 of my friends called "casualpanda"and "master aa". my sister also joined and this is when i first actually started training range because me both made a pure. later turned out to be a range tank and rn its abit of a weird acc,

came back to world when i saw hell skyline post a video about it. went to get 99 ranged and mage first, later went for more 99's and maxed corne506 in august 2015. also around Christmas this year 10 dragon santas were given out to 10 random players (5 remaining on this day), charr used to be a admin or mod back then n he won one, flamed him for it n got warned. then i flamed him again resulting in a 3 day mute, switched accounts and started flaming again. this routine got followed a few times so ye (i get triggered when someone else wins n i dont ok)

this was the start for something new, my friend (tomtim1) created his ironman called ironman tim n i found it really cool to also create one. played quite alot on the acc but losts intrest after about 8 months. recently completely cleaned the account and its gone for goods now

from there on i just did all kind of stuff, create alot of useless accounts which i dont play anymore apart from my actual pure (pislink).

when in july 2016 ironmanmode was released i got hyped. created a new acc instantly and actually remember racing for rank 1 overall against (iron votka) and (jp). went on holiday 2 days after it got released so was quite far behind when i came back. started grinding it again and as of this day im the rank 5 overall. joined bigdicks and became friends with most of the clan members. (also created a pure ironman called "smorcingson" but never rly touched the account after around 1 month)

On this day i mostly play my ironman which currently has about 117 levels left till its maxed. also do some things on my main here n there and recently went back to my pure because i just love pking n dieing in edge. I believe my friends called (blal0ownz) and ( red killer) both got me into pking cus we always used to fight in al kharid safewild

(edit: i've Always been shit at flipping cus i Always managed to lose money buying and selling shit) for example i'd buy zgs back then for 25m n sold it for 20m
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 09:38:08 am by Iron Corne »
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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2017, 01:07:00 am »
(edit: i've Always been shit at flipping cus i Always managed to lose money buying and selling shit) for example i'd buy zgs back then for 25m n sold it for 20m
Kek, Corne the reverse flipper
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:14:54 am by Charr »
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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2017, 01:18:52 am »
my sister
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

King125: minimum wage in estonia 2.5€ wtf
King125: 25€ for 10h work day :D :D :D
King125: i could make more sucking emps scape dick
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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2017, 12:08:51 pm »
Created acc in 2008 if im right. I was too young to realise shit in game but played anyway. Made money by killing blue dragons and kbd sometimes with friends. I actually died to blue dragon and lost my whip lol. Training was hard af so was far from max melee stats (acc name: kotka373, acc still there just dont rememb pw). I was bored one day and started to search shit about emps scape and found emps world(late 2014). Got my second acc aka dabaus max melee in couble months or so and started bossing with friends. Eventually those friends quit the game and i started pking. I did melee pk/high risk pk for sometime. Left edgeville and went deepwild(when it was active). Teamed up later with some people (subzero, xduck, proopure before owner of acc changed and some other people). We were fucking kings of the wild xD. I quitted for a good while and team members didint come along anymore so rip. Started deepwild pking with superkettu1 then and still mates with him. At one day i was solo pking at deepwild and ran into lars. (I was fanboy of ty 4 u santa). Almost dropped him for max couble times and he did same on me. We became mates a bit later. Games been dead since then.

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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2017, 01:29:33 pm »
Created my first account back when we still had ucoz forums up (about to be closed) and barb was home. Idk when that was, probably 2009 or 2010. My first account got perm banned for offensive language which turned me into this salty retard that I still am. Then I made Someone12116 which was supposed to be a range pure but I was a poor kunt who couldn't afford PKing so I made it a main acc instead. Made my bank far casting bosses and merching. I never got a fucking ZGS from Kolodion :batman:

Back when I played actively it was with my IRL friends and brother. Never really enjoyed playing Emps alone.
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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2017, 01:58:04 pm »
I think the first time I came around these parts was... 2009 or 2010, maybe earlier idk, can't remember
"You know nothing, Jon Snow."

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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2017, 05:49:19 pm »
i remember the good old days... it was when trade limit was added in runescape, so i think around 2007-2008. you might think i'm bullshitting, because no one really knew me back then, because i was really lowkey, and i barely spoke English back then, so i didn't even post in forums. i remember that back at that time i didn't knew what duel arena was and that you could win money there, so all my wealth was absolutely from pvming. i wasn't a really rich player, just an average. wish it could be like that now, that i wouldn't know what staking is...

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Re: Was just wondering how long you've been playing
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2017, 07:07:44 pm »
I was always the kind of guy to check moparlist and try tens of moparscape servers a day, but never commited to any.
I think around 2010 someone on 1.6 said to join emps-scape and he'd be giving out free wings/blades, he never did but that was my first log-in.

I'm not sure what made me stay, because 1.6 back then had pretty close knit communities in kz/dm/surf/pub.

heres some pics its old thread
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