Emps-World Forum

Emps-World => Help me! => Topic started by: Skelon on January 09, 2020, 03:13:07 pm

Title: Quick one
Post by: Skelon on January 09, 2020, 03:13:07 pm
Was at frost dragons last night and after about half an hour I couldn't click anything in game, prayer, walk, inventory, etc. Almost died trying to figure it out I had to just close down the client and restart it and it was working so managed to get away, but it was a close one, anyone any idea what could have caused this?
Title: Re: Quick one
Post by: Jp on January 09, 2020, 04:27:25 pm
Sounds like a brief connection lost tbh I don't think there's much you nor Thomy can do since connectivity issues are pretty much out of either control.
If you're using wi-fi consider changing to wired connection.