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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2018, 08:25:40 pm »
in conclusion, either do something bold about the current situation or just shut down emps world overall and stop wasting everyone's time.
Do you think Thomy is obligated to keep the server up? He doesn't owe you or anyone else anything so stop acting as if you're doing the world a favor by playing a game.

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2018, 10:24:57 pm »
You have mentioned the economy is in shambles, but what exactly are you trying to say? I cannot identify real issues with the game's economy. I state my point on data we have collected over the past year and charts everybody is able to view on the homepage.

My goal of optimizing the game's economy is to keep prices stable as well as the creation of supply and demand. We have a large collection of data for all trades on the Grand Exchange, let me show a few examples:
What all these plots have in common is that they have a pretty stable price. Yes, whips have increased in price since last year, but we've also introduced crystals to upgrade them. Meaning that these items don't lose their value and that they are in demand. You can argue that a smaller playerbase makes it more difficult to buy and sell items. Yes, I do agree and that's why I'm spending most of my time on advertising the game right now.
I can understand where you're coming from for the most part. The main issue is that a lot of players feel it's impossible to buy or sell things right now. Those graphs you're referring to don't give us the data on how many of something is being sold/bought. We can only make rough estimates by the distance between dots.

Some post here feel like frustration and hatred for the game. I've tried to argue and discuss such aspects, but from my experience this leads nowhere but even more frustration for both sides. Hence I will ignore such posts as well as possibly censor them and issue punishments if it's against the rules. I will take feedback and complaints seriously as long as they aim at helping the game and are not hypocritical.
If you've made statements about how and why the staff team is the way it is I'd very much like to see them. At least, if my criticism of the staff team is what you're referring to in this part. I think having your playerbase informed about certain things is very important, discussing them openly would at the very least keep people out of the dark in regards to these things. If that's not possible we should get a reason why it isn't.
If anybody is interested and doesn't already know about it, that's my personal development board:
The board contains progress and notes about upcoming updates and a backlog of things that are planned or have been discussed and could or will be put into the game.
Where are the updates that invest into the game's community rather than just adding more content?

Recruit people who have an outstanding record for editing wiki pages, writing guides or at least always helping out with the emps world chat for, at the very least, a few months.
We wouldn't have a staff team if standards were that high. This isn't practical.

A point that wasn't mentioned is that this rsps needs a drastic change. a few months back there was this hot discussion about adding an old school emps world server into the game and it ended with Thomy brushing off the project as being too risky.
Sorry, but it's kind of stupid you think this makes a difference. It doesn't change the direction of the game and it divides the already small community.

or just shut down emps world overall and stop wasting everyone's time.
You had a decent post going. Had.

Do you think Thomy is obligated to keep the server up? He doesn't owe you or anyone else anything so stop acting as if you're doing the world a favor by playing a game.
Thank you, voice of reason.
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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2018, 10:50:53 pm »
You have mentioned the economy is in shambles [...]
I can understand where you're coming from for the most part. The main issue is that a lot of players feel it's impossible to buy or sell things right now. Those graphs you're referring to don't give us the data on how many of something is being sold/bought. We can only make rough estimates by the distance between dots.
More importantly they don't give an idea of how many people want to sell their items but can't find a buyer or how many people are looking to make money by gathering items but can't notice any kind of demand in the market that's not being met.
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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2018, 11:21:22 pm »
hi char i am big nibba why u play autismus rs3 xDDD

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #34 on: June 14, 2018, 09:59:30 am »
Honestly too many things are wrong to say anything without being hypocritical to something else.

When you don't have 400 players online like we used to be, you can't be very strict about everything, these things go in parallel. In fact, at any given moment, the punishments have never been as strict and enforced as you'd like them to be, the only strict person was George, who made a big deal out of everything which caused conflicts with everyone and everything. Even so, that doesn't mean everything is slipped past our minds and we don't deal with people to be punished in order to make the game as fair as possible.

You always try to change everything around you, but just remember what got you and everyone else playing, it was the way everything is, not how you see it should be. Your personal hate against me is brought out very well here, as i'm the only person whose name you mentioned in the Entire topic. FYI i never wanted you to dislike me, quite the opposite actually, i enjoyed being around you and wanted to get along with you, i even agreed to fulfill some of your demands/suggestions which i hoped would satisfy you but your personality and radical solutions made it impossible to work with you. Even if you believe and know that everything you suggested back then and now is right and best for everyone, that's not the way your going to get things changed.

