When you don't have 400 players online like we used to be, you can't be very strict about everything, these things go in parallel.
I disagree, rules should be enforced the same regardless of playercount. I understand you shouldn't push away players by giving them harsh punishments, but that should not be the case for repeat offenders.
You always try to change everything around you, but just remember what got you and everyone else playing, it was the way everything is, not how you see it should be.
The problem with that is I know more than I did when I started playing. I'm no longer completely unaware of things beyond surface level. My perspective of the game changed and my opinion of it alongside that.
Your personal hate against me is brought out very well here, as i'm the only person whose name you mentioned in the Entire topic. FYI i never wanted you to dislike me, quite the opposite actually, i enjoyed being around you and wanted to get along with you, i even agreed to fulfill some of your demands/suggestions which i hoped would satisfy you but your personality and radical solutions made it impossible to work with you.
There is definitely a personal bias against you. I've worked with you for around two years, there are certain things that developed that. I'm human, developing a negative bias against a superior that you rarely see doing much of anything is pretty normal. That's not to say I think you're never doing anything, transparency is the issue and I've tried to bring that up numerous times.
Given that anyone in the team is your responsibility I didn't feel the need to call them out specifically.
Even if you believe and know that everything you suggested back then and now is right and best for everyone, that's not the way your going to get things changed.
I have bad ideas, plenty of them. That never stopped me from trying, and it worked numerous times. Good or bad, I have brought about change.
You keep coming back to staff as one of the reasons why Emps has gone downhill, it's just not possible that someone would choose a game based on their staff team?
You're absolutely right, people don't join based on a staff team. The staff team definitely has a hand in people choosing to leave the game however. Toxicity alone can have devastating effects on a community. It's not the staff members themselves, it's the effect the way the staff team is run has on the game.
Thank you for responding. I'm very well aware you didn't have to. I think it's a shame you didn't touch on transparency. If you write another response I hope you touch on it or state a reason why it's not possible.
I said this to For Freedom when he asked me for advice on becoming a mod and thought that becoming friends with Charr would help and now I'm saying it to you and anyone else who might ever want to befriend Charr. The way to Charr's heart is by telling him that's he's wrong. Charr loves criticism, he'll never admit that he's wrong but he does want to know when he is and he'll appreciate it if you can prove to him why he's wrong.
Honestly this is pretty spot on. That last part is something I feel I missed beyond my first 5 months in the staff team. It's likely why certain things got out of hand.
First of all Charr, if you wanna leave. Go leave.
Will do, but as always I have things to say. Letting go takes time. I promise I won't fake my death and start a new account roleplaying as my friend.
You are so obsessed with what you want, that you think you are an ambassador for the rest of the game and what they want.
I don't represent anyone other than myself. I get that you may view me this way though.
I believe the cause is those motivational videos you posted.
The staff team was way worse, and way more corrupt back then, than it is now. (Dream Team)
Corruption has been the back bone of this game until recently.
It has been, large scale power abuse and dupes happened pretty often in scape from what I've heard. The way the current team is set up does definitely reduce that. However I don't think replacing power abuse and dupes with unenforced rules and turning a blind eye to rwt is acceptable. It's better, but it's not good enough.
Wonder why you were in the staff skype group for pretty much half of 2015 given that you say you've done so much bad shit. That's kinda weird.