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« on: March 04, 2016, 12:12:18 pm »
To be honest I've never made a video like this before cuz I had no idea how to. I asked one group of people (CS:GO group) to help me find out what should I work on. But they just rebuked me and didn't said anything what should I work on. Typical Lithuanians...

So I'm asking You. What should I improve in this video?

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Re: Help?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2016, 12:20:43 pm »
Maybe remove the clips of you killing bots, doesn't look very impressive

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Re: Help?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2016, 12:38:28 pm »
I swear those were not bots. Those were players with bot nick names I freaking swear >:(

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Re: Help?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2016, 01:48:24 pm »
If you really want me to be honest, watching those clips I can tell that you're pretty low ranked.

That's not to bash you or anything but people don't want to see clips like this because there are plenty of globals doing 1v5s or 5 man spraydowns that kind of stuff.

The editing is decent tho

EDIT: What can you do better?
Ask globals for clips

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Re: Help?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2016, 02:43:22 pm »
If you really want me to be honest, watching those clips I can tell that you're pretty low ranked.

That's not to bash you or anything but people don't want to see clips like this because there are plenty of globals doing 1v5s or 5 man spraydowns that kind of stuff.

The editing is decent tho

EDIT: What can you do better?
Ask globals for clips

Thank You :)

Offline Magecrune

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Re: Help?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2016, 09:03:41 pm »
Firstly, please no hand-guided campaths. In general you shouldn't add that many unnecessary cams. There's no reason to add every single angle for a certain action. To prove my point, I'll point out that the there was an intro which was 100% campaths and lasted over a minute. Also campaths themselves need a lot of work.

The effect @0:29 and @1:50 doesn't go with the overall theme of the edit. Makes no sense there.
The expanding crosshair does not suit for movie-making. I personally despise it in the game as well.
The blurriness @1:22 shouldn't be there. Also in action it became quite choppy, but I'm not sure if it's the demo or error while editing. May be both.
The transition @2:09 just no thanks..
Also you messed up with colour correction at the beginning (both the stairs campath and the one in a site)

I'm not aware which kind of hardware you're running and if it's able to render better quality clips, but the picture quality certainly needs improvement.

My recommendation would be that you should start out with shorter clips (maybe a frag or two). Mess around with different effects, transitions etc. Also put some effort into creating campaths - they are really important. Try different angles, but keep their usage to minimal. Attempt to connect the campaths to the frags, so they would make an unity. It all should look as a flow.

Certainly look up some guides (especially on campaths), there's many on the internet.
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Re: Help?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2016, 09:39:19 pm »
1) If you're gonna add a text over video make sure it's decent, not bold white text
2) best part of the video was when you ran in overpass with slow-mo and there was that shadder effect over the whole scene. Maybe you should have taken that same effect and used that throughout the whole video. Not spam it in every clip maybe like 2-3 times and that's it. It was neat.
3) Quite alot of empty space in the video, you running around the map which wasnt synced with music (could have slow moded some parts and added that same shadder) imo.
4) that perspective of enemy getting headshotted from spectator angle was also neat, maybe sync those into music because we all know that syncing every frag is pain in the ass.

tldr: I like the fact that they are your clips and not made on bots or taken from internet, imo if you want to improve in csgo you have to enjoy your best moments to motivate yourself. But if those moments are taken out of context (no hype because we don't know the impact of those frags) you have to somehow edit it to become visually appealing to everyone else. To make the whole video even more visually appearing maybe just try to add in some cool edits on dead space.

Im not editing expert or anything, maybe some people who have edited shit like that can agree with me on some aspects. But generally I think that's what the video was lacking.

Also the changes I suggested were improvements to already existing clips, like maybe more sync here maybe more slow mo/shadder effects there.
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Re: Help?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2016, 09:47:21 pm »
Firstly, please no hand-guided campaths. In general you shouldn't add that many unnecessary cams. There's no reason to add every single angle for a certain action. To prove my point, I'll point out that the there was an intro which was 100% campaths and lasted over a minute. Also campaths themselves need a lot of work.

The effect @0:29 and @1:50 doesn't go with the overall theme of the edit. Makes no sense there.
The expanding crosshair does not suit for movie-making. I personally despise it in the game as well.
The blurriness @1:22 shouldn't be there. Also in action it became quite choppy, but I'm not sure if it's the demo or error while editing. May be both.
The transition @2:09 just no thanks..
Also you messed up with colour correction at the beginning (both the stairs campath and the one in a site)

I'm not aware which kind of hardware you're running and if it's able to render better quality clips, but the picture quality certainly needs improvement.

My recommendation would be that you should start out with shorter clips (maybe a frag or two). Mess around with different effects, transitions etc. Also put some effort into creating campaths - they are really important. Try different angles, but keep their usage to minimal. Attempt to connect the campaths to the frags, so they would make an unity. It all should look as a flow.

Certainly look up some guides (especially on campaths), there's many on the internet.
1) If you're gonna add a text over video make sure it's decent, not bold white text
2) best part of the video was when you ran in overpass with slow-mo and there was that shadder effect over the whole scene. Maybe you should have taken that same effect and used that throughout the whole video. Not spam it in every clip maybe like 2-3 times and that's it. It was neat.
3) Quite alot of empty space in the video, you running around the map which wasnt synced with music (could have slow moded some parts and added that same shadder) imo.
4) that perspective of enemy getting headshotted from spectator angle was also neat, maybe sync those into music because we all know that syncing every frag is pain in the ass.

tldr: I like the fact that they are your clips and not made on bots or taken from internet, imo if you want to improve in csgo you have to enjoy your best moments to motivate yourself. But if those moments are taken out of context (no hype because we don't know the impact of those frags) you have to somehow edit it to become visually appealing to everyone else. To make the whole video even more visually appearing maybe just try to add in some cool edits on dead space.

Im not editing expert or anything, maybe some people who have edited shit like that can agree with me on some aspects. But generally I think that's what the video was lacking.

Also the changes I suggested were improvements to already existing clips, like maybe more sync here maybe more slow mo/shadder effects there.

Thank You for explaining me my gaps. Where I need to improve my skills and etc. Btw it was my first attempt. I'll do my best next time :)
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