Coming back to the rule enforcement, Emps was NEVER as strict as you want it to be, it may seem to you like everything was much stricter and more enforced, but just know that if you have 400 players online, it's much more likely that people will break more rules and do more RWT and get caught doing it. Due to high amount of rule breaks, a lot of cases stood out and it seemed like everything was under control, while in reality the same % of people get away with their against the rules activities that did throughout the whole game's existence.

You keep coming back to staff as one of the reasons why Emps has gone downhill, it's just not possible that someone would choose a game based on their staff team? You dare to say that Ameer, Ralphe, Zudikas and so on would play the game like they did 5 years ago if things were the way you want them to be? They're over this game, they will never play it like they did again. I mean i get it if mods and admins were rude and very unhelpful etc, then that would make someone leave, but that is not what we have.

Everyone has broken rules in this thread, i'm just shaking my head and wondering why is everyone so damn hypocritical? Who are you/we to judge whose mistakes have been bigger? Or should we judge each other at all and call out shit what everyone has done?

In the end it's opinion against opinion, you can't really prove that anything you suggest would bring a better change is correct or truthful, you're just assuming things based on where you see flaws.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 07:11:16 pm by Martin »

It's our decisions that define us

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Offline S Clegane

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #35 on: June 14, 2018, 11:49:18 am »
Charr is always Charr. You can't take anything from him.

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2018, 12:11:58 pm »
Coming back to the rule enforcement, Emps was NEVER as strict as you want it to be, it may seem to you like everything was much strict and more enforced, but just know that if you have 400 players online, it's more more likely that people will break more rules and do more RWT and get caught doing it. Due to high amount of rule breaks, a lot of cases stood out and it seemed like everything was under control, while in reality the same % of people get away with their against the rules activities that did throughout the whole game's existence.

Nah that's just plainly false.

Offline S Clegane

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2018, 01:50:50 pm »
Coming back to the rule enforcement, Emps was NEVER as strict as you want it to be, it may seem to you like everything was much strict and more enforced, but just know that if you have 400 players online, it's more more likely that people will break more rules and do more RWT and get caught doing it. Due to high amount of rule breaks, a lot of cases stood out and it seemed like everything was under control, while in reality the same % of people get away with their against the rules activities that did throughout the whole game's existence.

Nah that's just plainly false.
Any arguments why?

Offline Nedaz

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2018, 02:04:17 pm »
Coming back to the rule enforcement, Emps was NEVER as strict as you want it to be, it may seem to you like everything was much strict and more enforced, but just know that if you have 400 players online, it's more more likely that people will break more rules and do more RWT and get caught doing it. Due to high amount of rule breaks, a lot of cases stood out and it seemed like everything was under control, while in reality the same % of people get away with their against the rules activities that did throughout the whole game's existence.

Nah that's just plainly false.
Any arguments why?

Offline Tulrak

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2018, 03:05:22 pm »
You always try to change everything around you, but just remember what got you and everyone else playing, it was the way everything is, not how you see it should be. Your personal hate against me is brought out very well here, as i'm the only person whose name you mentioned in the Entire topic. FYI i never wanted you to dislike me, quite the opposite actually, i enjoyed being around you and wanted to get along with you, i even agreed to fulfill some of your demands/suggestions which i hoped would satisfy you but your personality and radical solutions made it impossible to work with you.
I said this to For Freedom when he asked me for advice on becoming a mod and thought that becoming friends with Charr would help and now I'm saying it to you and anyone else who might ever want to befriend Charr. The way to Charr's heart is by telling him that he's wrong. Charr loves criticism, he'll never admit that he's wrong but he does want to know when he is and he'll appreciate it if you can prove to him why he's wrong.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 02:53:28 am by Tulrak »
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Offline Someone12116

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2018, 03:58:34 pm »
Coming back to the rule enforcement, Emps was NEVER as strict as you want it to be, it may seem to you like everything was much strict and more enforced, but just know that if you have 400 players online, it's more more likely that people will break more rules and do more RWT and get caught doing it. Due to high amount of rule breaks, a lot of cases stood out and it seemed like everything was under control, while in reality the same % of people get away with their against the rules activities that did throughout the whole game's existence.

