Emps-World > Guides

How to fix forum.

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--- Quote from: Thomy on May 06, 2017, 06:25:19 am ---Is the Discord window really such a big issue? If so, I'll create a button to hide it.

--- End quote ---

Every change is a big issue.

The button would be nice as long as Discord stays hidden and the width of the shoutbox goes back to 100%.
People were already hiding Discord before I even saw it, so fixing the width is the more important part.

Shoutbox width was changed from 70% of original to 75% meaning that the old shoutbox width fix increases its width too much, if you followed the guide before May 15th, 2017 then the shoutbox wouldn't line up perfectly with the rest of the forum anymore. Basically if the shoutbox looks like this then you're good and don't have to worry about this update but if it goes off the screen like this then you need to redo the last step in the guide and replace the old code with the new one (the only difference is that you now divide by 0.75 instead of 0.7, so don't skip it simply because it looks similar, most of it is the same, but if the shoutbox goes off the screen then this is where the problem is).

Change: Added a fix for huge avatars.

P.S. Don't mind the triple-post, I wanted to bump the thread due to changes.

Actually that 'fix' is now obsolete. Avatars wouldn't resize because of a php module missing after a webserver update. Should be fine now. ;)


--- Quote from: Thomy on December 11, 2017, 08:13:38 am ---Actually that 'fix' is now obsolete. Avatars wouldn't resize because of a php module missing after a webserver update. Should be fine now. ;)

--- End quote ---

I figured that it was a bug that would be fixed, but patience is overrated. I'll remove it from the guide now, thanks for proper fix.


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