Nah that's just plainly false.
Any arguments why?

Both of use should be banned, most of the people still hanging around shoutbox should be banned, most of the staff team should be banned.

Back in scape it was a hard perm ban for pretty much everything. My very first account got banned for flaming some guy at KBD in scape. A perm ban for offensive language, that's unheard of nowadays cuz RWT and mod abuse gets you a pat on the back.

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2018, 04:13:52 pm »
I'm not going to make any statements specifically targeted towards anyone but a lot of stuff here doesn't provide any context and some parts are half true and some half false, some probably 100% true and some definitely exaggerated.
I'm not going to say anything either towards stuff I do not have personal experience with (pre-ironman mode release). I will however clarify two things here.
Main reason I do not want to say anything is because of this:
Some post here feel like frustration and hatred for the game. I've tried to argue and discuss such aspects, but from my experience this leads nowhere but even more frustration for both sides.
Plus the fact that a lot of the times arguments are just opinion versus another opinion and in the ends leads nowhere except more frustration.

Emps never was strict, that's 100% true from Martin. As someone who was part of "dream" team back in Scape times the punishments are pretty much the same and they're actually followed now.
Dream team everyone seems to be attached to mainly consisted people of ages 10 - 14. Yes, Scape was lead by a bunch of kids during its prime time. Main reason why literally everything was permanent ban is because mutes and bans didn't work half the time and permanent ban was usable any time of the day by anyone. That's also the reason why it's only available for a very few people now. You could also think what happens when you give powers to a kid who suddenly has the right to lock out someone's account...
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 04:17:05 pm by Jp »

Offline Avenus

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2018, 05:49:39 pm »
Wow, this discussion right here. Has to be the one where i am most relevant in my entire 10 year career in this game.

First of all Charr, if you wanna leave. Go leave. The way you see things is;

You are so obsessed with what you want, that you think you are an ambassador for the rest of the game and what they want.
But now you are getting too much attention from me here so i will move on.

TLDR; This game died when Avenus first got banned in 2015, was a down hill ever from there, i predicted it then - reality now </3

If you could just imagine, how many times. No actually, lets say years. Imagine how many years i have been banned in this game on different accounts, no matter what purpose(Only a handful of people that are still here would know). And still, i am not here crying about someone being strict. You have 2 people that would create a saga of vendetta versus you if you annoyed them in Emps history. But other than those 2 i really cant say anyone has been strict. You may wonder who these people are. For those of you that have played for half a decade or longer, you know. Even after all the shit i have done and all the drama i have created, i have always been unbanned. And i know there is a lot of suckysucky kids out there that are still banned and crying about it. But i am the prime example no matter what. In my record there is probably 300 UUID bans, 50+ active banned accounts, 300 ++ new forum accounts made for pure hell to piss of a woman on her period. All this hazzle i made, and still i am not perma banned. I dont even understand it myself.

All of you qq'ing to Thomy right now, is doing it because of a personal feud. It's not about the game. If i were in same situation as you 2, i would have done the exact same thing. Or actually, i already have been in the situation, thousands of times. That's how stupid brains work.

The staff team was way worse, and way more corrupt back then, than it is now. (Dream Team)
Corruption has been the back bone of this game until recently. I could tell you all some funny stories about me and Mod Mai back in scape. But you guys are not old enough to hear this story. I will save it for later. But just out of what i can see. This team, is the one that has the least potential of being corrupt in my eyes. Dont know any of the mods(probably the reason - dont get involved with me), and i am glad i dont. Keep on rocking.

My english gets worse for every day passing by, i am aware. Do not need to hear it.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 05:51:11 pm by Avenus »

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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #43 on: June 14, 2018, 08:11:28 pm »
When you don't have 400 players online like we used to be, you can't be very strict about everything, these things go in parallel.
I disagree, rules should be enforced the same regardless of playercount. I understand you shouldn't push away players by giving them harsh punishments, but that should not be the case for repeat offenders.

You always try to change everything around you, but just remember what got you and everyone else playing, it was the way everything is, not how you see it should be.
The problem with that is I know more than I did when I started playing. I'm no longer completely unaware of things beyond surface level. My perspective of the game changed and my opinion of it alongside that.

Your personal hate against me is brought out very well here, as i'm the only person whose name you mentioned in the Entire topic. FYI i never wanted you to dislike me, quite the opposite actually, i enjoyed being around you and wanted to get along with you, i even agreed to fulfill some of your demands/suggestions which i hoped would satisfy you but your personality and radical solutions made it impossible to work with you.
There is definitely a personal bias against you. I've worked with you for around two years, there are certain things that developed that. I'm human, developing a negative bias against a superior that you rarely see doing much of anything is pretty normal. That's not to say I think you're never doing anything, transparency is the issue and I've tried to bring that up numerous times.

Given that anyone in the team is your responsibility I didn't feel the need to call them out specifically.

Even if you believe and know that everything you suggested back then and now is right and best for everyone, that's not the way your going to get things changed.
I have bad ideas, plenty of them. That never stopped me from trying, and it worked numerous times. Good or bad, I have brought about change.

You keep coming back to staff as one of the reasons why Emps has gone downhill, it's just not possible that someone would choose a game based on their staff team?
You're absolutely right, people don't join based on a staff team. The staff team definitely has a hand in people choosing to leave the game however. Toxicity alone can have devastating effects on a community. It's not the staff members themselves, it's the effect the way the staff team is run has on the game.

Thank you for responding. I'm very well aware you didn't have to. I think it's a shame you didn't touch on transparency. If you write another response I hope you touch on it or state a reason why it's not possible.

I said this to For Freedom when he asked me for advice on becoming a mod and thought that becoming friends with Charr would help and now I'm saying it to you and anyone else who might ever want to befriend Charr. The way to Charr's heart is by telling him that's he's wrong. Charr loves criticism, he'll never admit that he's wrong but he does want to know when he is and he'll appreciate it if you can prove to him why he's wrong.
Honestly this is pretty spot on. That last part is something I feel I missed beyond my first 5 months in the staff team. It's likely why certain things got out of hand.

First of all Charr, if you wanna leave. Go leave.
Will do, but as always I have things to say. Letting go takes time. I promise I won't fake my death and start a new account roleplaying as my friend.

You are so obsessed with what you want, that you think you are an ambassador for the rest of the game and what they want.
I don't represent anyone other than myself. I get that you may view me this way though.

I believe the cause is those motivational videos you posted.

The staff team was way worse, and way more corrupt back then, than it is now. (Dream Team)
Corruption has been the back bone of this game until recently.
It has been, large scale power abuse and dupes happened pretty often in scape from what I've heard. The way the current team is set up does definitely reduce that. However I don't think replacing power abuse and dupes with unenforced rules and turning a blind eye to rwt is acceptable. It's better, but it's not good enough.

Wonder why you were in the staff skype group for pretty much half of 2015 given that you say you've done so much bad shit. That's kinda weird.


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Re: Why I no longer play
« Reply #44 on: June 14, 2018, 09:13:53 pm »

Will do, but as always I have things to say. Letting go takes time. I promise I won't fake my death and start a new account roleplaying as my friend.

I dont know of anyone that has ever done that in this game, but it sounds fucked up.

It has been, large scale power abuse and dupes happened pretty often in scape from what I've heard. The way the current team is set up does definitely reduce that. However I don't think replacing power abuse and dupes with unenforced rules and turning a blind eye to rwt is acceptable. It's better, but it's not good enough.

RWT has been happening for as long as you have played this game, even longer. The story i said i had for lure about Mod Mai has still not boiled up for me to tell. But i can tell you that rwt in 2008 was at a high level and that it was more relevant back then vs now. Later on George had to ban and reset accounts and call them dupers to even up the economy. Poor Roy Jones...

But, i am really glad you started this discussion, cause we all got to grind and learn everyday. Maybe those in charge with some power can face themselves in the mirror and take a deep breath and think about how they can improve to help the game improve.

Wonder why you were in the staff skype group for pretty much half of 2015 given that you say you've done so much bad shit. That's kinda weird.

I still wonder why i am still allowed to enter this game given what i have done. But here i am, we can't have a answer for everything. Thank you for replying in a respectful manner though.
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